Vulpera adoption thread - we need good homes before its too late!

This is actually surprisingly wholesome a thing to find on the WoW forum.

weeps in worked 'til 7am, went home and slept until 5pm, got up and went back to work for another 12-hour shift

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Well cool lets break out the pie and celebrate my unbirthday.

But I love to surf :sunglasses: Honestly have been looking at Miami, Charleston SC, east coast stuff. But living near an ocean is a must.

Ah he did it! Alice is one of my favorite movies.

Tampa Bay or get out.

That sounds lovely, a bit of cerebral break would be just divine for me right now.

How wonderful! I love a good unbirthday party. <3

This is a Nasuuna thread, all the forum trash is repelled by my holy light while all the good people may enter without catching on fire. Even the DH.


I do wish I had more time to actually play this game during my workweek. :\

I should probably tell you…

I keep having to douse my horns. It’s very unpleasant.

I could always just… Lightforge those horns of yours…

Spoiler alert they forgot to empty the forum dumpster the forum trash is over flowing. I think I still see someone old stinky boot from here.

Girl, I will Title IX the hell out of you if you so much as touch my horns. RESPECT MY CULTURAL HERITAGE.

Oooh, pick it up! Quick! It could be worth 3g 87s 43c!

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You’re a blood elf, you have no cultural heritage. Knockoff night elves :slight_smile:

It does take a lot of effort for me to be a snarky jerk. Sometimes I like to have some sweet to counteract my sour.
Also, this particular character ICly is a bit of an unintentional poet who’ll go on these descriptive rants about things he likes - especially people he likes - which is by far one of the most fun things to do with the character.
It’s fun to paint that into the forums sometimes.

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I would give you a like but I’m restricted for three hours. :upside_down_face:

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Had enough to teach your human chums how to actually use magic instead of throwing sharp sticks.

Oh, Human Potential™ was ingrained into them from the Vrykul days. They just forgot how to be useful for a while.

A rotting boot is worth 3g 87s 43c? I’m not touching that boot.

You know how many sad, homeless Westfall farmers you can feed with 3g 87s 43c? I can buy Westfall for that price.