Vrykul Allied Race

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Taurens actually render larger than normal for anyone who is not a tauren.

It could just be a camera perspective thing, but Tauren are huge.

Thank you! wow this is cool, I appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me. I always wondered how everyone does it, thought maybe photoshop, :rofl:.

Accompanying the vrukul could be the runemaster (rune magic) class or spec of a class! I love the idea of rune magic

I know tauren are huge… my point is ogres and Vrykul are even bigger.

Our head/horns hit the top of most doorways. Go any bigger and that race isn’t getting in the door.

Well, isn’t that kind of the core of the High Elf debate? Not which side they should go to, but whether or not they could exist because the Horde already have one version and the Alliance have an even worse version? So I dunno. I don’t think Horde need another warrior/savage race. They have a lot of that going on with Orcs/Trolls and then they have the Forsaken for that almost evil, kind of gothy feel. Alliance doesn’t really tap into that other than Worgen (sort of, they started out as your average humans) and Night Elves, which aren’t on that level.

Matters who you’re looking at.

The vrykul in, say, dungeons are larger than normal for purposes of target management and selection. Kind of like how raid boss Jaina looks like she’s around 14 feet tall by comparison to the raid that’s beating on her.


Why not both?

The Northrend Vrykul hate humans and see them as cursed. They like the undead and see it as a gift of immortality. The Lich King has been silent so hearing of a dark lady who has the power over death they flock to a new Death God.

The Broken Isles Vrykul follow Odyn and Eyirr. Sylvanas tried to enslave Eyir and has allied with Bwonsamdi who she hates. So they choose to follow the Alliance who are currently at war with the Banshee Queen.

Boom Vrykul for everyone we can even have differences between the two like unique skins. Frost or undead Vykul for the Horde and Bronze Vrykul for the Alliance.

The top of Tauren models no longer have collision so you can walk in tiny doors with your head going through the doorway. They changed this years ago its not a problem for tall races.

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They have stated that they are not happy with how Pandaren turned out. I don’t think they would even come close to giving a race to both sides again. I’m not saying what you said doesn’t make sense, but I really think it would have to be one or the other.

I can assure you it has nothing to do with that, people that aren’t much into lore like to say that without understanding the demand and the debate.
I don’t want to talk about that in this thread, if you want to argue about it you can discuss it in the High Elf thread, i’m suggesting this for the good of your thread.

I know we can walk through doors, I didn’t say we couldn’t, I’m saying a race that’s twice as tall as me isn’t going to do it.

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I’m gonna go compare a male Tauren to the Vrykul in Stormheim. I don’t think they’re twice as tall, but I imagine they are taller.

No, Vrykul indeed tower over Tauren.

Ultimately that’s the issue here, the amount of clipping Ogres and Vrykul would cause would be damn near game breaking. Unless they shrunk em and we would only be playing Vrykul Lite.


Ive never seen blizz say anything like thatabout pandaren. Also they JUST gave the Alliance Void Elves so its clear they dont really care.

Why not why would it be any different? If blizz is fine with tauren walking into doors too small for them it wont bother them with Ogres or Vyrkul.

Clipping is not a real problem hell half the current races have clipping issues in one way or another.

Yeah this is what I was trying to say :grin:

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Right, no I don’t want to get into that hairball either.

Except they made very sure that Void Elves look very different from Blood Elves to avoid the Pandaren thing. Can they do the same with Vrykul without botching them?

Compared to Vrykul you can’t call those clipping problems. We are literally talking night and day difference here.

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Took out the spin while they were at it.

God that makes me mad… :frowning:

Tauren smashing their heads into doorways is not the same?

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They flat out said they made Void elves look different than Blood elves for exactly that reason. They don’t like both factions having the same race.

They dont have too. Pandaren already work just fine no one has problems telling the difference.