Vulpera probably is the next Neutral Race

You left out that little part where highborne arcane use led to the Legion and the whole War of the Ancients thing. You know, destruction of the Well of Eternity, Sundering, those pesky little details…

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You are really stretching if you think foxes will be neutral. The alliance were setting fire to their stuff, lives lost, and forcing them out of their homes. So by that train of thought night elves should be neutral. Horde just burned their stuff, lives lost, and forced them out of their homes, right?


Yup and we’re getting a new crop of Death Knights so all in all it was a good thing.

I think I said this at least six times in this thread by now and have never been given a response to it, night elves ARE in the Horde now…

No, they’re not. Night Elves who hid under a dome and subsisted on the Nightwell’s energy for 10,000 years and who were changed by it - and are now Nightborne - are in the Horde now. As Thalyssra so clearly put it:

“Centuries passed. Without moonlight. Without sunlight. To survive, we turned to the Nightwell, a font of great power at the city’s heart. Slowly … it changed us and ultimately drew the Legion once more to our gates. They offered us a trade. The Nightwell for our lives. As the Elders planned their surrender, some of us … rebelled. We failed. Now the Devils have taken Suramar. And by the curse of the Nightwell, I am damned to wither away … as my … city … burns.”


Need 193+ more


You’re right. I forgot that the vulpera have Fox News to keep them informed on the happenings in Vol’dun…

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I’m not talking about Nightborn, I am talking about the Night elves with red eyes.

No you don’t

You said you could come up with 100s of reasons. You have 7. None of which were good.

Maybe you should find one reason that’s actually good, before you claim there are 100s.


Oh yes, they are not good because you said so, how convenient.

I didn’t mention that because everybody knows that. Azshara abusing arcane=bad, Tyrande holding all users of the arcane with suspicion, contempt, and in dispasable positions= also not great.

Nightbourne being horde makes sense and they built that up in legion.

And here…

is where we disagree. I don’t believe Night Elves should ever have gotten mages, and the Night Elf antipathy toward arcane users is both well founded and deserved. Personally, I think she was way too nice after Ashenvale and the arcane storm the highborne unleashed. She could have obliterated them all, and should have.

I think we actually agree more than you realize. I too think nelves should have never gotten mages.

But nightbourne as so intrinsically a magical culture at this point that it would make no sense for the night elves to embrace them. I thought this was great writing.

Agree to disagree.

You still need 193+ more regardless.

It reeks of “PLEASE Bliz I want to play a Vulpera but I don’t want to play Horde so everyone come up with not-even-close-to-plausible reasons why Vulpera go neutral so I don’t get Mechagnomes as my next playable race!”

Fail dude. Vulpera, if they become playable. will be all Horde.


My comment had nothing to do with nightborne, it was in reference to your comment about Tyrande and the highborne. The nightborne absolutely belong in the Horde and I think it’s fine that they’re there.

Tyrande has good reasons to be like how she is but they aren’t always justified.

It’s like a mom being anti vaccine for all children because their child had an allergic reaction to it.

Actually it reeks of “I only want every asked for race to be Horde only and will defend crappy writing so long it works in my favor”

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I thought they said they would never do another neutral race again? Plus I think if Vulpera get added they are Horde side from what I can tell.