Continuing the discussion from WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7) - #5052 by Cyndilou-whisperwind.
Previous discussions:
Continuing the discussion from WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7) - #5052 by Cyndilou-whisperwind.
Previous discussions:
“And We Did It!!! Part 8!!!”
“And the first one!!!”
congrats cyndilou on getting the last post.
i was hoping all night you would get it and it happened.
And it all begins again
the first and last post.
“I was doubtful, but hopeful.”
my willpower can be cause things to happen.
unless its hearing totems voice. /runs away crying.
I thought a person made the new thread, it’s a bot???
Sweet, part 8.
My Rogue Trader playthrough continues. I have recruited the space marine Ulfar. He is absolutely wonderful.
“Yes, Sir System is a bot.”
Blizz is botting!!!
“Only Sir System. It’s programed to create a new thread, when ever one hits post level cap.”
“Sir System is immune.”
“You leave poor Sir System alone. He did us a favor.”
“Don’t be such a meanie.”
i am a meanie beanie fofeanie.