Vulpera probably is the next Neutral Race

I’m quite happy to let the Horde have Vulpera if we get the Sethrak in return.

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As my actual thoughts, yes I would be. But, that is because in real life I’m very much like Anduin in terms of fighting and war. However, they way I portray Gladewiing here, no she would probably never fully forgive the Horde for burning Teldrasil. That’s why as soon as the Night Warrior look dropped I got it as soon as possible, even though I have never changed the way she looked since I made her back in 07.

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if horde and alliance become neutral to one another, vulpera could have their choice of which kingdoms to explore

That’s certainly one possibility which kind what I think they could be setting it up to.

Why is Horde so desperate in not allowing Alliance to have any asked for race?

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Tishui: Ankoan and maybe the Jinyu thrown in to, 2 for 1.
Worgen: Night Elf Worgen

Huojin: Vulpera
Goblins: Gilblins

Gnomes: Junker Gnomes

Annnnd I realize that it’s lopsided If I throw the Forsaken in.

There are 7 races on each side:
For Alliance
3.Night Elf

For Horde

  1. Goblin
  2. Blood Elf
  3. Orc
  4. Forsaken
  5. Tauren
  6. Troll
  7. Pandaran

Ergo one can assume that there will be seven allied races

Each one will have some kind of design parallel to an existing counter part. Dark Iron = Dwarves Lightforged Dreanei = Dreanei Void Elves = Night Elves Kul Tiran = Humans

We therefore have 3 options left for each side.

Vulpera = Goblin or Horde Pandaran counterpart
Junker Gnomes = Gnome Counterpart

Beyond that I’m not sure what those options will be. I’m tempted to say Sethrakk or Ankoan but Blizzard seems to only allow so much edgyness into the Alliance and snake people/deepsea fish people might be too far for them

If I recall correctly the devs years ago said something along the lines of the pandaren neutrality being a mistake. Unless things have changed they may never make a neutral race ever again.

I dont think vulpera would join the faction that formed purge squads and attempted genocide on your race.

That would be like the night elves joining the horde…

Pure speculation. Nothing is confirmed. Ogres also have a ton of work put intlo them, they arent playable. Its much more likely to be gilgoblins.


Blizzard would have to jump thru some major hoops to make the Vulpera neutral to the Alliance after the whole “purge” thing…

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Vulpera have had ZERO positive interaction with Alliance and they only come up in the Horde questline.

There’s NOTHING in the game to indicate that they would be neutral.

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Night elves did him the Horde, what do you think the Undead ones are?

I said it before I will stay it again, if you can’t come up with a reason for them to join the Alliance, you have no imagination

Doesn’t really make sense, and unless Blizz shoe horns some Alliance/Vulpera plot into the story in a future patch, I doubt us burning their homes down is a great first impression to make on them.

I see no reason why Blizz couldn’t add a series of quests to introduce the vulpera to the Alliance as well. Aren’t they a race of nomads? They could be spread throughout the world. The vulpera could have different clans just like the orcs.

Anyone who says they can’t join Alliance is lacking imagination or has an agenda.

Dude, you literally burned their supplies and mobile homes…now you expect them to say “Oh yeah, we realize it was all a horrible mistake - we love you.”?


Mechagnomes - Gilblins
Sethrak/Lightundead - Vulpera

Is how it is.
Sethrak are most obvious counterpart to Vulpera, due to how Vulpera hate Sethrak, but light undead are hinted with Calia and stuff, so u never know.

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Ok, come up with hundreds.


tryande= anti arcane magic fanatic who literally rules this faction and despises the highbourne ever since their and ashzara’s reckless used of magic
liadrin= one of a council of four, flexible to the use of arcane and light magic, the only elf family left who knows what they went through re: withering (belves withered too)

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Let’s see:
Vulpera also get attacked by Horde.
Vulpera learn WHY alliance attacked them.
Vulpera in Kul’Tiras turn over a new leaf with the fall of Aahvaine and help them against pirates.
Vulpera find out they are distant cousins of Pandaren.
Alliance give them aid after attacking causing Horde to turn there back on them as insert threat here attacks them and Alliance defends then.
Alliance topple the Faithless empire and frees all Vulpera slaves.