Vulpera Celebration Thread! šŸ¦Š

Sounds like itā€™d be nice, could have an even larger tent city than the one for the celebration event after launch (


Here is my 7th Vulpera toon. Now that leaves Warlock and Mage, but I donā€™t know when that will be since I have now leveled 5 toons with the exp boost and feel a done with leveling for now.

I still remember that event and it was fun. I would love to do another one.


Sareyoā€™s portrait makes him look so grumpy! I was wondering what class could possiblyā€¦ oh. Death Knight. Mystery solved :laughing:

Heā€™s got quite a cool looking mog going on.

Think Iā€™m done power leveling for a bit too. My main rogue Vulpera, this DH, a Kul Tiran rogue and a Zandalari druidā€¦ thatā€™s a lot of alt grinding. Very fun, but Iā€™m turning my interests to other things. Shimeji has taken his foxy self back to Legion so he can finally get his Rogue Class Hall appearance. Might take a couple weeks now that Iā€™m back to IRL work again.


That transmog set is only temporary, but I like this set since it matches my Voidwing and Island Thunderscale. I plan to go with a Thunder look with the Rajani Warserpent being one of the main mounts. I just need to get Thunderfury first to complete it. Iā€™m currently sending in 12 sword toons in so it should not take too long to finish.


My adorable Vulpera has fast become one of my Top Six! :trophy:

I adore her. :hearts:


That is an adorable look there.


I have more than a few vulpera characters now to the point I have only one blood elf and one pandaren left on horde.


Hereā€™s my shaman - Foxylady (I know, really original these days. hah)

While much of her gear is from the heritage set, the backpack is from Wrathion, and she uses a simple looking axe, I went with something different for the shield. Itā€™s fancier and a Troll design. The shield was found scavenging through the sands of Volā€™dun. it gives my shaman a bit of an RP flavor.


hey mero can i join your guild


Iā€™m putting out a bounty payable to any person who can get me the name of the new female lombax character in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart in time for me to reserve it for a vulpera on one of the servers I play on.


I donā€™t think that female Lombax character has been given an official name yet, but Iā€™ll keep an eye out for you in case I see anything.

If anyone is interested, here is the official trailer that shows off the female Lombax at the very end of the trailer:


I hope that Blizzard polishes some of the Vulpera animations. A lot of them are stellar, but there are quite a few that just donā€™t look right.

For example, if you use a bow and target something youā€™re too far away fromā€¦ The top of their muzzle bends upwards and looks incredibly unnatural.

Or when youā€™re a Shaman in your ready poseā€¦

That just does not look right. The top of the muzzle shouldnā€™t bend and break.

The animations for asking a question or stating an exclamation donā€™t look right, either, in my opinion. As an RPer I (likely) see them more than the average player and I do not like them; Vulpera look like they have muppet mouths.
The normal talking animation is fine, though.

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I noticed when I played my Enhancement Shaman, the back part of the heritage armor would often detach and float in the air and then reattach with some attacks. I donā€™t know it has been fixed yet, but until it does, I guess I have armor that likes to defy the laws of gravity. Maybe that part just doesnā€™t want to get dirty on the floor or something.

My current goal in life is to recreate this glorious lombax in WoW. A collapsing multiverse is a perfect excuse to have her appear in Azeroth.

(I probably wouldnā€™t actually roleplay that though. > > )


While I was strongly leaning towards getting a PS5 seeing that trailer made it a definite yes.


I will not be able to afford one for a long time. I havenā€™t had a playstation since playstation 2 and focused mostly on nintendo consoles. But this is literally the only thing I could think of that would make me want to invest in a playstation. Ratchet and Clank was my favourite playstation 2 series.


I plan to eventually get a PS5. I usually prefer to wait for new consoles to drop in price and both for games I want to come out for it and for said games to be at a lower price as well.

I also donā€™t know if theyā€™ll make a PS5 Pro or anything like that in the future. Thus, Iā€™m not in a huge hurry to get one. Still, I am interested in eventually getting one at some point.

Besides, Iā€™m still really enjoying my Nintendo Switch and PC. :smiley:


Thatā€™s pretty much where Iā€™m at. Itā€™s usually better to wait.

But of all possible feasible launch titles, Ratchet and Clank but with Female Protagonist was absolutely the best hook they could get into me.


looks around I think this is the right thread.

Ahem, hello everyone!




Whats up?