Vulpera probably is the next Neutral Race

To be fair, the Highmountain apparently love my Dwarf but gave him the old backstab to go frolic with war criminals.

I’m expecting Junkergnomes to be the next Alliance allied race and I hope we at least get one more. I just sincerely hope it’s not Lightforged Undead or any malarki like that. I’ll take Ankoan/Jinyu over that any day of the week.

So let’s assume we’ll get 2 more ARs for Alliance. One is Junkergnomes (I don’t use that insultingly, since I feel like this makes them distinct from Ulduar’s mechagnomes) and what would the last likely be? If not Sethrak (sadly) or Lightforged Undead (thankfully)?

People have suggested that the worgen would get kaldorei worgen as an AR, but honestly, I have no idea how they would look or how different they would be from Gilnean worgen. Alternatively, they could give both factions a unique race to break the mold, but that’s wishful thinking.

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Kaldorei Worgen sound as bad as Lightforged Undead. No. Worse.

I’m guessing it’d look exactly like a normal Worgen but with elf ears, and Two Forms racial turns you into a Night Elf instead of a Human. The ones that existed in Ashenvale didn’t seem distinct at all from the ones in Eastern Kingdoms.

Wishful thinking indeed…

I’m fairly certain that Junker/Mechagnomes will be the Gnome AR. And I’d bet my bottom dollar that Vulpera are the Goblin AR. If not and the Kelfin/Gilgoblins are the Goblin AR then I guess Vulpera would just be an AR not attached to an existing race despite using the goblin skeleton. And who knows what their counterpart would be if not Sethrak.


When the idea started flowing its way around I was initially against it, but if they adjusted the worgen form to be more NElfier proportion wise, hinting a bit back at the Vanilla worgen model, and with more-y NElf hair colours for their fur colours, then just take the idea of the NElf form being sort of like Malfurion’s form in that he still has the animal bits, so they’d be NElves with worgen claws and more rough, mane-like hair because they’ve been pack-living murderhobos for the last few millennia

Mind there is absolutely nothing supporting any of these decisions and I’m kind of with you on them not being great, but its not the worst idea

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Have you not done Voldunn at all?? We call them rats and vermin right in WQs and side quest. We hunt them, and we destroy their supply lines as its connected and aiding horde lore wise.

We have absolutely no alliegances with them anywhere, and they wouldnt join us after all the hanous crap we’ve done to them.

Even as a pro Alliance player, I would be dissappinted in blizzards decision to add them to Alliance as it doesn’t fit the lore whatsoever.

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The thread is “Vulpera PROBABLY is the next neutral race” … not “HOW can we make Vulpera a neutral race.”

Vulpera aren’t going to be neutral. Sorry you chose Alliance and your races suck but there’s no way Vulpera will NOT be Horde IF they get added.

Your ideas are laughably coming across as a mental scramble to try and change the story so that you get to play Vulpera … which you won’t … cause you’re Alliance … and you’ll get your Mechagnomes and you’ll like it.


The Horde will end up with an allied race that they all asked for (Vulpera), for the fourth time, and the Alliance will end up with a race no one asked for (Mechagnomes), for the fourth time as well.

It’s a simple pattern- The Horde gets everything they want and the Alliance does not.

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And there it is: FACTION BIAS!

/dips cookie in Alliance tears and flips ponytail


don’t know how anyone can think mechagnomes would be a neutral race

it don’t rly matter that horde can get rep with then, we are there just for profit, we don’t give a crap about gnomes and we don’t want then in the horde

They oblivious would side with their brothers, there is even the possibility of quest with Gelbin

I don’t know - maybe it was the archeological operations without regard to tribal lands while tearing up the land in search of Titan bits.

In Cataclysm, the dwarves refused to listen to the warnings of the tauren and angered the spirits of the Land they were violently excavating on with explosives. The infuriated Earth spirits killed the Bael’dun miners and the tauren now seek to calm them

The dwarves were involved with destruction of Camp Taurajo, having used Wildhammer mercenaries to firebomb the village

In revenge for the dwarves destroying his home and killing his friends a second time, Gann parts ways with the Horde and blows up Bael’dun to avenge his tribe and Camp Taurajo.

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Let me fill in this idea with what I expect.

JunkerGnomes Nuetral Allied
GilGoblins Horde
Ankoan Alliance

That’s my guess, we’ll find out in on Nov 1st at blizcon.

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and High Elves. Second generation Allied races. Or the fox-people the Worgen’s AR?

Actually Mechagnome reskins have been asked for since Wrath, just like Alliance High Elves with Blue eyes have been asked for since Vanilla. However when Blizzard answers our wishes, the Alliance gets the corrupted wish.

Blue skin High Elves, tainted by the Void.
Broken down looking Mechagnomes Junkergnomes.

The Horde wants Vulpera, and I doubt they are the first choice by Blizzard, but the Horde will get them, as they are only better with kick asp racials.

Edit: yes that was a pun sorry. Asp is a type of snake, Vulpera end up fighting the snake people… yah. :thinking:

My ideas are 100 times better then any thing you could ever come up with forum blood elf number 3764279


Dude, the only thing missing from your meme-self is if you were a paladin.

Ideas are fine if they were steeped in logic. Yours are straw-grasping ideas not supported by any lore in the game whatsoever.

If you want to play a Vulera, the Horde is waiting for you.



Says the forum blood elf, what an actual joke.
And no thanks I have fun enough killing your faction.

My faction … the faction that WILL get the non-neutral Vulpera. Come find me on your Mechagnome.


The cry babies who get everything they asked for because, shock horror, the devs are ALL horde.

… and now you’re an Alliance meme (paladin or not).


Blizzard does not want to do a nuetral race again, they already said it basically tied their hands with pandaren lore, they can’t do anything with pandas because of it.

Also, the Vulpera have zero reason to join the alliance.

The horde saved them from slavery, and protect them and their caravans from Sethrak and alliance, and the alliance are literally sending purge squads after them.

Why on earth do you think the Vulpera would ever join the alliance?