Vulpera probably is the next Neutral Race

I am more of the mind that the only thing really preventing the Vulpera from being the Gob AR is our leader; however this issue would need to be remedied for EITHER potential candidates.

Both the Kelfin and Vulpera are recent ex-slave races (VERY recent), and the Bilgewaters current leader’s greatest legacy is the attempted enslavement of his own people on TWO exploding volcanoes for even the smallest chance at personal short-term gain. That … is an immense wall to overcome if the Goblins of the Horde are to get an AR.

On the other hand … Good Guy Gazlowe seems to be a potential replacement being built up for the Cartel (so, assuming that is the case, I could see either the Kelfin or Vulpera being recruited by a Goblin like him). His own Greasemonkeys are currently sporting Bilgewater colors.

Vulpera it’s much better than Goblins … the Horde need a cute race too …


Both Blizzard, as well as a lot of players, did not like it.

If I was wealthy, with 20 million dollars, I would see it as a VERY safe bet to bet HALF of my fortune against all 3 of those as players races (as well as there never being another neutral race, which both sides could play.)

Seeing how the current dev team motto is. That’s probably the route it’ll go.

Debatable considering players will play anything that fits their style.

With that logic what would go to alliance side besides mecho gnomes? The fish people?

If I’m right, by all indications, Blizz seems to be operating on the premise of ONE AR per core race (with the NE and BE AR being on the opposing faction, but still working towards this effort). That leaves Gnomes: Goblins: Worgen; and Forsaken (and I highly doubt we’ll see a Pandaren one … for several reasons). Junkers are almost garaunteed to be an AR (and the Gnome equivalent, whether or not they end up on the Alliance or Horde is a different matter).

That being said, with Gelbin’s current condition … I do feel that the Junkers (with their heavy asset investment) are liable to end up on the Alliance (this is further reinforced be Gazlowe’s reasons for even being on Mechagon being less than altruistic; he’s a nice guy … but he is still there for profit). Their mirror will likely be either the Vulpera (Furry Goblins) or Kelfin (Water Goblins) … both whom share the ex-slave race motif that is important to Goblin history.

After that … if I am even close to in my conjecture here … we are likely going to see a swift shift in focus to the still unknown Worgen and Forsaken ARs (of which, I fully expect prior to the final conclusion of BfA). I bluntly, expect no more ARs after the induction of these final four (because Blizz seems to have grossly underestimated the asset investiture needed to pull these off).


They don’t have any reason to join the Alliance. Unfortunately, it’s very likely we will get Mechagnomes and Horde will get the Vulpera. Anyways, personal opinion of course, but damn, Gnomes++ are boring comparing to Vulpera.

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I’d be amused if the twist was that mechagnomes are neutral.

Would be totally fine with that.

blizz will never alow another neutral race, also why would vulpera side with alliance they are obviously horde

One? I could come up with 100s it’s not hard. Why does even think the lore we have is the only lore we will ever get forever?

Reading all these replies of one saying it impossible for them to be Alliance…do you guys just have no imagination? We are playing the expac that has Night Elves and Humans fighting for the Horde lol.

More like you have no sense of justice. In what context would the Vulpera EVER forgive the Alliance for what they did? In what context would the Night Elves EVER forgive the Horde for what THEY did?

I’d love to see a WoW where people ATLEAST react to mass genocide instead of just brushing it off as a typical Monday.


if you want then play on horde, thats rly not difficult

when i want play alliance races i go there play one, not ask then for the horde

neutral race is crap, it would take the spot of another race who could Go to the alliance

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I’d put money on the Junker Gnomes being the Neutral Allied Race, and the 2 Pandaren Factions getting a allied Race Each.
Vulpera will be Huojin’s allied Race, probably the Ankoans or Jinyu (Or the 2 together as one playable race.) for the Tishui.

An apology for assuming they supported Sylvanas.

An apology for helping a corrupted Warchief.

It will take time hence previous wars with bombing and etc.

I play horde, but I thinking of what if scenarios with these allied races.

Guess if Vulpera come in, they’re coupled with Sethrak for Alliance. But there’s no doubt at this point junkergnomes and gilgoblins are next allied race.

Vulpera are the race everyone wants so they will probably do something special for them. The other races will probably be behind a typical faction grind. Honestly I would only be interested in the other races if they had Druid forms.

Speak for yourself, I’d rather take Sethrak.

Well their place in the Horde (playable or not) is certainly solidified now.

SURELY your trolling? An apology? For genocide? Maybe its just me but thats not the kinda thing you’d forgive… like ever. I mean its absurdly clear either solidifying their place in the Horde was the point or the Alliance is just full of hypocrites for jumping straight to slaughter with less reason than the Horde had with Teldrasil.

First: See above logic. Second: I wouldint count on that either. The Horde didint burn Teldrasil under threat of death or anything like that. They followed their Warchief’s orders and cannot, logically, use Sylvanas as a scapegoat.


It also handicaps future storytelling opportunities for a PC race. If people haven’t noticed, Blizz is very clearly having massive issues trying to figure out what to do with the Pandarens (or even Monks) after MoP. This is in no small part because trying to justify why they would be killing eachother is insanely difficult.