Vrykul Allied Race

Having them at 9 feet is still big yet not too big. They will still be the biggest playable race but not as big as their NPCs. Which everyone who wants them are fine with that.

And the event in Legion with Sylvanas and Helya give them a huge chance to joining the Horde. Same with the Saberon join the Alliance with the setup after the Mag’har Orcs story and the perfect (and imo the only ) choice that’s not High Elves or not from the Shadowlands.

And the appeal is having a human-like race on the Horde that’s doesn’t break the concept of the Horde by having humans. The Vrykuls are not human, they’re giants who don’t consider themselves humans at all. Nor a race that will follow a human king like Anduin. They only follow their God-Queen/King, and they sure in heck won’t bow to no king either like Greymane and the other Alliance race leaders. With the Horde now having a consul of their own race leaders taking charge, that would be a more fitting role for the God-Queen to lead with the others equally.

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Of course, I want a huge hunk of a race, not kul tirans though because they were a big let down to me due to there proportions, no armor goes on them well. I’d love to be a super tall warrior dude it would be awesome.

If you use the faintly glowing flagon of mead toy, a regular human is about crotch height while a Kultiran male comes up to the bottom of the pecs/breast. That’s considerably taller still. That’s a great size, still smaller than the overly big npcs too.

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Not only because they’re vikings, they’re also giants. And nothing got murdered because those races. They all have a reason and lore why they choose the factions they are in now.

There was no way the Worgens was going to join the Horde after Sylvanas turned them into werewolves. That would be wrong on so many level.

Nightborne join the Horde because one stuck up night elf wouldn’t stop being a b***h to them.

Pandaren are not even relevant anymore. They don’t even excited in the story as much, or at all.

So yeah due to Vrykul’s nature and lore, it would make absolutely perfect sense to have them for the Horde over the Alliance. And due to a brutal past with the Mag’har, the Saberons would be more Alliance then Horde. Same with the Vrykuls and humans, they hate each other. And the Vrykuls will never follow a human king, it’s just logic.

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Except, y’know, the Horde’s ex-warchief tried to bind one of their deities to eternal servitude

If we’re going with the Vrykul we should be going with (IE: Broken Isles), then they’re more likely go to Alliance due to the one important, living Vrykul NPC suitable as a leader being tied to that specific faction where Genn saved their spiritual figure called in response to create Val’kyr


I mean it would be weird to have a tiny Vyrkul tough. Sinse most of the race dont fit thier actual lore size just to not comfuse player

Ho ho . . . You weren’t here for the legion of horde players complaining about the cata races then.

Things like “Alliance should get goblins cause they’re small and cartoonie.” Or “Worgen are obviously a horde race!” Were thrown around like nobodies business. While something similar happened with blood elves, namely from high elf fans like myself or horde players who picked horde to “Play the monsters.” Draenei never screamed “Horde race.”.

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To this day I want them, especially with Legion that showed their Light wielding aspect, so paladins are definitely a go with them.

No. More. Humans.

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I fully agreed with you, but for the Alliance. Horde will have the Vrykuls. And FYI, they’re not humans! and saying they are is an insult to them.

But you forget that she did this behind the Horde’s back and for her own purpose, not for the Horde sake. She even made a pack deal with Helya without the Horde noticing. Which they still don’t know till this day. And Sylvanas and Helya’s plan will come to it’s reveal in or before Shadowlands. And since it’s the Horde’s ex-warchief, it’s going to be their job to stop or clean-up her plans with Helya. Meaning they’ll have to work with the Stormhiem’s Vrykuls to make that happen.

I’m thinking she’ll blight bomb Stormhiem to boost Helya’s Helarjar army and/or to get more deities since she’s down to one now. And the Horde will have to aid the Vrykuls to stop them and try to capture Sylvanas.

Also their God-Queen (race leader) nor would the Vrykul take orders from King Anduin, when the Horde now have the consul that runs the Horde equally.

We need to stop the cycle, right? Like having human-like races joining Alliance just because they look like human or having nothing but animal, beast and non-living race in the Horde. Having the Vrykul on the Horde and the Saberon on the Alliance will stop that cycle without destroying the factions’ image.

