There are no bathrooms in WoW, we’re all homeless murdering robbing hobos so we all earned the right to poop wherever we want.
There are a few outhouses here and there.
We even get to use one in Northrend. At least Alliance side.
There are no bathrooms in a any of the major Horde and Alliance cities.
Where did our leaders go to the bathroom and everyone else?
Does Dalaran have a bathroom or the sewers were just for show?
Anduin has a bathroom in the castle that only he knows about behind a hidden door.
That’s what I assume, anyway.
Since draenei are aliens we might not use the bathroom.
Every one that below flying mount better worry and more so when dragons fly over .
comments like this are not cool and borderlining
Valdrakken is covered in dragon poop. I wonder who the poor soul is who got stuck with the job cleaning it up.
If you feel something wet on your skin in day light I can promise you it’s not rain!
Those dragons that Alexstrazsa enslaved but totally didn’t realize she was enslaving.
Some day I’ll have TL3 and be a happy clowny
This, be it noted, was the true cause of the rebellion.
Should I drink this entire bottle of $8 rosé?
took nap had dream about these fiery dogs following me while i ran away.
Did you get away?
I’m happy to have mine back so now I can post random gifs.
I hate those sort of dreams where I get chased by something
that gif of bush dancing kills me every time I see it