Vulpera adoption thread - we need good homes before its too late!

somewhere, an alternate WoW universe with penicillin poofs out of existence

Fine fine i’ll sell the boot. But you owe me hand sanitizer.

Hey, he’s making the best out of a bad situation. Yeah, his boss yeeted off to spend eternity at the space jail. Yeah, he doesn’t have eyes per se and none of the NE ladies want him anymore. And he’s TOTALLY going to the bad place for becoming a demon. But at least he has horns, and horns are good.

I dispense holy justice on behalf of the lightbringers! slaps a heart onto sohos head.

Oh, but inflation. It’s like how in california 100 bucks is enough to get you a mcnugget meal.

I don’t carry that. I have holy fire.

I’m starting an export business to the undiscovered peninsula of koreazoth. I’ve heard they love foxes. So it will make us a ton of gold.

I’m surprised you people are allowed to keep any of your money in that… state. I have really terrible things to say about your government that I don’t want to say here. Just know you have my sympathy.

I actually have an immortal demon soul. I can only be killed in the Nether.

I lived in Arizona before I lived in California.
California = Weather is nice, but-… where’d all my money go?
Arizona = behold for i have become the avatar of crispy, red god of the sands, hear my sizzling flesh and rejoice for it is the song of my people

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At least in Arizona you get to keep some of your income.

Even if all the wacko cults that come out of the country come from Arizona.

Honestly I’d love to go somewhere that’s just… gloom. I generate enough body heat on my own to act as a personal furnace, I need somewhere cool and rainy where it can be put to use.

Have you been to the United Kingdom? :grin:

No, but I’ve been told it would suit me.

Oregon, maybe? Damp weather, cool temperatures, and no sales tax.

They have such wonderful weather. Dark. Rainy. Cool. I wish we had that here in Florida, instead we have a tropical paradise. :stuck_out_tongue:

This sounds very sketchy to me. Will the foxes be loved and well taken care of in koreazoth?

It’s nothing my dad hasn’t said lol. Oh, how he hates this place.

Why - why do you people try to live there? Isn’t it obvious you’re not supposed to live in that frying pan? ITS TOO HOT. I fly through phoenix all the time and the planes are like hot boxes. It is very pretty though :slight_smile:

Washington state

Be prepared to take extra Vitamin D supplements in rainy gloomy climate.

I actually don’t mind heat – as long as it’s not high humidity. Eight weeks in Kuwait (July through August) will do that do you, though. You just kind of get used to it.

130+ on most days, sometimes as high as 140. That’s enough to literally cook a raw egg on a rock.

Oh yes, I’ve taken an extended camping trip through Oregon. Three weeks - two through a river, and one week to cross a mountain - with some brand new buds. That was some lovely weather.

With gusto!

Smart man… smart man.

In any case, I’m heading off to the lush, green fields of Cyrodiil to slaughter the innocent for the glory of Sithis.

I leave this coffee behind for you all. Hail Sithis. :coffee:

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I mean yeah, you can fry an egg with the concept of Arizona, but you can live there for like… $2.