Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Well, to each their own I guess. I don’t think they will make gilgoblins playable either. I’d like to see Sethrak for the Alliance because I would actually play one but, other than that, I could care less who they get. Vulpera are my main hype and I have said before that I want to experience the Mechagon content as a Vulpera. I think it would behoove Blizz to make them playable sooner than later so that they are relevant to what’s going on instead of some refugees that the Horde takes in after we leave these islands.


Being very ambitious, I expect vuperas during or after 8.3.5! :fireworks:
Otherwise at that time, then during 9.0!:fox_face:

Honestly, with such an immense lack of interaction between Ji and the Vulpera (and the Vulpera’s current issues with the Alliance … and ZERO input from Aysa) I would say that “IF” they are to be anyone’s allied race; it would be the Gobs (due to to that shared updated skeleton).

As such, the Vulpera presumably wouldn’t join the Horde until such a time where their corresponding CORE Race is ready for them. This would also fit the timeframe of the Junker’s not being an Allied Option in 8.2 either. My guess, IF both are slated to be Allied Races … 8.2.5 or 8.3. I figure that Gelbin’s resurrection will tie into the Junker’s getting recruited; and if Gazlowe really is the one to recruit the Vulpera … he’s gonna need some work put into him.

Here’s what truly happened:


If only more people in this thread actually thought like this.

So we’re not allowed to speculate and want races we’d love to see in game? News to me. I don’t know why people get all upset about it when they literally can mute it.

Why bother linking pointless threads meant to cause arguments is my question. Let people speculate and hope for goodness sakes.


Just so you know. This thread consists of just a handful of people repeatedly bumping it over and over. Megathreads like these aren’t a good way to weigh popularity of a race. Eevee has 709 posts alone. 5 other people have around a hundred posts and the remaining of the majority of frequent posters consists of roughly about 19 people and some of these people also frequently post in other megathreads.

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Cool. So if you have a gigantic problem, mute it. I also mute threads that annoy me. The little tracking button on the bottom works wonders. Have fun with it.

In the meantime? Threads like these have been going for over a year now. Blizzard would have stopped it by now very obviously if they saw it as a problem. They even said in a recent interview that they’re looking at feedback.

So, again. If you have a gigantic problem with it? Mute it. Otherwise, why are you here…? I legit don’t understand the people that come in here just to complain about the thread, wonder why people keep talking, and carry on complaining. Like… If you hate it so much and it is this upsetting, again, mute it.

We get it, you have an issue, but we’re not going to stop staring our ideas and wants for what we’d like added.

Edit: Also I don’t see why it’s that unusual for people that enjoy a race concept to frequently post in a thread. Especially if it’s their own thread.


Megathreads help to concentrate the feedback so it isn’t all over the place. People returning here to share their ideas and discuss means it’s working.


The forum community is small compared to the real time discord community. I invite you to check it out and see our current roster of 1600 people.

A significant portion of Vulpera fans tend to avoid these forums because they tend to be an rcho chamber of negativity in which people only post to vent frustrations. I personally feel that these forums and the Vulpera cause are both better served by discussing Vulpera and other potential allied races here in a constructive, redpectful and positive way. It shows the developers our desire in a place they can easily see it and it also makes the forums a happier place to be.


I sometimes wonder if people actually take my advice and mute threads.

I wish there was a pinned post about it so that there’d be less complaining. Or even an “Allied Race/customization” forum, where at that point it would organize things more and people not wanting to discuss allied races could never see it again.

Anyway, as datamines come out, hopefully we’ll see more relevant story. Like I said, i recall the dev saying that the war campaign will be more than Naz and Mecha. I’ll be curious to see what they mean by that, they mentioned working with multiple parties.


Discords aren’t a good way of measuring quality and success of a potential AR either. I know PvP discords that have a much higher population than PVE discords do. Does this mean that wow is primarily a pvp game? Nope. A lot of their popularity is heavily dependent on the recruitment techniques used by the group of people in charge of the discord and of course. Just because someone is in the Vulpera discord doesn’t necessarily mean they want Vulpera.

I sometimes wonder if people actually take my advice and mute threads.

I wish there was a pinned post about it so that there’d be less complaining. Or even an “Allied Race/customization” forum, where at that point it would organize things more and people not wanting to discuss allied races could never see it again.

I don’t hide from reality. I confront it.

I must say I respect you last three posters so much for the class you’ve shown in your mega threads. Just impressed so very much. Thank you.

Edit because slow typer. : Gilblin, Eevee, and Fallynn. Sorry.


…so basically this is your way of saying you refuse to mute a thread that you’re complaining exists, a thread of which had been here for over a year now in many parts and now since November in the new forums without being shut down by Blizzard?

Suit yourself. We will continue to discuss what we want added regardless. If you want to complain about us discussing it, that’s on you, but derailing threads isn’t appreciated.

And again. Muting is your friend. If I disagree with a topic, I share a detailed post as to why i don’t think it’s a good idea, and then typically mute it because I have nothing more to add. My opinion at that point has been shared and there’s nothing more I can say.

Whereas if I’m in a discussion of things I’d love to be added, I bounce ideas off others and help them grow because I do care and enjoy the thoughts of others on the topic. Otherwise ideas would never expand. You never know what someone can think of that you have not yet.


PvP discords have higher populations because people who like PvP like to discuss it more that people who play PvE. The competitive nature of PvP fosters engagement. Similarly, people join a Vulpera discord because they wsnt to discuss or at least see discussion on Vulpera. It’s difficult to trick somebody into joining a dscord server and you sure as heck can’t force them to stay even if you do.

The discord has almost 200,000 messages in just the main channel. That’s a lot of engagement. If you want proof of quality and not just quantity, check out the art channels. Each drawing is hours of work by somebody who just loves Vulpera.

I can’t prove Vulpera are definitely happening, I can definitely prove they are popular.


Also, thank you. I try my best to foster positive discussions


Yea that pretty much sums up how it feels overall. Thanks for making me not feel isolated on this way of thinking XD

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That person showed up in the Gilgoblin discussion thread too. I have little tolerance for trolls(forum kind at least). Don’t pay any heed to it.


Speaking of gilgoblins: I know females were just introduced. I’m just curious about something…they use the old goblin models, right? Would you say it would be a safe bet if they also received the new goblin model to coincide? I’m just curious because…what if the new goblin models come out but the gilgoblin don’t use it and don’t look nearly as good as a result?

What I mean is…if they were released as an ar as well but didn’t take part in the new goblin model overall…would this upset or discourage you? It’s a legit but also hypothetical question of mine.

Though I very highly doubt that would happen for many many reasons. If it did happen, I wouldn’t be too happy, but I would still play them. Here is an interesting thing to know. When I first heard the notion that goblins needed model updates, I was surprised. This was because I already thought they looked good enough. However. I think the Gilgoblin male models even right now look amazing. Some of the skins in wow model viewer of Gilgoblins show they have glowing blue eyes and teeth. Some mogs they would look very nice in. I also think they would look especially good in skimpy mogs compared to regular goblins. However…

Yea. The female Gilgoblins. Those badly need an update. Like very badly. What I would really love is if they came out with bioluminescent hair for the Gilgoblins and gave them kind of a dark iron treatment, but with an aquatic nature.