I always liked the one with the shoe
homie came rested for max results and still missed. didn’t level up his shoe throwing ability, classic mistake
Makes the dream a reality with a snap of his fingers
Not gonna lie, i laughed my rear end off when that happened IRL
I was actually in the service when this happened. lol. I’m old! I was actually just promoted to Corporal. Fun times!
had another dream about going to purchase ice cream. could choose from butterfinger ice cream, some nestle ice cream cookie flavored ice cream, reeses ice cream and crunch ice cream.
also had a dream about railroads, staying at inns and other stuff.
have you played monopoly recently?
no i havent.
If you pass go you get $200
If you go to jail you are forced to eat pizza with pineapple on it and have a roommate from US congress.
The first is ok the second is np . I had some doozy when i was in military
All I am going to say is that I was finished basic and pre-deployment stuff just as the Iraq invasion started. The feeling as if we were liberators didn’t last long.
I’ve always liked the cookies and cream ice cream.
Why choose one flavor and choose them all!
Maybe you want to takes a trip.on a train somewhere?
Was you staying at the goldshire inn?
Maybe you ment to reply to Bread?
no it wasnt goldshire inn.
i had a somewhat different dream now involving a sleepover with uhm…someone. let’s see the joker was there at a restaurant trolling the lets say not so nice restaurant owner. alexstrasza and the dragons were in it somehow.
it was the animated series joker.
The riddler was the cashier and MR freeze was the cook i bet .
MR Freeze was making icecream for Bread and Breads lady friend