Vulpera racism is getting VERY old

It’s a little annoying to try to get RP when someone just has to start ranting about how your race isn’t welcome in Orgrimmar, or how it should be legal to hunt/murder your race, or… Literally everything racist.

I get it, racism is a real thing. It’s still a real problem, and a great number of us deal with it on a day-by-day basis. And I get it, it’s going to be a thing in a game where there’s two warring factions. I wouldn’t expect there to not be such feelings in a setting like this.

But when your sole character trait, or the biggest character trait, is pure, unadulturated racism against certain races, and you go well out of your way to make those people feel unwelcome? To the point where it becomes out-of-characterly uncomfortable to even be around? That’s a point where lines should be drawn.

Seriously, I can’t go one single day trying to get RP in Orgrimmar without someone throwing a “vulpera are little perverts who only want one thing” comment around in my presence. There’s the occasional desire to kill, maim and all sorts of horrible things towards them as well. It’s like a universal hatred towards one specific playable race and everyone just wants to go out of their way to ruin the RP experience for those players in particular.

No, I will not just “play any other race” to get RP. I picked vulpera because they’re adorable, scrappy little guys who have done absolutely nothing wrong. They are a part of the Horde as much as the other allied races are, and nothing is going to change that.

Surely there’s other folks who’re getting sick of seeing it, too?


Is it a Male Orc harassing you?

Because it feels like a Male Orc “Roleplay” thing to do.

If so in which case, just inform him he can kindly go pound sand back to his own planet, that his people blew up if he doesn’t like a native Azerothian hanging around his spaces.


…Oooh. That’s cold. I like that, hehe.


no, vulpera are vermin an should be culled on sight. too small for their pelts to be worth anything on auction house let alone harvested for meats or anything else useable by actual horde tribes and members of the true horde lead by orcs. not by sylvanas.

blood & honor, vulpera have neither. thieving little sand rats.


I feel you OP.

I’ve been playing Gnomes since I first logged into this game many years ago.

I can actually point to Blizz as the cause of much the hate thrown my way, since Blizz constantly has seen fit to make Gnomes the punchline of every joke. Players see it and just follow right along. Sorry you are experiencing this with Vulpera.

There are players in this game who aim their real life frustrations (or weird unwanted fetishes) towards others - both in roleplay and in /ooc.

To each their own. Ignore them.

Put 'em on ignore and move on. You’ll eventually find the RP you’re looking for.


I’ve… gotten that a lot, actually - the “put them on ignore” bit. I guess I probably should finally start doing that then.

And hey, gnomes’re cool too.


I remember when Worgen were a easy source of Medium and Heavy leather.


tauren did it first aside from being a source of meat.

something you elves should munch on, eat a few burgers.

sighs wistfully

I miss Silvermoon’s steakhouses.

Well, nice work, Blood Elves.

You wished upon a monkey’s paw that you wouldn’t be the most disrespected Horde race and see what happened?


Yeah, very old. Anything people see as ‘furry’ gets that sort of treatment, it’s a proxy for them to hate on certain things they don’t like. Nothing you can do but fight back, ignore them, report it to their guilds, and if their guild ignores it, ignore their guild.


Vulpera are just little guys and I love them a lot, all “new” races seem to go through this asinine hazing until the next race joins the Horde. It happened with Belves, it happened with the pandas, now it’s the Vulpera. So… just wait until you’ve got rock dwarves running around?


Nah, dudebros are going to love the Rock Dwarves.

Just Rock and Stone.


I’ve never understood the hate against vulpera in rp tbh, in-universe they’re literally the most benevolent race. Who’ve they committed war crimes against? Sethrak maybe, but they were enslaving them so it’s kind of justified retribution lol.

Of ALL the races to RP hate though… like I understand and appreciate a little RP hate. Blood Elves vs Humans, Draenei vs Orcs, there’s all sorts of reasons to hate other political entities IC. Hell i can even imagining distrusting mechagnomes if King Mechagon killed your friend or something. But vulpera? They’ve done nothing to anyone. The best justification I can think of is Alliance lumping them in with the Horde and disliking them on the basis of their allegiances, but… internally, within the Horde? There’s no good IC reason


We had it with Tauren as ‘furries’ and Kaldorei as ‘ewww elves’, Gnomes for being bait for a guy named Pedro and Trolls for some … really foul stuff involving PoC.

Then we got Sin’dorei and the screeching didn’t stop till the beginning of Wrath? I think some people did a Boromir and died verrrrrry slowly on that hill of theirs.

We got Worgen and Goblins and we got more anti-furry and the jeeeeeeews nonsense.

Mag’har showed up and immediately got the ‘watermelon and fried chicken’ treatment (as an Aussie, I had to have this explained to me back in Burning Crusade because its so stupid), Ren’dorei got the whole suicidal emo treatment, Zandalari got the N-word haaaard and Kul’tirans got a ton of nonsense too about the way the women of the race looked.

Unfortunately, it is the internet. People who’d never speak out in public because they know they’d be passing teeth for their nonsense think they can spew it online and it ‘doesn’t matter’. And this is Blizzard, with all that entails.

So …

Do not respond. Do not engage. Blizzard will refuse to do anything as it is now a two-person issue and they cannot intervene, according to their GMs and moderators.

Simply report them, block them and move on if they are spouting racism, sexism, homophobia etc. Make certain to include a time-stamp using server-time and an ACCURATE recording of what they've said/done. Nothing else will get Blizzard to move on them and eventually, with no bites, the idiots will start going elsewhere for attention and leave you and your friends alone.

It would be great if we had active in-game moderation like back in Vanilla, BC and Wrath, but the days of having an active and interactive GM squad for every realm are sadly long gone.


While I am not a furry, I do get where you are coming from OP. Stereo-types have always been thrown around WoW and we dwarves are no exception. I also lay that in the lap of Blizzard. If you aren’t always drunk and belligerent, then you can’t possibly be taken seriously as a dwarf. I say pshaw. I am completely happy timerunning through Pandaria as a Dwarf with a mild addiction to coffee. Now would somebody please give me a tankard full of coffee ice cream? Stat!

Hang in there OP. WrA is full of great RP’rs and I’m sure you will find what you are looking for. Feel free to hit me up if you see me around.



It still happens


I stopped playing my Vulpera because of it. They would have done so much better on the Alliance…


You can’t let these depressed has-beens get you down. They’re afraid of what the horde has become and how it is affecting their image of what the horde should be. They’re too weak to do anything about it. They’re incapable of change.

The way I see it is you have two options. You can go get a mana bomb and either:

-Bomb Stormwind because that will earn these people’s respect. They will be awed by your Horde savagery and see you in a different light.
-Bomb Orgrimmar and put them out of their misery. There won’t be any has-beens left and you’ll be free of their persecution.

It’s a tough hand you’ve been played, believe me I know. Im a goblin. Sometimes you need to take drastic measures around here. Is what it is - sorry.

Anyways, what will it be?


Both of these are good. Can I vote for both? Because I vote both.