Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

I’m just wondering if they’re intending on incorporating the new goblin models with them. It was something that I’d been wondering since I heard about the release of the female model. Since we know blizz loves to put half the effort in quite a number of these things lol

I am not going to get my hopes up too much, but will toss some neat ideas for them. One thing I will say though. If Gilgoblins are going to get something like bioluminescent hair, I don’t expect it this expansion.

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As I put on the other thread:

I’ll say it again: vulpera and junker gnomes will be playable. And I’ll raise the bet and say that it will happen before the end of the year.


I can agree to what you said. After the Vulpera, it’s up in the air what the next ar would be. The whole geoset concept is why I hold sethrak so high in my hopes. The work that was done before the launch of the game was pretty extensive…do they still need some things done? Sure! But it’s entirely possible that said work has been done since just not placed in the game yet. My hunch is that they will somehow become relevant after the events of the azshara raid.

I’m still keeping my fingers crossed!


Eevee told me that there once were more animations for Vulpera in wowmodelviewer and then some pruning was done. It is always possible, that there could be more content for Vulpera added later on.

This whole scene reminds me of the conflict between Vulpera and Set’rak in a way. Although I picture the protagonist more in a goblin light.


I appreciate this movie so much more now that I’m older. It’s a piece of art.


That snake is probably the most badass animated character I’ve ever seen before. I am having a hard time thinking of a character even more badass.

There is a lot of things that movie didn’t do quite right, but you gotta hand it to them. They really outdid themselves with the impeccable graphics.

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I don’t see Vulpera happening in BfA. I think 9.0 at the earliest. If they don’t add Vulpera I think it would be a big mistake on Blizz’s part, but they’ve made mistakes on this level before, i.e. Tuskarr and Arakkoa and Taunka, etc…


He had so many good lines they told him to go to hell his reply was “Where do you think I came from?”


Rattlesnake Jake is up there with Lord Shen the Peacock from Kung-Fu Panda 2.

What? Don’t laugh, Lord Shen is awesome.


Vulpera monk shall defeat him!


Vulpera monk has to be a thing MOP has a set called ninetails.


I should check if that’s taken…


Most likely will be but never hurts to check.

Better snatch’em sooner rather than later I guess.

Just swiped Fennexis for ED, kept forgetting to do that.

Ok, so I am releveling a Horde toon and have fallen in love with Meerah’s character again.

I can imagine Sylvanas deciding if she wants to take in the Vulpera.

“Warchief, what possibly could these creatures provide us?” -Nathanos

“Many things, my champion. Many things. Have you felt their fur? It is remarkably soft.” - Sylvanas.

“You’ve been holding that Vulpera ambassador ever since he arrived.” -Nathanos

This is how Vulpera will join the ranks of the Horde. Due to Sylvanas’s weakness to small cute things with soft fur.


I even read that in her voice


Given how much of a buggy unfinished mess the kultirans were do we really have any confidence blizz will do the fluffy boys any justice?

Well if she won’t take the Vulpera in, we’ll give her the boot and find a warchief who can like Eevee.