Vrykul Allied Race

Correct, head clipping in a door way


Half of a Vrykul’s body In a ceiling. Some ceilings in Human inns get right up to a Tauren in Hall ways.

This is damn near twice as tall:

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If they made them playable they would probably use the same size as the Faintly Glowing Flagon of Mead toy which is still quite a bit taller than Tauren but not as much as that.


So in other words we would be playing Vrykul Lite.

People would make a fuss out of that, honestly I can see why Blizzard avoids this idea.

Only the most anal retentive whiners who should be ignored anyway.

Blizz already said Ogres were going to be a race at some time just not an allied race cause they want to do a full treatment with them.


I only want them if their racial mount is a horse.

What’s wrong with wanting to roleplay a race exactly as their supposed to be?

You realize Kul’Tiran are almost as tall as Tauren, if a Kul’Tiran looked big compared to a Vrykul (considering their width) it would damage the immersion greatly.

I agree with Tentacl… then we’ll be playing Vrykul Lite. But whatevs, Blizzard is going to do whatever.

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There’s no reason to get nasty. We’re just having a discussion.

When did they say this?

They already shrank Tauren models so this ship sailed LONG ago.

Okay so they are quite a bit taller, yes. Almost twice as tall. I guess they would have to shrink them down, which would be a shame, but still not a deal breaker for me.

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Ummmm, no? Comparing WC3 models isn’t a reliable representation. Never was, otherwise Arthas would be Tauren size.

I like the concept of Neutral Races, but many people don’t.
Lorewise Vrykul have reasons to join both factions, but they have even better reasons to not care at all and remain independent.
I can see Vrykul playable one day, most likely with a faction.

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Blizzcon when they announced Allied Races it was one of the questions asked.

Im not talking Warcraft 3 Im talking in wow’s lifetime they have shank the male model.

Well… I wouldn’t think they’re very happy with the Horde. IIRC we experimented on them in Howling Fjord and then our leader tried to enslave the head angel lady in Stormheim :grimacing:


No they haven’t, unless you are going back to Beta which is 2004 lmao.

Yes they have.

h ttps://i.imgur.com/ULv5BE4.jpg

Its not even the first time they did it back in vanilla once as well.

Odyn is definitely not a nice guy, and i’m sure he didn’t took Sylvanas actions easily, he merely hold the Valarjar because there was a larger treat to deal with at that time. Can you make the Stormheim Vrykul join the Alliance out of spite for the Horde? I guess yeah, the Night Elves did the same thing on Vanilla.

But some people bring the idea of Northrend Vrykul hating the Humans because they think that they are malformed and such, and that would make them join the Horde. I personally think that this is a bit weak, especially considering that we had Forsaken plaguebombing Vrykul villages on the Howling Fjord.
Well, i’m just pointing that out.


That is so minor that it looks like an optical illusion. I was tempted to draw lines on that picture to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me.

So you linked me a thread that was merely skeptical?

I need patch notes, better sources bud. The picture only looks like they lowered the shoulders. This is a weak argument.