Vulpera Celebration Thread! šŸ¦Š

Posting for Toreko, so everyone can just click the link

Looks like a fair number of color variations of the vulpine familiar mount type skin (though it looks like it has more normalish ears than the curved back ones of the mount), so Iā€™m definitely excited about maybe being able to tame some for my hunter


Just here to throw in some support for Vulpera demon hunters. We need more shortstack options for demon hunters. Amiright? I love doing 3D model edits. Maybe sometime I will make a 3D Vulpera demon hunter for you guys!


Iā€™m literally trying to put a mog like this together in your honor! Lol

Got a lot of grinding black temple to do though.


I will keep a note of that. I look forward to seeing it!

-Gnomest alt.


Theyā€™re tamable. Hunter template characters on alpha currently start with one in their pet list .


Isnā€™t that like, slavery, or like immoral?

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Unless the new foxes are sentient, itā€™s not really slavery. Not any more so than other hunter pets (or companion pets or mounts, etc). And itā€™s not more or less immoral than all other hunter pets, in general - that would be a much larger discussion, just donā€™t ask DEHTA about it!

One thing is. There is a case to be made that those foxes arenā€™t even animals, but magical constructs made to look like foxes.


Adorable buzzsaw checking in!


It doesnā€™t even matter if theyā€™re sentient. Theyā€™ve got a good gig! They get free heals and are brought back to life if they die. Thatā€™s a better deal than theyā€™d get fending for themselves in the wild.

If I was an intelligent being in the form of an animal and had the opportunity for immortality just by hanging around some silly murder hobo who wants to kill monsters for loot, I think Iā€™d hang around too XD And sometimesā€¦ JUST sometimesā€¦ Iā€™d pretend to be dumb when said murder hobo jumps down from a ledge, and I would find the most convoluted, longest way to get back to them, and bring back as many monsters as I can find in the process. I mean, killing monsters for loot makes murder hobo happy, right? Can I has treat now?


That post made me chuckle a good bit.


We keep apes in zoos.

Iā€™ve been toying around with character creation in the shadowlands alpha, and I have some slightly exciting news. The newest build lets you create vulpera characters. And it seems that eye colour is no longer tied to your choice of face. At the moment vulpera (And all other races for that matter) have one, unchangeable eye colour across all faces, presumably until an eye colour slider is added.

Itā€™s not much, but it would seem vulpera will get to choose their eyes and face separately in shadowlands!


Thatā€™s pretty cool! Thanks for the update. Itā€™s nice the Hype Caravan has some representation in the Alpha to watch for these things. :fox_face: (Although, I do still hope I can join sooner rather than later - been keeping an eye on my email. Heh)

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Oooo I hope we get to have the option for mis-matched eyes too. Canonically my warrior here has two colored eyes.


Grayphus here.
My 3rd vulperas! Still in the grind phase.
But I am already imagining a 4th vulpera in the future!
Perhaps, a monk!
Rogue, warrior and Warlock.

I would make a vulpera paladin if it were possible. :fox_face:


Quite the lovely look there. Very colorful.


Travelling by to say hi.


You want to see a shameless mog? I spent way longer on this than I should have.


Actually given the limitations in WoW, you got very close to the look. I can see it certainly :smiley:

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