Vulpera probably is the next Neutral Race

Hey, if the Alliance are getting some lame allied race like Mechagnomes, it’s only fair that Horde get something equally lame like Gilgoblins. This is not to say that the Vulpera are great. They aren’t. They’re just a tad cooler than Mechagnomes and Gilgoblins.

Blizzard can do no wrong huh.

You’re the only one here who appears desperate.


Horde has Sylvannas - that one is capable of making alliance look like angels.

Wow look a “no u”

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my dude i wanted DID for horde. and i’d like mechagnomes for horde as well. i’m not getting what i want either. :frowning:


Isn’t locking races behind rep grinds of already race devided factions so you will never be able to play or interact with them great?
Apprently people just eat that all up though…

Why? They, the Horde, and the Zandalari all seem to see eye to eye now, the Horde wouldn’t just betray the vulpera at the drop of a hat after all they did for each other in Vol’dun.

They are pirates, as in the people that Kul Tirans despise, and I sincerely doubt Ashvane’s death would affect their chances of joining the Alliance in any way.

Do you honestly expect Blizzard to throw pandaren a bone anytime soon? Plus, by that logic, the Horde should have yaungol in their ranks since they’re cousins of the tauren, but I don’t recall ever seeing any Horde-aligned yaungol.

You mean like the Horde already did as part of the whole storyline in Vol’dun? Because the Horde player character already killed Korthek and left the empire in shambles, so unless the Alliance has a time machine or a bronze dragon, that ain’t happening. You sound desperate to make the Alliance into the “perfect heroes that can do no wrong” stereotype that many despise by now.


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Tell your Alliance buddies to stop picking on the Vulpera during the Vol’dun invasion.

Burning their wagons is NOT a good way to win over the Vulpera


I never said they’d be neutral I said they’d be Horde Pandaren, naturally this implies that a different race will be Alliance Pandaren. I’m thinking Ankoan or Sethrakk but I’m not sure Blizz is brave enough to give the boy scouts scary snake or fish people.

Edit: This is also why I’m not sure about Gilgoblins as given how they serve the exact same function as Ankoan just for Horde, giving Gilgoblins to Horde would almost definitely mean giving Ankoan to Alliance something Blizzard doesn’t seem to want to do if the lack of female models are any indication.

Here’s the thing about Vulpera as neutral though:

  1. Alliance are the enemies of Vulpera
  2. Vulpera culturally are pretty vicious and hardcore.
  3. Thematically in stories foxes are usually tricksters and villains so they fit more strongly with the Horde Asethetic: Drow-like Elves (Which Belves are even if they aren’t dark skinned), Undead, Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Minotaurs. Heck there’s even a DnD fiend race that look like foxes. Perfect fit.
  4. Why does Alliance always want races it can’t have?

A horde only race, with a perfectly horde personality. Unlikely.

If any race becomes a Neutral race after the events of BfA, it’ll be the JunkerGnomes, who expect the Horde and Alliance to work together on Mechagon. “I don’t expect you to like each other, I do expect you to work together” - Prince Erazmin of the Rustbolt Resistance.

Mehcagnomes have been requested almost as much as Naga and Wildhammer dwarves. Only furies want Vulpera.

Now down the line after all is said and done, and we have Mechagnomes, Wildhammer Dwarves, and some aquatic race. Sure I hope Blizz tosses a bone to the furies, and let them have a cute ERP furie fox race, but not until other more requested races become playable, ie Alliance High Elves for real. (I love Void Elves, but they lack the same charm.)

Yet they are teasing Mechagnomes as a Future Neutral Allied Race. My money 9.0 with Tinker Hero Class.

Burn the little thieves in fel fire is what I say.

They did, and the people who said it either left, or constantly lie about content. So I wouldn’t hold it as gospel.

I’m not jealous, I just can’t stand small furies. I have allergies after all.

Worgen overhaul, Goblin Overhaul, Azeroth Update, N’zoth invasion, Junkergnome Neutral Race, end of the Faction War, Tinker Hero Class. This is my theory as to what will be announced at Blizzcon this year. To the Furries, I’m sure you’ll get a new furball after we get all of the above, plus an Aquatic Race for both factions. However I predict that the Vulpera will be all Horde.

Mechagnomes, as in the gnomes we first met in Northrend, maybe, but Mechagon gnomes aren’t even close.


Absolutely True. But then We’ve been asking Blizzard since TBC for Alliance High Elves, we got Void Elves. Blizzard has the habit of fulfilling requests with the Corrupt a Wish mentality.

Perfectly said, my blue skin cousin.


They are caught up in their fetish for cute furies and forget the lore, and that the race in question wasn’t intended as a player race. They think they can pressure Blizzard by making these threads, and well looking at the Void Elves, we can see how well that worked.

Sethrak & Tortollan are allied strongly with the Zandalari.
Arrakoa will become a player race when we get flying races and mounted combat, ie never.
Vrykul got the Corrupt a Wish hello KT humans.

My money is the knew JunkerGnomes being the only reasonable Neutral race in the works, and even they are corrupt a wish mechagnomes. Which is my biggest evidence they will be coming as a player race.

If the worgens keep asking for Blue Allied Vulpera, Blizzard will find a corrupt way to fulfill the wish while making you unhappy with it.

I’ve seen the Alliance attacking and burning the Vulpera, so why would they join the Alliance?


The thing is, if players whine and ask loud enough, Blizzard will give them a corrupt version of what they want, ie Void Elves. My guess would be instead of the cute fox people, they’ll get N’zoth corrupted tentacle baring black and blue fox octopus people. ie Ithilid Vulpera.

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Got to be honest…I’d play that.

Edit: Though it wouldn’t be my first choice. I’d rather get Vulpera for Horde because they seem to fit very well there. I’d also like Gilgoblins for Horde but again I’m not sure they’d do that if it also means giving Ankoan to Alliance. Since the only none conventionally attractive Alliance race are Pandaren and they make up for it by being Pandas. Blizz seems scared to let anything that isn’t pretty join Ally so I don’t think they’d step in that trap by letting Horde have Gilgoblins.

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