Wait... could Druid be next?

as much as i wish it was true druids are gonna end up being last due to all the work it will take. mostlikely pallys then shammy and finally druid

Very much seems they will be over time like at pre patch it was Mages, Priest and Rouges, 10.0.7 Monks next up is Warlocks in 10.1.5

Naga druid…I’m waiting


Maybe even simpler if we introduce strange models such as a Titanforged mount for new paladins, Primalist totems for new shamans, and mutating into some vague genderless demon for new Demon Hunters. :thinking:

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They’re going to cut and paste Druid forms and you’re going to like it :angry:

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Meh I don’t care as long as I can play Vulpera Druid tbh might actually consider maining Druid if I can play a Vulpera :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Horse? No.

I want Horde horrors.

I hope not because I really want to see:

Panda - Ox (guardian), Tiger (feral), Crane (travel), Wind serpent-humanoid hybrid (balance), wind serpent (flying), turtle (swimming).

Dark Iron Dwarves could be really fun but I doubt Blizzard would be that creative.

Guardian - Core Hound
Feral - Dark Hound
Boomkin - Some sort of fiery bird-humonoid form.
Swimming - Fire Turtle
Ground - Blaze Hound
Flying - Shalewing

Man now I want to roll a DID Hunter.

You know you’ll get a void horse.


Pretty much this.

Except for the Zandalari, all druid forms are standardized with just a few things changed on the models to make them more race based (Worgen models are more wolf like, Highmountain have antlers, etc)

So making druids would be easier than expect. Hell, the Orcs would just use the Shamans wolf form model for their travel form, and maybe a greenish Worgen Feral form for cat. The rest would just be borrowed assets.

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Not sure if they will get these forms but I think they could get amazing druid forms. I will make one for sure if the forms are very nice.

Druids will most likely be last due to creating the various animal forms.

My money is on Shaman next, and then Paladin.


Actually came across this earlier an Artist made some concepts for Vulpera Druid forms


Tbh not surprised by it Vulpera Druids do seem to be a pretty popular request.


A boar with more spikes then any current spikey boar! And wearing a wolf headed cap because orcs love wolves!

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It could word very well with the DF expansion.


no, druids need custom models for each race. Not happening, cost too much. Giving warlocks to everyone is free

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Throwing Light glitter on an already existing mount is almost free, which is why I think they’ll be next.

Yuh think this is something people don’t realise lol most Druid forms are mostly the same with a bit of racial flavour added in and well Travel forms could easily recycle pre-existing mounts :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Paladins aren’t that simple the Paladin mount is a lot more then just “sparkles” like the Lightforged Dranei Paladin mount as far as I can tell is a completely unique Talbuk model with their Race mount being an Elekk

Firstly, ew.

Second, I’d guess Druids will probably be rolled out two at a time just because of the work involved in creating the forms.

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WTB Gnome druids who are robots that change shape like transformers.

Robokitten, Robocub, Robocheetah, Robo-owlette, Roboseal.

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