Vulpera Celebration Thread! šŸ¦Š

Hi. This is my new alt. Might be my main I havenā€™t decided. Truth is I love her animation when she runs and her tail. Iā€™m impressed with this race.


A good amount of effort & time seems to have gone into the Vulpera race. I switched mains the day these little cuties were playable. Best most fluid animations of any race so far IMO


Looks like Iā€™ll be waiting a bit longer for my heterochroma eyes and alpaca pets with shadowlands delayed.

Only until the 13th.

Prepatch comes with the customization.


That means Shimeji will finally leave proper pawprints in the snow


I just now saw that announcement. So yay!

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Yeah. 9.0.1/the pre-patch will contain everything from Shadowlands except for the level 60 cap and the actual 50 to 60 stuff (the new zones/stories, covenants). All systems changes, class changes, customizations, etc. will be in 11 days.

It seems that this will be included. Itā€™s part of the new leveling.

I donā€™t believe so. The new level cap wonā€™t unlock until Shadowlands itself, because 50 to 60 requires Shadowlands content. 50 is the equivalent of 120. 60 is the Shadowlands cap. New level caps have never been introduced in pre-patches before.

Edit P.S.: Just went on PTR to double check, because that is what we will be getting on the 13th. No experience bar on my level 50. So, the precedent does stand.

It wonā€™t work without them doing the level squish.

Exiles reach and the new leveling system are tuned to level 1-50.

Theyā€™d make a lot of work for themselves if they donā€™t do it.

What? I didnā€™t say there wouldnā€™t be a level squish. I said the level 60 cap would not be part of 9.0.1. And it wonā€™t. The cap will be 50 until Shadowlands itself. The level squish falls under the umbrella of ā€œeverything except for the level 60 cap and the actual 50 to 60 stuffā€.

Hi guys! Sorry itā€™s been a while since I checked in. I hope everyone is having fun with their Vulpera. Iā€™ve just been on kind of a wow break waiting for Shadowlands. I still love you all


Iā€™m on a tiny WoW break, myselfā€¦ Because my computer broke down yesterday. But I should be back by this weekend or so.

And Happy Victory Vulpera Day, everyone. One year since Vulpera were officially announced and became playable on PTR (and, so, itā€™s the anniversary of this topic, too!) :fox_face:


Hello :smiley:


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I hope youā€™re well too. Take care Eevee!


Love my little toon still. Been leveling her on and off for days. I still havenā€™t used my camp thing yet haha. Might make a camp at rustfeather once I hit 120 :joy:


Iā€™ve been doing Argent Tournament on my shaman and my camp is close to the Horde tent.

Eventually Iā€™ll have all classes covered by an army of Vulpera


Itā€™s hard to believe itā€™s been almost 3 years since Blizzcon 2017.

What a ride.


I was going to have Shimeji reply to you but the forums are derpy right now and I canā€™t swap characters.

Iā€™ve only been aware of this movement for about a year. Was it really 2017 when Vulpera AR were announced?? :laughing: That is pretty crazy. Guess what they say about time flying really is trueā€¦

Iā€™m going to take Shimeji for a walk first thing Tuesday afternoon to see his little pawprints in the snow. Then weā€™re going to see how he does as a Sub rogue. Itā€™s going to be grand!!

Makes sense. So the race itself was unveiled as NPCā€™s. Thatā€™s still quite a ride. :smiley:

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They were revealed as an NPC race in 2017. Not officially confirmed as AR until October last year.