Vulpera probably is the next Neutral Race

There’s already a Vulpera megathread to show support to the race along with overwhelming evidence they’ll be an AR. See here:

All evidence points to Horde with nothing to suggest the Alliance nor a neutral race. This is fact.


Why would that ever happen when they are our allies? That’s just dumb and lazy.

“We attempted genocide because you talked to an orc.”

Those vulpera are the pirates they would be fighting against. That’s also like 1 or 2 crew members, not the entire race…

They are furry. They must be similar! Oh please. What’s next. Orcs turn out to be distant relatives of vrykul so horde get vrykul?

Why would the alliance aid the enemy? That makes no sense. Then again nothing you posted did…

Horde beat you to that dude. That’s the story of voldun for the most part. So no, alliance don’t do that.


Lol I like how you try to brake down everything but it’s all really “no that’s dumb”. BfA lore is just top tier for you isn’t it?
I am guessing you loved it when Night elves got raised from the dead and just side with the Horde for some reason, nothing beats that right? Or when Nightborn joined the Horde because Tyranda DARED question if they would go crazy again? Or Yrel all the sudden deciding to Light Inquisition the Orcs? Or Void elves…

If Horde gets Vulpera, I want Sethrak. Don’t give me :fish: people, I want :snake: people

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Maybe it’s just me, but if I was a free merchant race, I don’t think I would want to join a faction who actively carries out Genocide either. It’s hard for me to fault the Alliance at all for the things you listed after Genocide was committed. The Alliance is fighting for the right to even exist, as Sylvanas made the Horde an existential threat. Are the Vulpera really up for giving up their free merchant status to throw their lot in with mass killers?

You may not like the lore, that doesn’t make it bad.

The void elves turned because the negetive emotions of their death overtook them. In all reality they serve sylvanas not the horde, hence why we kill some of them in the recent warcampaign.

Nightborne joined the horde because tyrande literally only used them as cannon fodder. They could join the alliance and be scorned by their own people or they could join the horde and be accepted. Again you may not like it, but that doesn’t make it invalid.

Yrel going crazy and murdering the maghar is the only wtf situation. I mean want the light to go all Inquisition? Fine. But why did yrel turn against her friends?

What about void elves doesn’t make sense? Is it because they are a new race with no pre-established lore until legion? Well…vulpera didn’t exist until bfa. Neither did sethrak. Or Ankoan. Or mechagnomes yet people are begging for them. Void elves are a fine addition to the alliance.

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So I was right, you are loving the story…I am actually glad someone does.

You don’t actually have an Alliance character do you?

That’s gonna be an awkward reunion if they’re a neutral race. Hey, I’m sorry I killed so many of you vulpera and the tortollans because horde were standing around afk in your flightpaths. I really wanted me some extra azerite and a 415 piece I ended up dusting.

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Yeah I do. What makes you think I don’t?

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Why would the the Alliance let those fox heads join them when they’ve been willingly aiding the Horde during the war?

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Can you make your next post on them?

Why does that matter? Need proof?

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Well, I am actually shocked

i have a bunch of alliance toons. was alliance from vanilla until we burned the tree and i went horde. i for one would LOVE mechagnomes tbh. either horde or alliance would be fine.

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What surprises I actually play the game?


Well, you certainly are easy to shock. Also, your retcons are ridiculous. You burned their supplies and their caravans and left them in the freaking desert. You don’t need to give up talking about it - because you get to do that - but you also don’t get to not hear that your ideas are, frankly, not worth the time it took you to type them.


You know, even ignoring the Alliance Purge Squads attempting Genocide on them, they are also pretty mad the Alliance killed Rastakhan.

Kiro even saying that was going too far.


They would be horde before Alliance… For 1 there is no vulpera rep grind for alliance. And blizzard loves rep grind for an allied racial. 2. if you dont see vulpera by 9.0 or another allied race is announced before them then unlikely they will be added.

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There is absolutely no reason for the Vulpera to ever be allied to the Alliance. None whatsoever. Not sure why people think a race that the Alliance abuses, kills, and burns would ever align with them.

Same with the Sethrak. We barely even help them and then are only really concerned about getting our own people back.


Well, that’s not wrong.

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