And those people are the same ones that’s still asking for High (MORE) Elves, butt ugly tuskarrs, ogres and nagas ARs for Alliance. They want a win so badly for the blue side that they would even think that the Venthyrs, VAMPIRES, are going to be Alliance or another neutral race like the Pandaren. Which everyone HATED the idea of in the first place! LUL

People are asking for ogres on Alliance?

Never seen that, gonna want a link to a thread or post where that’s happening.

I’ve seen some on MMO-Champion’s forums before. I’ve seen some crazy ones. One time before the release of the Mar’hag Orcs, people wanted them for the Alliance. Even thinking that the Vulperas was going to be Alliance or neutral, and if that didn’t happen, they’ll get the Sethroks or those fish people from Pandaria.

When they announce allied races back before BfA was release, I knew the Nightbrone was going to be Horde and everyone said I was wrong. When I said that the Vulpera was going Horde and the Sethrok was not going to be a playable race especially not to the Alliance, they told me to go do things to myself.

So I’m 2 for 2 now. And the same feeling that I gotten when I knew about the Nightborne, MH Orcs and Vulpera becoming ARs, are the same when I did my research and “big brain” theories on Vrykul joining the Horde and Saberon joining the Alliance. I can feel that Blizz will surprise us with two of these AR before the release of Shadowlands to tide in the past events with Stormhien and AU Draenor. Believe me or not people, I’m right on these kind of things. But it doesn’t mean I can be wrong.

Yeah I remember this actually. Was laughing my head off. Alliance orcs is like orcs with small shoulderpads and dull spikes.

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I don’t understand why people keep requesting massive races that can’t be playable because they’re too big.

This is like me requesting Magnataur.

Before I reply I just wanna say I am using a calm tone here, not a defensive one. Don’t want to come off as if I’m attacking you here because I’m not, we’re just having a healthy debate . . . atleast I think we are.

To start, high elves are kind of a neutral party at this point, high elves still calling themselves high elves are an alliance race that should be playable (there’s my one for the day), high elves that renamed themselves blood elves are a horde race. To add to that and move off elves for a bit I have never seen anyone request ogres for alliance, and while I can’t speak for everyone, I think most folks knew the mag’har would be horde.

All this is unfortunately mute because what defines a horde of alliance race is what ever the funkwaggle blizzard says. If blizzard announced tomorrow that the alliance would be getting a race of savage dinosaur people and the horde were getting a race of diminutive, pacifistic mice folk with big round eyes then That would be the end of it. Point being, it’s up to them to say what’s what as far as race is concerned . . . unless they begin to contradict themselves the. That’s just bad writing.

Blizz will prob figure out a way to give Vrykul to the horde and will end up giving alliance a mixture of the current obese human race and diaper gnomes race: the new and exciting Sumo Wrestler race.

It won’t stop the cycle of “Races that have literately jack all to do with the Alliance joining them”, and the savage, tribal Saberon fit the Alliance’s image… How exactly?

Stormheim Vrykul were helped by the Alliance and need the story of “Okay those Highmountain tauren we’re at war with are now being backed by the Horde and also those elves by the coast are also backed by them. We’re under a bit of pressure but are also welcoming this GLORIOUS BATTLE, let’s sign up with the other group who helped us, proved they have some honour by fighting against our mutual enemies, but not really sit 100% with them for tasty and delicious Drama”

Whereas Saberon has nothing to do with the Alliance, has never interacted with the Alliance, has never spoken to the Alliance (unless you get that, what, one Saberon NPC who doesn’t even speak to you for leatherworking?), and, struth, Mechagnomes had more of a reason to be an Allied Race over Saberon if that’s your reason. Plus, the Saberon’s biggest beef was against the Arakkoa, who are a race who, if being considered, would be Alliance given be Outland or Draenor, they had a lot of beef with the orcs and have a Light and Shadow themed religion that gives them an easy in to the Alliance, they were at war with orcs, orcs literately destroyed their civilization in Outland, a certain NElf associated harpy ancient was big on extending a wing of friendship to them…

Vrykul got far more reason to go with the Alliance at this point, especially with the Horde having the Highmountain

Well, you got that right! High elves will be EVERYWHERE in Shadowlands!

