Vrykul Allied Race

No they don’t. None of them are what you are describing. The Void Elves are not sadistic, Worgens are not savages ( they’re still humans, just werewolves ), Dark Iron are not evil, and not all Night Elves are that at all.

Yes the Alliance are about order and following your king. The Vrykul will never follow nor bend a knee to King Anduin. While the Horde now have the council with leaders representing each of their own race/clan/tribe. This is more fitting for the Vrykuls since they only follow their God-Queen.

Because the Forsaken are not the Scourge. The Scourge is the Lich King’s army.

They way I look at it Blizzard really only worked on two of the allied races and I’m tired of half finished crap I have to grind for.

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Incoming announcement about Horde getting Vrykul “old skeletons” and Alliance getting brand new 3d model viewable in Maya or 3DS Max Alterac Humans who look a little thinner than humans.

What? Aren’t you grateful that you got “Unique skeletons”?


I personally would like to see sethrak and jinyu for alliance. Mogu and mok’nothal half orc/ogres for horde. since rexxar already uses the male kul’tiran model i think it would be fairly easy for blizz to make a female half orc/ogre female using the female kul’tiran model

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The issues with adding Vrykul as an allied race are two fold imho:

  1. Lore wise, They don’t care about either horde or alliance. Now, some of you will talk about stormheim and what not, Odyn made it pretty clear that he wanted horde and alliance to fight because violence! is! awesome! as opposed to any sort of real concern over morality or culture; heck he had us beat the crap out of Hyrja just to prove how swol we were.
  2. They’re way too big; the sheer scale of the Vrykul would cause issues with the geometry of all but the biggest area’s. Ironically, bliz had to deal with this issue once before with the Tauren, in that if their head was fully upright they’d get stuck on doorways.
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You can say the same with the Zandalari, but they still joined the Horde. As well as the Void Elves with the Alliance.

Once again, there are Vrykuls that are just a few inches taller then Taurans. The playable Vrykul models can by scale down and still tower over other races. Look at Kul Trians, even the female KTs towering over a up-right male orc.

  1. It’s a bad comparison for Zandalari, since there would be a basis for conection via the Darkspear tribe being technically vassals of the Zandalari. No such connection exists between humans and Vrykul with both being wholly seperate from each other.
  2. Which undermines the point of having the Vrykul as an allied race; at that point you might as well just have humans and RP as being Vrykul.
  1. WHAT?! What do that info have to do with the Zadalari joining the Horde? They joined because the Horde help protect Zadalar from the Alliance invasion, not because some troll connection. Nothing what you said had nothing to do on why the Vrykuls can’t join the Horde.
  2. It doesn’t undermine the point at all. If the playable Vrykuls are still taller then the other playable races, then they are still Vrykuls. And saying “play a human and rp as a Vrykul” is like saying “go play a Gnome if you want to rp as a Dwarf”. Human and Vrykul are different as Human are to Dwarf or Gnomes. Heck with that kind of thinking, we shouldn’t even had Kul Tirans
  1. The point is that the Horde had an “in” with the Zandalari that simply doesn’t exist with for the alliance with the Vrykhul. And again: the only Vrykul we’ve seen that weren’t expressley trying to murder us were the ones in Stormheim and that was owing to how Odyn was pulling their strings.
  2. It undermines it in that the Vrykul are meant to be these hulking man giants standing some 11 feet tall. If you scale them down to be more human sized then all your getting is a human with a perpetual scowl.

Once again, this is about Vrykul joining the Horde, not the Alliance. And you keep forgetting that Sylvanas made a pack with Helya behind the Horde’s back in Legion that will carry over into Shadowlands. So if you want a connection on how Vrykul can join the Horde, it’s right there. Something will go down in Stormhiem and it’ll be Sylvanas and Helya’s fault and it’s up to the Horde to clean up their Ex-warcheif’s mess while helping the Vrykuls.

It’s already some Vrykuls that are scaled from 9 feet and up. Male Taurans are 8"8 feet. I’m sure that will not be a problem for Blizz.

Oh, wouldn’t it be kind of neat if Horde got Kvaldir, Alliance got Valarjar, and if you wanted to be a death knight you could be an Ymijar?

Vrykul for everybody!

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Helya has zero pull with the Vrykhul; her whole deal is effectively stealing their souls so that she can get one over on Odyn. At best you’d be getting Kvaldir. Beyond that, It’s important to note that Helya is dead.

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Apparently not. There’s a quest item - Ring of Reefs - from Island Expeditions that takes you to a Vrykul who tells you -

Another ring? Hmph. Yes, we have been seeing them more frequently.

Helya is growing in power.

What, small one, are you surprised? Did you think she was defeated?

You cannot kill death!

I thank you for making me laugh today, little friend.

Odyn has heard about your search for Azerite, we have gathered what we could.

Here, it is yours.


Helya is not dead. She’s still around and it been datamined that she is part of the Shadowlands’ story.

It’s okay that you don’t want them in, but at least do some research before you say anything to back that up. So far you have no real reason for them to be a AR other then they’re too big and have no connection to be playable or to the Horde. While I’ve been giving you the facts and the events that leading me to think they will be a AR to the Horde.

As others have said, the selling point of Vrykul is they’re giants. To make them playable you have to shrink them down until they’re no longer giants. Selling point now toast. Not everything needs to be an allied race or playable race… I don’t see the appeal myself, and I definitely don’t think this is feasible.

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Nah, not for me. I like the Viking theme of them. Make them the size of a Tauren and I’d still play one as my main.

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Why not just have viking armor? It does the same exact thing with viking theming, and you wouldn’t need to grind anything.

Ha ha, beat you. :panda_face:

So… play a regular human and use a viking Mog?

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Nah, regular humans ain’t cool enough. Don’t have those epic beards and the female humans are too skinny to be Vikings.

I’m under no illusion that they will do it considerin’ that Kul Tiran bein’ hinted at descendin’ from crossbreedin’ between Humans and Drust is a thing… but I’m gonna keep dreamin’ of bein’ that 9’ tall slab of Viking beauty.

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That wouldn’t happen not with any Vrykul clan/tribe.

I’m sure the Vrykul of Northrend remember them blighting whole villages. News would have spread fast by now.

Then once more they were terribly wronged in Legion when Sylvanas tried to subjugate one of their deities making a deal with their version of Satan.

The North remembers.

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