Vulpera probably is the next Neutral Race

I’m thinking Junker Gnomes will be a Neutral Allied race.


I can’t stand the Vulpera, i just can’t take them seriously and they are placed inside a serious story line.

With the current model of the game i don’t seem them adding in a neutral race and if they did i doubt it would be Vulpera and probably something in the next expansion or the one after. There is an extent to which you can push with gated race grinding, if they did do two more and then a neutral race it would probably be too much for most people to stomach.

I would like them to actually fix the visuals of many races currently in the game before they start adding in new ones that look a thousand times more polished.

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The Vulpera, more so than any other race, has made it very clear that they favor the Horde and despise the Alliance. If not Kelfin, I think the Vulpera will join the Horde. There’s TOO much going for them. I’d say it’s either Vulpera, or Kelfin AND Vulpera.

I can only hope the Alliance gets something awesome like Sethrak. I really, deeply dislike the Junkergnomes as a concept since for all intents and purposes there is nothing different about them other than “Gnome, but more Gnome-y” just like the Lightforged Draenei. “Draenei, but more Draenei-y”.

The Alliance deserves better. It NEEDS better. If you want to make Junker Gnomes an allied race, fine. But please put something in alongside them like Sethrak. A pious reptilian/serpentine race with a snake Loa would be paradoxically fitting yet different for the Alliance. Strange, alien, reptilian, and yet the Devoted’s mantras are almost 1:1 the Alliance.

Junkergnomes are one thing, but I actively hate “Lightforged Undead”. Has there been any indication these abominations exist in the game? If someone never read Before the Storm(?), is there any indication these things have ever been a thing?

Just…please, Sethrak. I’ll deal with Ankoans/Jinyu if you find a way to make them work. But really, they’re just sorta Male Night Elves with fish heads.


It’s been mentioned already, but at Rastakhan’s funeral, Kiro is present and says:

News spread to Vol’dun about Rastakhan’s death. I couldn’t believe it. I understand the Alliance wants to stop the Horde… But this is too far.

My people will do what we can to help the Zandalari through this difficult time.

Kiro has no love for the Alliance either.


Actually that makes sense too seeing how both sides can get their rep, but then that leaves what will Alliance get in return?



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Yeah, but their presence isn’t strong to be a playable race compared to mecho gnomes.

Who cares?


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I care is that a problem?

Void elves had literally no presence (as void elves) before they were introduced, since Alleria isn’t a proper void elf.


No you don’t. Embrace the sneks.

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True, but how exactly are they’re going to model them in armor and etc. They might rework their skeleton to become a playable race.

It’s a very old saying, however we all know two wrongs do not make a right.

Retaliation is a true equalizer.

Brutalistica is salty about not getting Blue Team Foxes.

If you’re going to mute anyone, mute the Alliance warlocks who started lighting the foxes on fire in the quest.


No just you muted specifically is fine. I’m not salty if they aren’t for alliance. I’m just trying to see how they’re going to handle the next allied races and if they have enough slots to fit them in. If mecho gnomes is the next neutral race then that makes me more happier Vulpera is viable to be become playable.

From what I’ve seen, helms are the only things that don’t work for them and I’ve seen mock ups that look no worse than worgen/tauren helmets


You ought to stop taking my nonsense so seriously. :rofl:



I have 0 desire for Vulpera NOW those Sethrak on the other hand…

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Both factions have about two allied races left, tops. Given that the eight we have so far are based on existing races and six of them are straight reskins, I don’t see it as very likely for the Alliance to get an original reptilian race with no visible gender differences that they’ve had little positive interaction with outside of a single quest chain that the devs have likely forgotten about by now, contrasting the Horde, who are the reason they and their loa are both free.

Vorrik: “So, champion, even though you saved my race and my loa, due to popular demand, I and my kin are going to side with your mortal enemies because they helped me in a quest that’s dubiously canon. Sorry.”

If I sound like a pessimist, I’ve been trying to keep my expectations for allied races low this whole expansion, and as much as I’d like to be surprised, I don’t see me getting one.

No, but a lot of people are bent around the idea of them becoming an AR despite the Light rebirthing process apparently being a one-time thing, and Calia taking control of the Forsaken if/when Sylvanas is deposed, and a surprising amount of them fell for Wowhead’s April Fools datamine of them. I really hope they don’t become a thing in-game.

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