First, there’s nowhere that says that ALL Saberons are savages. There can be a nation of civilize Saberons in AU Draenor, just not found or brought to light yet. And with the Lightborne still attacking that place, Blizz can create a easy story for the Alliance to head back to AU Draenor to help them just like the Horde help the MH Orcs. It would continue the Lightborne story and have the Alliance some part into it instead of throwing it to them when the time comes.

They can fit in with the Alliance as the first beast tribe to join the Alliance that’s not just cursed humans in wolf forms. Plus, DUH!! They’re the cat people of WoW! You can have a lion Saberon paladin or a white Tigeron Monk for crying out loud. Why wouldn’t you want them for the Alliance? Add Vrykuls to the alliance wouldn’t fit them at all, only the fact that they LOOK LIKE HUMANS. But they’re not human, they’re giants and they wouldn’t fit the Alliance’s style. And the last time I heard, a huge amount of Alliance players are tired of human-looking races joining them.

Vrykul Death Knight for the Horde instead please! And paladins as well! :laughing:

oh IIIIIII see . . . your trying to make it fit because you WANT it to fit . . .

also yea, pretty much all Saberon are savage . … well . . . were . . . don’t think theres to many of them these days. Also the last time we got a race from alternate draenor people complained.

But honestly? I’d want to see Vrykul for the Alliance and Ogres for the horde, both sides getting their primary race’s ancestor race.

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Every Saberon we have seen has been tribal sorts. Even the absolute paragons of their race, the Blackpaw, are warriors and hunters who’s attitude towards their jungle home being controlled by fel being something of “Eh, who cares?” The sole Saberon who joins with us is a gladiator after we rescue him from ogres.

Inventing a new nation of them for no reason other than “Fill Allied Race Slot” who fly counter to every one we’ve encountered in the game is insulting, especially when a much easier way to make an allied race from them? “When Lightforged Draenei happened, the orcs offered the Saberon help and a home.” Hey, look at that. Easy simple justification for them being a Horde race.

Why would the Alliance care about the Saberon exactly? Like, us going to help the Arakkoa, you know, that Light and Shadow worshipping race who elven demigods had a desire to reconcile with and were conspicuous in their absence from the races fleeing at the end of the Mag’har scenario, that’s something valid. But Saberon? The race we had nothing to do with? The race the Alliance barely even knows exists?

Or, y’know, they could join the Horde and not be out of place?

We’ve seen no evidence of support from the Light for them so paladin’s off the menu. They’re shaman races.

Why would I want them for the Alliance? I want races that have storyline and backing to them. “Worgen model but now as cats” fails that immensely. I want races we’ve dealt with in the past. I want Jinyu. I want Broken. I want Earthern. I want Furbolgs. I want storyline and things related to that. I do not want ‘lol look at this random thing we made’.

Please do note that I am a person who honestly wanted Blizzard to remove Void Elves in their entirety due to the mess their intro story was

You firstly cannot say “Vrykul don’t fit the Alliance” and try to give me SABERON of all races as something that fits better. Let’s look at how the Horde and the Alliance have treated the Vrykul

Alliance: Attacked by them. Fight back. Try to find out their origins
Horde: Use them as test subjects to plagues because lol you’re with the Scourge, just give

Horde: Launch a siege of one of their major bases of operations under the orders of one Sylvy Windrunner to, unknowingly sure, ultimately attempt to enslave a deity-like figure
Alliance: Fight against this incursion and buy said deity figure enough time to escape at the cost of Genn taking a bad injury

WHY do they want to join the Horde again? Especially with the Horde backing up their enemies in the Highmountain?

Sure they’re a human looking race, but they’re a cool race who are visually distinct, have history in the game, and are actually requested. People were disappointed with Kul Tirans because they weren’t Vrykul