Vrykul Allied Race

The size you’re made when using the flagon of mead toy works very well and you still tower over most other races. It’d be a great size.

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Sylvanas is already teaming up with Helya and her Helarjar in Shadowland. More reason why the Vrykul joining the Horde should happen, “A enemy of my enemy, is a friend of mine”. And the Horde have to make it right since it was their EX-Warcheif’s fault.

It’s already weird seeing Kul Trias towering over Orcs. Even the female are taller then the male orcs. The Vrykul’s size can be slight taller the the Taurans, making them go through doors more easier.

But the Vrykul would be more at home with the Horde instead of the Alliance. The Vrykul are like a biker gang and the Horde is a biker club, while the Alliance are the Boy and Girl Scouts. plus it give the Horde a human race that’s not really human, they’re simi-giants.

True. I’m not opposed to Vrykul bein’ Horde. I just don’t think “they hate Humans” is a good argument for why they can’t be Alliance since there’s no evidence the Vrykul in Stormheim have that issue. Their culture bein’ more aligned with the Horde than the Alliance is a better one.

That would be so cool as a allied race

I think the Kul Tiran kinda ruined the Vrykul having much chance. They wouldn’t look much bigger.

so you have normal humans, fat humans, and viking humans?

No. Theyre just caveman humans.

Tuskarr or nothing for Alliance.


Barbarians. Vikings. All I see is simi-giants of the Horde.

No way!!! I’ve seen them and they’re terrible looking. Just imagine how a female Tuskarr would look like. Just a male with hair and lady humps. And I know it’s just a meme, but let it die. Vrykuls and Saberons are the only obvious choices for pre-set ARs before Shadowlands.

And that goes double to Ogres as well. Plus, all the smart ogres are killed off. only the dum dum ones are left.

Would be nice to get Vrykul as an Alliance race.
We would finally be getting a race we actually have been asking for.

Alliance needs a few more savage type races anyways so I am all for it :heart:


But the Vrykul would be more Horde then Alliance. Plus the Horde need a human race that’s really not a human race and the Vrykuls fit that perfectly. The Alliance got the Kul Trias and if you want a good savage race, Saberons would be perfect for you.

Horde doesn’t need human races lol. If anything it’s the forsaken if we actually got proper nathanos body type option for shadowlands. Vrykuls just fit personality for horde entirely. They can make it work with stormheim vrykuls for alliance over just any vrykul etc. Horde can get something like dragonborns to compensate ;D

how would they fit in more with the horde? cause vikings? sorry but any prospect of what makes a horde race or an alliance race was murdered with blood elves, worgen, goblins, pandaren, nightborne, and vulpera.

That said I think the Alliance deserves a more “brutal race” without them being genocidal. also if you want to go with that cultural line up thing, Saberon would be more of a horde race then the vrykul.

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We are literally Moses.

As was Thrall in the movie.

I find the idea of the Vrykul bending the knee to Anduin hilarious.

Kind of like the KT females, but with a walrus face…

And you think that will sell Tuskarr? That’s a horrible image that no one want to see realize! No thanks! Just give me Vrykul for Horde and Saberon for Alliance, Blizzard. Two months before Shadowlands release if you can. It will make good money and content!

All the races fit the Horde the most according to GD. It’s just something one gets used to hearing after a time. If it doesn’t then just make it dead and THEN it fits the Horde. Can’t ever have anything if you’re Alliance.


Vykrul seem too aggresive for either faction in the current climate of things. They always want battle and ways to prove their worth.

You’re not gonna get that under Anduins rule, or Red Alliance new rules.

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There’s nothing worse than a Human, but an Undead Human… The Vrykul hate the Scourge probably worse than they hate Humans since recent History.

Why would they… join the faction with undead Humans… :thinking:


The Alliance totally doesn’t have sadistic Void Elves, savage Worgen, and evil Dark Iron? The clannish barbarian Wildhammer Dwarves. The aggressive and xenophobic Night Elves…

The Alliance is all about discipline and order… :upside_down_face:

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I think if it was the Valarjar it would work. Kind of like the Rajani mogu, once enemies now friends.

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