Vrykul Allied Race

Laughs in Blood Elf.

Yeah love to have em, but I would vote for Vulpura and Sethrak first… oh and Ogre, I mean sheesh on Ogres…

Wait, did you guys had a part on that?

No just pointing out how silly it is that you would say they wouldn’t ally with the Horde after the Blood Elves did in spite of what happened to Quel’thalas in the Second War.

How dumb i am lately, i was obvious and i didn’t got it.
About that, well, gameplay tramples lore sometimes.
So, Northrend Vrykul for the Horde and Stormheim Vrykul for the Alliance?

Eh I think that since the Northrend Vrykul seek immortality in undeath they would be willing to side with Sylvanas. Specially since their former Death God is… well dead.

Fixed. :metal:

They tried to do that with the Scourge, didn’t worked that well.

Thanks, i really don’t think that Vrykul fit for the Horde given lore reasons, i was trying to hear both sides on the matter.
Half ogres you mean Mok’nathal or just regular Ogres?

These guys. I think Rexxar shares a model with male KTs anyways.


Well I think that would be cool lots of interesting themes between the two that can be used to make a sort of grudge that other allied races dont have.

On one side is darkness and on the other Light.

Undeath Vs Life

Necromancy vs the light.

Well it was working for a while then we kinda ruined all that.

Too few not even a full tribe remains. Also they are pacifists and isolationists Rexxar is kinda usual which got him exiled btw.

Velves come from a race that was 90% wiped out.
Goblins had to fit on a tiny boat with body guards and swag.

Are you really going to site a population argument?

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Mok’nathal are perfecly fit for an Allied Race, i doubt anyone would dislike the idea.

I was wrong

Population isn’t a issue when it comes to playable races, based on the ones that are already playable, which many are just a few people.
I’m about 10% of my race.

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Maybe not. There was an entire ogre area in WoD that was cut content. They could do something with it, you never know.

This is indeed correct now.

There are maybe 300 Mag’har orcs as well.

You’re 10% of 10% :laughing: That’s like, five of you guys.

It’s not about that.
It was because i was about to say that nobody would dislike Mok’nathal, and Nathreim said he dislike them, that was funny, and unfortunate. I like Rexxar and the Mok’nathal, and WoD had so many cut content that it hurts, it was a shame to see all the Ogres and the Gorian empire but no sight of the Mok’nathal.

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I mean, there are about 10 to 20 Void Elves, so i’m 10% of 0,001% of 10%. We are not many, so guess i have to find some Blood Elves happy to hear about N’zoth the great one and “convince” them.

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