I could see a split in the vulpera with Nisha leading the aggressive ones and joining the Horde, while Kiro leads the more pacifistic ones to the Alliance.
Obviously whichever side gets Meerah will be the superior faction.
For the same reasons the Nightborne betrayed all the countless Alliance player who helped them reclaim their city. That was a great reward for all the time spend helping their leader.
Why do Alliance posters constantly try to rewrite the struggle of Thalyssra and the Nightfallen as a storyline that only Alliance characters and forces took part in? Did you forget Liadrin and the Sin’dorei representing the Horde? Or is that just an inconvenient tidbit that you’d just like to brush off and ignore? The nightborne are part of the Horde. Deal with it. Get over it, and move on. You’ll be much happier.
Next expansion will be called Warlords of Zandalar. We go back in time to the ancient Zandalari empire and the alliance recruits them there and horde get nothing.
I think the thing they like to disregard is WHY exactly Tyrande explicitly states the NEs are there. They are there to fight the Legion, and supporting the Nightborne rebellion is exclusively a means towards that ends. They are NOT there for the sake of the Nightborne themselves. People also claiming its JUST Tyrande fail to also realize that as the head of the Kaldorei state (and their chief religious authority) … her opinion carries a LOT of weight.
Liadrin is the opposite. She makes it very apparent that even if the Legion is a priority, supporting the Nightborne in their time of need takes precedents. She attributes this to he sympathizing with them due to fully understanding how painful it can be to be betrayed by a beloved leader to the Fel; as well as understanding how brutal it can be to go through extreme Mana Withdrawal. Rommath seems to just be geeking out about the chance to talk Arcane shop.
The difference between the Alliance and Horde Surumar Campaign is subtle, but it is there (and it is not flattering for the Alliance led by a totally in character Tyrande). This doesn’t even touch on the MASSIVE shared cultural norms the NBs and BEs have that bind them. I mean for gods sake, friggen Maiev is leading NE forces again with ZERO repercussions for her attempted slaughter of the Shen’dralar (due to the NEs LONGSTANDING contempt for Highborne civilization).
Good for her? Still nothing quite as tempting an offer as “Hey, our civilization actually has nothing but contempt for yours. You’re culture is fundamentally wrong, and thus we feel justified in that ego. Those Highborne we allowed to rejoin us are deeply restricted (because they were desperate enough to agree to anything) and where still almost murdered wholesale by one of our leaders (who faced ZERO consequences for that). But … join us because we have the same ears? That’s cool right?”
I wasn’t arguing that she wasn’t a total *(&^!! to them, Droite. She was. She - we - have millennia of grudge we’re holding over her hiding under a dome for 10,000 years. Yes, she was a jerk to them - and they went over to the Horde. And that works for me.
While I find it unlikely that vulpera will be a neutral race while the hard faction barrier exists, I just want to say that “Blizzard” never said they didn’t like neutral races. Six years ago, Ghostcrawler said he wasn’t “a fan of it overall” and that was just a few months before he left Blizzard.
I’d probably argue that they still don’t like Neutral Races very much. While I have no context for Aysa, I would probably guess that her treatment in this expansion hasn’t been much better than “I’m just here to punch dinosaurs” Ji. Blizzard truly does not seem to know what to do with a Neutral Race to keep them involved (or their story progressing). When you’re PC race is so irrelevant to whats going on that Blizz actually forgot to add Ji in the Baine Gathering until the last minute … you know that “Neutrality” has not benefited the Pandaren.
Highmountain have barely showed up as well, yet they aren’t neutral.
Void elves aren’t seen outside of a faction assault and a couple of steps in the war campaign. It’s more than a lot of races got for years, but they still aren’t getting focus and there’s plenty of opportunity considering all of the old god/void stuff going on.
Lightforged don’t do anything in BfA, other than Telaamon showing up to lead a suicide mission at the end of the war campaign. Heck, I can’t think of any standard draenei that do anything, other than the island expedition team. The AU Lightbound draenei got more time in the mag’har scenario than Lightforged and regular draenei have gotten.
I think it’s more likely that most pandaren would probably not be enthusiastic about the faction war and the rebellion hasn’t actually kicked off yet (assuming it will happen at all), so there’s been no opportunity to use them.