Vulpera racism is getting VERY old

I understood that reference.

*Jumps to the left. *

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steps to the right (4 times)

*Puts his hands on his hips and brings his knees in tight. *

*Brow wiggle. *

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Hip-checks the forsaken.


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Now we have two things in common! Fine taste in entertainment and mutual love of cannibalism… er I mean breakfast food.

We went ahead and mana bombed Stormwind since Reix was dragging their feet. Unfortunately for them, this victory will be credited to goblins.

We evacuated civilians based on a lottery system which I think we can all agree is pretty fair when it comes to rampant and meaningless death.

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I’m not even mad, honestly.

I’m still kinda bitter we lost the Park and only got it replaced by that gaudy empty tomb complex in Legion. (Also reminder that it took Blizzard UNTIL LEGION to fully fix up the city from Deathwing’s attack)

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Yeah!! Who won the lottery? I DID! Smell that air! Can’t you just drink it like BOOZE?!


I think this is one of the reasons I’m never impressed by starting an expansion pack off with destroying a city.

It’d be one thing if it were getting replaced or evolving as part of the story, but it almost always means we’re getting something worse.


Deathwing attacks Ogrimmar = New Iron Facelift in a few weeks
Stormwind = Staring at that shattered clocktower for over five years. But Varian has “Look at me” Statue Money!


Sounds like the Defias were right after all. That’s the monarchy for you.


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

What the… I mean… what the… ?

So there’s no more Pig N Whistle tavern?

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It will never not blow me away how people could look at how Blizzard cobbled together an entire questline for Horde players who were Sylvanas Loyalists just because they asked for it and still not believe the factions are treated unequally.

I know a lot of people will say “but that questline sucked!” and that may be true, but it’s the fact that an entire company chose to stop and listen to a small section of the playerbase and give them content to appease them just because they didn’t want some Horde players to feel left out.

And me and my Alliance characters are just looking at the years and years of fist-pump moments we never got and actually got threatened to stop bringing up (not everyone remembers, but there was a CM who did basically nothing except scream at Alliance players for saying they were unhappy).

I seriously wonder if it’s just some kind of long term mental health issue at this point.


continuing the IC response

Considering that not only did I do more to put the mentioned individual and his followers in the dirt than the Alliance ever did, during a civil war, while being attacked by the Alliance, I will just write your response of as standard elven arrogance and refusal to look at the facts provided since the Alliance only showed up to attack to fill it’s own ego because they apparently cant go for Orgrimmar, the center of power for their tormentors, and because it should be expected from a faction who prides itself on having a king that is a gleeful monument to Genocide named Trollbane.

I’m sure some have forgotten or weren’t playing and don’t know how it used to be? but the divisive and obvious unequal way the factions were treated for years (including by the company that created them) was a legitimate and very public thing and as an Alliance player? I haven’t forgotten.

I think I posted it once on here but I distinctly remember taking my daughters and a couple of their friends to a ren faire years and years ago. We stopped at a leatherworker and the guy had all sorts of cool items and I quickly noticed some had the Horde logo. Excited, I asked about Alliance gear and he looked at me like I was on a crack.

“No one actually plays Alliance man. No one actually admits to it anyway.”

I told him we all play Alliance (my daughters used to play).

He looked at me and shrugged. Said he had nothing with the Alliance logo on it and asked if I wanted to see anything else. I said no and he walked away to help someone else. My daughters both looked at me, one told him Horde sucks anyway and then she dragged me out of the booth.

I bought them a bunch of stuff at the pixie clothing place, but what a foul moment.


…well. I am not saying he was in the right. But… um. Depending on what he was selling… I uh… would have probably bought some Horde swag back in the day.

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Blizzard cultivated the wrong kind of competition between Alliance and Horde players, and they did so from … Burning Crusade till Shadowlands. Does anyone remember the adds where people who played opposite factions were generally spiteful to each other, like leaving somebody standing in the rain, or refusing to give up a train seat to them? Just generally bastard things to do because of a video game?

Its gonna take time to dig that out and start fresh. I’m sorry the kids had to deal with that, and they made the right choice taking you away. I’ve made both Horde and Alliance themed jewellery back when I was practicing the trade and I found folks to be split about 50/50 in either loving both factions or being absurdly fixated on only one and ragging on the other like it had kicked their dog and [REDACTED] their mother.


I absolutely blame Blizz for it. I remember the cons when team blue were literally assaulted, both verbally and physically. Blizz phoned in their attempts at pacifying things but they were half-hearted. I wanted to take my kids to it, but not to that, so we never went.

Simply from a business standpoint, what kind of fool doesn’t want to make money off both red/blue? It was personal to that guy and that’s how it was. He didn’t offer his card. He didn’t offer to let me spend actual money to have something custom made at a later date (which I would have). It was literally “No one plays Alliance. Move along”.

That was Alliance. That was how it felt for years to be Alliance. It was probably also a major contributing factor in the exodus that happened during Shadowlands, when all the horror stories about Blizz came out.

Team blue knew it for years. We felt it and we saw it. The stories just confirmed it.


I don’t know how sarcastic this is supposed to be, but slavery isn’t fun or cool in any context.

Let’s get back to discussing the fun fox-based puns Vulpera could be saying in their Australian accents.


To this day a lot of folks like to point out the fact the major narrative characters are all Alliance is proof Blizzard has an “Alliance Bias”. Which is friggen daft given the ruins of all the Alliance settlements in game compared to the two instances of ruined Horde settlements but I digress…

I remember playing through BfA and being genuinely shook at the difference in quality. Kul Tiras was…fine, but Zandalar was one giant build up to the very first raid of the expansion, telling a compelling narrative of a kingdom so busy navel gazing it was missing the cataclysm rushing towards its doorstep. Sure, Kul Tiras got its payoff with the Azshara stuff, but that was all incidental and never given the sense of narrative weight.

Kul Tiras was Green Stormwind (With Blue Westfall, Duskwood 2.0, and ??? seriously, I’ve legitimately forgotten their third zone and my Hearth is still set to Boralus).

Zandalar was a opulent kingdom waking up to the festering rot in its foundations, complete with a Soulsbourne Poison (Blood) Swamp and Exile Desert. And Dinosaurs.

Oh this is another thing I kinda want to touch on (Sorry for not continuing the IC conversation but I literally just finished the Battle Raid for the first time and I have opinions).

The fact the Raid ends with Alliance-side players being shunted into Horde-side bodies to complete the Raid. Yes we kill the Death Worshiping Zandalari King would ought to have been killed years ago for how inept and ineffective he was, but then we immediately move on to putting Mekkatorque in the ICU and Jania gets her Raid Boss status. I’m now tempted to revive a Horde-side character just to see this Raid from the Horde perspective, because from the Alliance-side it’s a dramatic tonal shift to go from putting another Horde racial leader in the dirt to beating up a woman who has lost more to the Horde than anyone else in the setting by a huge margin.

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