Vulpera Celebration Thread! šŸ¦Š

In my opinion, they should make it a War Mode thing. Itā€™s essentially a form of PvP, so those who already enjoy PvP are more likely to find that fun. If we enjoyed getting ganked by other players or the other way around, we wouldnā€™t be opting out of PvP. Heh.


What makes it really bad on the PTR is if you go on there to try to test things. You canā€™t. I mean what in the nine hells was Blizzard thinking doing that event again knowing people were going to abuse it?

It wasnā€™t as bad during the Wrath event because it only affected major cities and there was a lot more players killing zombies and the like. On my server, when I was playing Alliance, the zombies didnā€™t even get very far into the trade district.

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I wonā€™t be able to until after work, but I can try to help anyone who wants to try testing things on the PTR get to where they can with a two person flyer and mage portals.

If anyone would like that help after ~3pm PST let me know


Well, after a very long session, I got my Vulpera Warlock to L120. Feels good to have all my current alts at max level.

During my travels, I did decide to take another couple of screenshots. Thereā€™s a part where King Rastakhan is unconscious and unable to wake up. Knowing how important the king is to the Zandalari, my Vulpera proceeds to jump into action to help!

ā€¦by which I mean he proceeds to jump up and down on the king to wake him up. Weeeee!

Anyway, I had a fun time leveling my alts, in particular my Vulpera characters. If I take any more screenshots with them, Iā€™ll be sure to share.

In the meantime, Iā€™m going to show off my Horde pride:

Fur the Horde! :fox_face:


I love the female vulpera salute. Itā€™s just so cocky lol.


While not Vulpera related FFXIV is bringing back the Yokai Watch event this month which means folks who missed out will have another shot at getting the Kyubi minion for their character if interested in another fox minion.


Yes I am very stoked for getting my Kyubi pet ^_^.
Iā€™m not nerdgasm squeeing over here! Hush! I just really love kitsunes and Japan/Far Eastern culture. pouts

hugs fox plushie


Got my new Vulpera t-shirt today, a few days earlier than had been estimated - which was nice (since today was my birthday)

And a much happier one than last year. Then, I was still in the middle of my Battle For Vulpera funk - not quite middle, I had no idea we were less than two months from the good news. I begged Blizzard for some Vulpera news as a gift (as I had the year prior). Of course, that didnā€™t happen. This year, I had nothing like that to beg Blizzard for - well, I still want those tameable raccoons, but thatā€™s a relatively minor thing I can occasionally pester Muffinus about (no problem :raccoon: )


Happy birthday, Mero! That is a pretty cool shirt design. Amidst the craziness that is 2020 it is nice to have a few good things fall into place. Be well, friend. Iā€™ll tell Shimeji about your good luck. He still shies away from the forums most days.

:cake: :cocktail:


Thank you! :fox_face:


Happy Birthday! My own is in a couple weeks.


I am happy for all of you Vulpera lovers. It is just such a shame that the Vulpera were not another neutral race like the Pandaren, huge missed opportunity. I hate being forced to play on the Horde in order to enjoy the cutest race in WoW.


Blame the 7th Legion. Heh.

While the Voldunai vulpera would never have chosen Alliance over Horde because of the burning and attempted enslavement by 7th Legion (shades of Faithless all over again), Alliance Vulpera couldā€™ve been an additional option if they were reformed Bilge Rat pirates. Maybe they could have had a new character, Eudoraā€™s first mate or something, as a leader (presuming Eudora was canonically eliminated by ā€œadventurersā€ in the Freehold dungeon). Doubt they would do anything like that now, though.

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Iā€™ve been farming Galleon in MoP for the mount and came upon an opportunity for a neat screenshot on my Vulpera Shaman. I had to be quick to take the pose before someone skinned it or the body despawned. Needless to say, she is capable of bringing that beast down:

Never underestimate the power that is the Vulpera! :fox_face:


wasnā€™t vulpera pre planned before any posts existed lol

No one knows for sure. There is evidence to them being strongly considered, at least, but plans can and do change all the time. Weā€™ve been given no details on that, on whether public opinion influenced a close decision - it would not be the first time.

But there are things that can be seen, without speculationā€¦ Eeveeā€™s continued enthusiasm and support for Vulpera. As well as an awesome community that grew around that enthusiasm and persevered for nearly two years without any official news. And that, especially in the face of those who would want to bring forth hate and cynicism, is worthy of admiration and celebration.

Edit P.S.: And I believe Eeveeā€™s first post requesting their becoming a race - this is definitely not it - was during BlizzCon 2017 when we first learned vulpera even existed.


The Gilgoblins and just about every allied race being a sub of preexisting ones kinda threw a lot of folks off but when they officially got dropped the salt was glorious


You guys are Sethrak supporters as well so let me remind you. And the salt from Sethrak fans as been abundant. Constantly and endlessly bashing mechagnomes. Its a wonder Sethrak wasnā€™t playable.

Why would you be happy for others sorrow? Gilgoblin fans probably feel pretty bad about not seeing their race.

Or Sethrak fans for that matter. Both groups Iā€™m a part of. Donā€™t get me wrong though, I love my vulpera.

I hope both Gilgoblins (probably Kelfin) and Sethrak become playable in the future.


Those kinds of people give the fandom a bad name and they are rampant on these forums.