Vulpera Celebration Thread! šŸ¦Š

Also donā€™t disturb the Vulpera when theyā€™re napping


My experiences are not a reference for the level of acceptance and good coexistence of the vulperas with other players, but since I created a vulpera ( I am 3 and Inari is my first ) I have not had any negative interactions.

In fact, I have had better interactions than I have ever had as a worgen.
People wave to me, send greetings and yesterday, in a DG, 2 players gave me loot, which they wouldnā€™t need, without my asking for something.
An unusual attitude to happen to me, in my 10 years of playing.

Some people may not like vulperas (because they donā€™t like furrys and think that those who like vulpes are furry by association) but my experiences, so far, have been very positive.

And that has even changed my behavior.
I have always used emote /Hi when joining a DG or group and people sometimes answer me.

Many people in the crowd, ignore my vulpera and those who interact with me have been pleasant.

I think Iā€™ve been lucky. :fox_face:


That people are meany on vulperas?
Yes! These people are unpleasant. These people are sad. :pensive:
I feel very sorry for these people and their lives that can only make sense of being petty to other people. :disappointed:


So fluffy! :wolf:


WoW Esports choose Meroā€™s transmog as one of their favorites for their MDI Finals transmog screenshot submission thing! :fox_face::hammer_and_wrench:


I donā€™t usually like to make blanket statements about groups of people but most vulpera players Iā€™ve encountered have been very friendly. I donā€™t think they often appeal to the kind of people who are jerks online > >


I just unlocked mine! Canā€™t wait to play them!!!


Congrats there you!


----- Satire -----
Your head whoosh

Where are you seeing this? I just took Shimeji into the desert, and he still leaves footprints. The Vulpine Familiar mount by comparison leaves real pawprints. I wonder if Iā€™m doing something wrong? :confused:

Itā€™s a change present on Shadowlands test, I believe. (I wouldnā€™t know for sure, myself. Heh)


ahhhh. Makes sense. I can wait for pre-patch :smiley: At least I know itā€™s coming!


I want a thicc vulpera gf. Taking applications. Red Panda women are great too.

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Celebration in the celebrationā€¦

Today is the 6 Month Anniversary of Vulpera going live! :fox_face:


I think Vulpera are adorable.
Yiffers = not so much. Gross actually. But Vulpera are cute.
Itā€™s a shame furries come in and pervert everything they touch in game

There are plenty of furries in the game, who have been playing since Vanilla, who do not pervert anything. From what I have seen, they are a group that is often unfairly misrepresented with broad strokes. And some people have (sinister) agendas behind doing that misrepresentation.

I have a suspicion quite a few of those who enthusiastically do the ā€œyiffā€ thing are non-furries portraying their caricatured idea of a furry, either as a gag or to outright troll.


Not even close. Come to moon guard, and the furry yiff freaks are everywhere, and theyā€™re not trolling - you can see it in their links in their TRP addons

Doesnā€™t really disprove what I said. In fact, if someone were to do what I said, they probably would choose to do it on Moon Guard, because of its reputation.

Note, I said a few of those sorts are trolls. Iā€™m not saying that none of them are actual furries. But they definitely would not represent the majority of furries. No more than any of the others who do unusual things in Moon Guard represent all of their communities - I can only imagine what people are doing with gnomes there, for instance.

Edit P.S.: And Iā€™m aware not the entirety of Moon Guard deserves any sort of reputation. Most stuff happens in Goldshire, Iā€™ve heard. But I have no direct experience, so even that may not be fair. And really, I donā€™t care, either way. As long as itā€™s not hurting me, I let people do what they want. If I can choose to avoid it, no harm.


Iā€™m a furry and I donā€™t got around trying to yiff anything. Iā€™m fine with my vulpera being attractive, but I have better things to do. Like raids, loremasters, profession work, archeology, etc etc. :slight_smile: :fox_face:


Vulpera ā€œTransfer Studentā€ card on Hearthstone (inspired by the upcoming Scholomance expansion), free for logging in to Hearthstone today! :fox_face: