WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 10)

Continuing the discussion from WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 9) - #5107 by Breadisfunny-turalyon.

Previous discussions:

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hi. I’m here :slight_smile:


Part 10 baby, we did it!


the superior thread. guess kozarkes thread the more popular one.

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Being that this is the superior thread, I shall post the superior FF7 teammate:

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no this is tifa the superior teammate.

Actually in Rebirth neither were my most useful party member.

This man was an absolute beast.

Sees another part 10 and is confused


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Is finding pebbles


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Is taking a bath and explodes

what kind of pebbles.

The ones you find at the beach.

sounds neat.

I dumped it out. all of it.

Im so tired. Spouse has norovirus and had to take them to the emergency room. Been here allllll night :sleeping: both so sleepy but doing ok now. Can’t wait to go home. :sob::sob::sob::sob:

It’s gonna be a heavy coffee day soon.

Maybe. I probably gonna get this virus.

Will be standing up doing mythics. Fastest clears ever lol

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Good morning, Wagglers.

Seems I missed the thread changeover again. :slight_smile:

Happy Tuesday and be excellent to each other.

:coffee: :coffee: :coffee: