Vulpera adoption thread - we need good homes before its too late!

My birthday is now officially over in the United States. See you next year, cake day.

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Stay tuned for Cake vs Pie.

It was your birthday? Happy birthday!

(don’t forget Hawaii it’s still your birthday)

What does the fox say? Oh… nevermind. lol

I love alligators! When I was a kid visiting florida I used to throw bread to them from a balcony and laugh, my parents have videos of it.

Don’t love humidity or hurricanes though.

Happy birthday!!! Here’s to a great year X. :slight_smile:

Shoot, without a doubt. That’s my sorta scene. Horror movie, comedy, romance, or my personal favorite: something so poorly made and dumb that it ends up as an unintentional comedy so we can riff it?

Happy birthday!

Spoiler alert:

Cake wins.

Oh hush. We get like one major hurricane every 20 years. Worst thing that ever happens is you lose power for a day, and that’s in a bad situation. Assuming you don’t live on the beach like a noob.

We don’t have earthquakes. /flex

Then it’s your first… un-birthday, then?

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What is this madness what is a unbirthday?

Let’s be real, though – mother nature hates us and finds a way to put natural disasters basically everywhere we might want to live? Coast? Floods and hurricanes. River? Floods and tornadoes. Plains? Tornadoes and wildfires. Mountains? Landslides and volcanoes.

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I would also hate us if I were nature. We haven’t had a great relationship :stuck_out_tongue:

No one’s taking my bait peepoSad

Oh I love those so much! I also like comedies. But I REALLY love Italian food.

Out of sight out of mind! Until you’re woken up in the middle of the night by what feels like a train passing through. Is this it god? Is this the one?


There ain’t such a thing as “tall and handsome man” here. We’re all G.I.R.L.S or demon hunters.

You said tall and handsome. You expect to find that on a video game forum? :rofl:

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Happy belated Birthday to you

As much as it might not fit for a Desert Fox, I melt if the temperature gets much over 72 degrees, I am much more at home when its ~40-68, and as such as would die there.

Funny, as a native Floridian I might freeze and shatter if it hits 40.

For my vulpera duh

Trying to get adopted here

Well of course you have a celebration on your birthday, even if it’s a small one. But every day that isn’t your birthday is also worth celebrating, because every day you exist is one more day with you in it: and any day with you in it is a perfect, blessed day.

So that’s why we celebrate every day that’s NOT your birthday as well. So may this day be a very merry unbirthday to you, too!