Vulpera racism is getting VERY old

Jump the dwarf! Bite him! Eat him! Trolls like cannibalism, right? Go get’im!

I just don’t understand. First it’s end faction violence then it’s jump the dwarf who is making an honest effort to make friends over a cup of coffee. I’d offer you a cup of coffee except you probably wouldn’t be able to taste it and it would likely just end up pouring out of your body like a leaky old barrel of stout.


*le Gasp! *

How dare you?! I thought we were trying to move past hurtful stereotypes?!

*Back of his hand to his forehead. *

I just… I just can’t!

And for your information, I love coffee! Especially with dwarf finger stirrers!

C’mere shortstack!

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Pancakes! Now that sounds like some mighty fine eating and goes well with coffee!

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Well. You’re not wrong. Coffee and pamcakes with dwarf sausage links, elf bacon, and scrambled gnome eggs… they lay eggs, right?

throws his arms up and shakes his head

I tried.

What? What’d I say? I really felt like we were bonding over our mutual appreciation for fine breakfast cuisine.

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[Hex] > [People’s Elbow]

Oh he’s tuning up the band! I think it’s time for a little sweet chin music!

You are welcome in the Silly Hats Only club

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That music’ll stun you, stone cold.


just stares at in IC response

A friendly ear and coffee doesn’t exactly bring retribution following highly aggressive acts against civilians, now does it?

Bah. Leave retribution to the paladins. A lot of good can come from meeting new adventurers and just sitting around a table or campfire and enjoying a good cup of coffee.


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Author’s note: The following response is “IC”

I mean, it’s not like your civilization had it’s head so collectively shoved up your Death Worshiping Ruler’s backside you all failed to understand for a decade leading up to those “highly aggressive acts” was because your international image was dominated exclusively by a Blood God worshiping “Prophet” who tried to commit Xenocide by reigniting an empire who collapsed before recorded civilization and set 75% of the capital of a major geo-political power ablaze to escape after being apprehended.

Clearly the Alliance are utterly in the wrong.

Orc bad, Elf good.

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Speaking OOC here, with everything we’ve seen of Orcish culture after Blizzard decided to take their WarCraft 3 retcon out back and put two in its head with Wardads…

Blackmoore and Admiral Proudmoore were right.

Honestly, if I ever saw you on any of my characters, I’d seriously love to just sit down and chat. It’d be fun. <3

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I used to feel this way before I realized two things.

First, that Orcs are no different than any other WoW race–they’re simply the biggest wrench Blizzard has available. The Orcs’ identity and character changes depending on what the plot needs them to do. They were noble strugglers with a complicated past up to Cataclysm, at which point they became Saturday morning cartoon villains, and now they’re just generic softbois along with the rest of the cast. All of this happened because Blizzard, be they backwards or progressive, is too lazy to actually consider how characters might feel differently about situations and just decides to write them all as accepting and on-board with the plot.

The second realization, of course, being that I found it uncomfortable to have strong opinions about a game that’s turned to slop.


I play Vulpera because animations / racials are good.
You play Vulpera because you’re a furry.

We are not the same. - Probably 6 out 10 Vulpera players.


I’ve been caught up dancing that timerun agaaaiin. Ahem. Sorry not really good at carrying a tune but I try. By all means, feel free to jump right in if you see me.
