Most wars for the past 200 years have ended in some sort of peace treaty. A peace treaty isn’t the same thing as joining up and letting go of past grievances.
They may work together, like what happens all the time between the Horde and Alliance, but that’s not the same thing as actually joining the other side.
Why are you assuming im getting bent out of shape for pointing out the flaws in your speculation? You make a lot of statements about how perfect it would be, im countering that by showing its not. Theres no need for ad hominem.
I strongly believe this is a matter of OP just really wanting to play Vulpera on their favourite faction, and being willing to go out of their way to bend the lore to see that happen.
The people before me have already posted almost all there is to say on the matter, so I’ll only say this:
If Vulpera are becoming an Alliance allied race, like OP wants (cause we both know a neutral allied race ain’t happening), what would be the narrative purpose of having the Alliance storm Vulpera caravans and begin torturing them to death for the mere reason of doing trade with the Horde?
Like others have said before me, if what you say is true and all it takes is an off-hand apology from Anduin to get the Vulpera forgive genocide and join the Alliance, instead of the Horde that literally saved them from slavery and actively defended them from said genocide, why have Blizz even wrote that into the story in the first place?
So were you one of the people who hated Varian for hating orcs? (I’m genuinely asking not being mean.) There were so many people who hated Varian because he hated orcs. But his hate of the orcs was justified. He eventually got past that hate though and started working with the orcs and possibly even respecting a few.
Edit: Just wanted to add, I don’t think the Vulpera will be neutral or Alliance. I think if they become playable it will be Horde only.
As an exclusively Horde player, I was. I agree that, from an Alliance pov, Varian’s hate was completely justified but I’m not sure he would have changed if he hadint been infected with Anduin’s arbitrary pacifism.
But I’m curious, as a Night Elf and Alliance player, are you really willing to just brush off Teldrasil? (Also a genuine question, no passive aggression)
Right, the team just just issue a retcon saying “No, you Alliance guys didn’t really go ballistic on the Vulpera, they love and respect you and want to be your allies.”
I think the point you’re making is that any writer can pull anything out of any orifice and say that’s their new cannon. Because that’s what would have to happen for Vulperas to be neutral.
I don’t know, they are the only theoretical Allied Race since the Legion ones, who were the first and thus an experiment, who both factions could get Rep with.
Every one in BfA have already been tied to their faction.
Also I think the Pandaren will get them, and if my theory on the Junker Gnomes is right, I think the Pandaren will get 2, one for each side.
Their own Allied race I mean, not Junker Gnomes being their allied race.
Extremely low likelihood given that the horde already has Vulpera reputation. Allied races will always be gated by rep. I highly doubt they would make another vulpera faction out of nowhere.
Void Elves, Highmountain, Lightforged, and Nightborne all are reps that both factions can grind for; thats over half of the current ARs that were once neutral factions.
The Junkers also have WAY TOO MUCH asset investment for them to not end up as an AR (for goodness sake, they have more custom animations than ANY other AR already in game); and with Gelbin’s current condition its all but garaunteed that they will end up the Gnomergon Gnome’s AR. The Goblins thus have two entirely different potential ARs that share their ex-slave race motif; the Furry Goblins and the Water Goblins (which one they get remains unknown).
That leaves the Worgen and Forsaken who remain without an AR of the core races (and with the climax against Sylvie coming … I fully expect the focus to include these two Core races heavily by 8.3). As for the Pandarens … the issue with Neutral ARs is that its very clear that Blizz has difficulty justifying their presence, so the idea that two Pandaren factions would actually recruit for the Alliance or Horde seems sort of far fetched.
It got real quiet when I brought this up. Seriously if you can’t think of a way Blizzard could write them in as Alliance as well when the writing bar is this low already then I dono what to tell you guys.