Vulpera probably is the next Neutral Race

Not going to put too fine a point on it, but Junkers being neutral is likely very unlikely. Gazlowe may be a nice guy, but his reasons for supporting the Rustbolt are FAR from altruistic (he’s there for profit). There is also the fact that they are a unified force, and that the Prince is the ONLY one that really holds authority over the group we work with. Then there is also Gelbin’s current condition, which is likely an excuse for Blizz to induce the recruitment scenario for them.

Its a very similar principle to the NE, BE, and NB dynamic (and why ultimately the NBs grew closer to the BEs). As its portrayed in the Surumar Campaign, Tyrande makes it explicitly clear that she’s only helping the Nightborne rebellion for the sake of battling the Legion (it is a means to an ends). On the other side of that fence, Liadrin and Rommath make it VERY apparent they are there to help the NBs first and foremost (because they do have those share experiences of having a beloved leader betray them to the Fel AND going through extreme Mana withdrawel).

I expect the Mechagnome’s joining the Alliance over the Horde following a similar vein of differing motives (and shared cultural norms/experiences) as the NBs joining the BEs.

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The reason why this is not happening is here posted by our friend Mortis.

If there would be a neutral race would probably be the Tortollian in my opinion.

I’d say … temper expectations when it comes to ARs. I expect 4 more at most, and no more.


  • Humans of SW: Kul Tirans Humans
  • Bronzebeard Dwarves: Dark Iron Dwarves
  • Kaldorei: Shal’dorei (on the opposing Faction, but still counts).
  • Dreanei: Lightforged Draenei
  • Gnomes: JunkerGnomes (by all indications)
  • Worgen: ???


  • Orcs of Durotar: Mag’har Orcs
  • Mulgore Tauren: Highmountain Tauren
  • Darkspear Trolls: Zandalari Trolls
  • Sin’dorei: Ren’dorei (on opposing faction, but still counts).
  • Bilgewater Goblins: either the Vulpera OR the Kelfin
  • Forsaken: ???


For several reasons I do not expect an AR for this PC race.

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Did you play the game? They already did

Tricky but not impossible. Nisha and Kiro would have to split and follow Ji/Aysa respectively.

If Vulpera were going to go neutral, however, I feel it’s more likely we’d find an island of them and the Alliance would befriend those Vulpera, while the Horde are friends with the Vulpera in Vol’dun.

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I would gladly welcome our Vulpera overlords.

Kiro/Nisha 2020 !

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If only you had that attitude when dealing with the failed leadership of Genn and his flea bag Worgen

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The conflict being over doesn’t mean they just forget everything that happened in BFA.


Unless they made a different faction of vulpera for alliance I think they’re going to be horde only. We get the voldun rep.


The only sliver of a chance Alliance has for Vulpera is the Vulperean pirates. So, the chance they become playable for Alliance is slim to none.

That’s what I thought as well, since the brewfest mug seemed only focused on the zandalari foxes.

I highly doubt gilgoblins will be playable, and there’s no story reason for Vulpera to join the Alliance because the only few we’ve met have been pirates. The next ARs will be Vulpera for Horde and Mechagnomes for Alliance, guaranteed. The only possibilities I see for a neutral AR are Sethrak or some kind of Naga that have had their tails transformed back into legs.

Kiro attends Rastakhan’s funeral. If you speak to him, he talks smack about the Alliance killing Rastakhan and pledges his people to aid the Zandalari in any way they can.

Nisha’s feelings on the Alliance have been stated earlier.

As others have said - unless we meet some other unrelated group of Vulpera, they look fairly Horde aligned.


Well then, seems every once in awhile I agree with the current dev team. They should not bend over backwards to give Alliance something after clearly making the effort to only give it to Horde. The lore is there, the rep is there, the lines are set.

Its not a “current dev team” thing, its a practical logic thing. Just because you want them doesnt mean you get them. Its a game, go play them where they are put.


What are you talking about?

Unless theres an Alliance only cinematic I’m unaware of they most certainly have not forgiven anything.


Well if you think about history things people used to be in war with ended up being in a peace treaty with one another. Of course it took time though, but people still wouldn’t forget as long those events don’t happen again.

Well anything is possible at this point with the allied race formula.

Who knows. Anything is possible. It’s speculations. Why are you getting bent out of shape over speculations?

No, no it wouldn’t at all. Have you gone through the Alliance interactions with them and analyzed whether or not that would make sense? Alliance treated/treat them as the enemy, how would they possibly make sense as a neutral race?


Alliance already burned Vulpera in a quest. So too late


I really don’t think this happened. What are you referring to?


The hell you say. Night Elves have not, in any sense or cinematic, forgiven the Horde.