Vulpera Celebration Thread! 🦊

Yeah, for some reason when I posted, it was still showing up I was level 91, but I was 101 I swear lol. But I finally unlock my heritage armor last night! Woohoo!

Edit: There, I think I fixed it. Had to log out and back in, and now it shows I’m 110 lol


5k more rep until I can unlock the Vulpera. I’m getting so burnt out though, doing every world quest, running back to the fair for the rep buff… I’m hoping to have them unlocked in the next two weeks or so? :cry: I need me some more determination juice. Reading all the excitement with leveling and getting the heritage armor here gives me some hope at least! :fox_face:


Should I change my fut to red? Or keep it white? Maybe yellow?

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Try the purpley color like mine. It might tie in the deeper burgundy tones in the gloves/weapon with the overall green theme, and help the bright yellow eyes pop a little more.

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This is my oldgod/dark shaman mog!

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Did anybody else see that there are now vulpera troops you can recruit for the follower mission table?


I hadn’t, but there are? That is nifty


they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute !!! I love how they dance. I am very excited about making one.


I finally have a Vulpera! I’m still deciding what class I want to lvl, but so far I am enjoying Arcane mage.

And i’ve boosted a rogue as rogue is my main class atm.


I see you are a person of refined tastes. Rogues make the world go ‘round :beers:


Yep. I did. Mentioned it on my Twitter, forgot to post here, though.


I race changed to Lancer

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I finally got Vulpera unlocked! :fox_face: Now to decide on a class to main Lol.


I decided to race change my Hunter so this guy was born! Made a Vulpera DK to level for the heritage armor, being DK cuts the leveling time in half and all I care about is the armor, so LOL.


I’m happy as any that Vulpera is playable, evidently I made my own, but “We did it”? Please, Vulpera was going to be an allied race before we knew they existed.


Wait, but the only Lancer is a hunter spec. Also, being Lancer is suffering.

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Yes. We did it. It doesn’t matter if we actually had any effect on their decision. Eevee put a lot of heart and passion into following Vulpera news and helping to inform and hype people for Vulpera. The community that formed around the Vulpera Hype Caravan has been a magical and wonderful thing. That’s not insignificant, just look at most of the forums around WoW. This community is not typical for WoW in its enthusiasm and positivity. All of that is meaningful to me, and to the thousands of others who participated in cheering on Vulpera over those long couple years.


Yeah! Preach it! Eevee did so much work and we’ve all been really good to one another.

No reason to someone to poop on that.

Fur the Horde! :fox_face:


I wouldn’t say I was a nay-sayer, but I would say I was a skeptic.

I did think there was some evidence against Vulpera going Horde, namely that they would have been far from the first Horde buddy race that didn’t join the fold, and that the Alliance had (and still has if I’m frank about my opinion) no obvious counterpart to them in Kul Tiras.

As such, I’d weigh in once a blue moon to temper expectations to what I felt were more reasonable levels, but mostly kept neutral and didn’t say much on the topic.

But I’m mostly glad they’re here!

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So far, I’ve gotten my Vulpera Enhancement Shaman to 40. Been trying to level her as best as I can, but both college work and the dailies in the Vale and Uldum have taken up most of my time.

On the bright side, I’m revered with the two new 8.3 reps on this character, so I can finally see the light at the end of that tunnel. :smiley: