Vrykul Allied Race

I think I have had enough new races for a while :pensive:

Then we’d just need Mok’nathal which could be paired with Broken for the alliance.

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Honestly, I want more classes unlock for old races. Seriously Blizz, when are we going to get at least 1 elf race unlocks Shaman?

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I’d say best contenders would be Night Elf hands down. I mean lets get real, they’re the hippy down to earth types.

After this I could only imagine Blood Elves being Shamans. Nightborne have been too gone from the rest of Azeroth to justify how Blizzard determines class options. Void Elves are going to be too disconnected as well to the Elemental world being as they’re living apparatuses of the Void.

I very much support this combination, since Horde Ogres are one of my most wanted races. Vrykul would also make a great Alliance counterpart to them, in my opinion. :smiley:


Yes yes please

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I can’t agree enough. I keep stressing that these 2 races are the progenitors of the main races of each faction. They make absolutely perfect counterparts.

Umm… No. This is 100% false.

Vrykul mothers took their baby humans to Tirisfal Glades to take care of them for generations and generations. This minority of Vrykul who lived with their human children eventually passed away and their predecessors continued on creating the first of the human political states. Humans were literally saved by their Vrykul mothers.

Look at the Ogres as well right?

The majority of Ogres still hate the Orcs and this is all similar to the Vrykuls/Humans except the Orcs didn’t have something like Vrykul mothers fleeing to protect them from other kin. The Orcs found Ogres that willingly joined or they just enslaved them to join the Orcish Horde. The rest is history but it’s easy to see that Ogres and Orcs still have their differences.

New lore deserves to exist and be created. Especially if its for new races. Legion expanded and brought old tales to light like the origin of the Vrykul themselves. Also much of the old Night Elf Empire. They invent new lore each expansion and this is great.

Lore isn’t dogmatic. It literally has to progress and things will change and adapt. Vrykul and Ogres can both join the Alliance and Horde respectively without retconning the lore. (Also there already are established Ogres in the current Horde but they’re more or less just sticking to themselves and are small in population. The original Ogres that you saw from the RTS games separated and formed the groups you see elsewhere in the world like in Dire Maul who broke ties to the Horde.)

I didn’t think it could actually get better. :sob: This sounds amazingly great TBH.


its not 100% incorrect, the majority of Vykrul didnt like the deformed babies, only a few females hid them away. So its technically correct.

The Vrykul involved with that were the Northrend ones. Any Allied Race one would probably be the Broken Isles bunch who seemed fairly okay with us

Broken Isles Vrykul for allied race. Less issues like the Northrend ones and we have a ready made leader for them who we helped out in the mage tower


I used to think Night Elf would be the best option. Like Druid of the Flame, they can use fire spells from Rag. I think. It’s been a while. Then again, there’s a few thing they only care about is Elune and trees. Wind, Water or Earth isn’t part of it xD.

Nightborne doesn’t seems right, though they, along with Blood Elves potentially could learn shaman spells from their allies.

Void Elves isn’t too far fetched. I mean, look at Orc [tainted], or Broken. I always wonder why tainted orcs can be shaman? Clearly, the Elementals don’t care who or what you are as long as you worship them. Also, balance and harmony is what shaman’s all about, right? Sounds perfect for Void Elves :rofl:

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Another interesting fact about both races is that they make their own ships and know how to sail them. Not to mention that the Stonemaul Clan, already part of the Horde, actually sailed to Dustwallow Marsh from the Eastern Kingdoms, so I’m sure they could help out as shipwrights. Fun fact: Orc ship designs actually come from Ogre ship designs.

Ogres are one of my most wanted Horde races, and I’ll always support them. :japanese_ogre:


Generalizing that Vrykul hate humans is incorrect as well. So technically you’re wrong. I’m not wrong because all I stated was that there were Vrykul who loved humans and literally it was Women Vrykul who are the only reason Humans are a race today…

So Vrykul don’t hate humans. Did we poll Vrykul to ask them? It’s evident by faction attitudes but they hate the Horde just as much as they hate the Alliance. Most Vrykul hate humans even today but again, they hate every other race equally as well. So the Vrykul have a history with being friendly only to Humans, that’s also their ancestor, and most of them hate both factions so by all means it’s rational to put them with the Alliance. Ogres fit well with the Horde so we have a balance here.

Most Night Elves are like that but there is nuance and other groups that don’t agree which opens up the doors for playable deviant Night Elves.

Starting since Cataclysm the Night Elves incorporated the Highborne Night Elves that were the remnants of Dire Maul into their faction. If you go into Darnassus right now you can see the Highborne Ambassador right now. Everytime you play as a NE mage, you’re actually a Highborne Night Elf. Cool fun fact.

I think there could be an expansion of lore towards Night Elves to learn the ways of Shamanism. There is no evidence currently to support this. It would be the perfect time to expand the lore as well. Think about it. The Night Elves are completey devestated. What better time for Night Elves to have some of their numbers lose hope in Elune for once and seek to new powers for help? Shamanism is right there and can be taught by the Draenei allies off the coast of Darkshore who are going to obviously aid the Night Elves after their victory.

You’re right about the Nightborne but not the Blood Elves.

There is only one Blood Elf shaman in the lore. Elementalist Starion. I don’t think this is enough to justify it completely but the Blood Elves would have to have the lore expanded from seemingly no starting point as of now to make BE Shamans a real thing.

IMO the Blood Elves that seek the power of the Void probably won’t want to seek out the help from this source of magic.

This is highly evident to be blizzard’s view by the reality there aren’t any Void Elf Paladins and there aren’t any Lightforged Shamans. Why? Simple. Any Draenei Shaman wouldn’t seek to be lightforged in the first place. A shaman “could” seek power elsewhere but Shamanism is a mostly traditional and learned practice. They don’t mess with other sources of magic. Paladins are more pro-light than Priests are. Shadow priests anyone? Paladins would never seek out the Void Elves in the rift to gain strength. It goes against their teachings.

Having been transformed by the Void is a different ballgame than being Lightforged or tainted by Fel. These other taints of flesh don’t whisper insanity to you or try to convert you to worshiping and following the will of intergalactic gods. Fel was gifted by Sargeras but Fel is just raw power and there are Demonic Shamans as well. The Twisting Nether has elements as well within it and probably fel based Shamans there.

I’m not saying it’s not possible. I’m just coming up with reasons why people would justify not having making Shaman available to Void Elves. The Elements probably really don’t care about who or what you are for sure but there aren’t any current Shamans that would seek out the Void for help from a playable character perspective. Also the fact there aren’t any Blood Elf shamans really in the first place besides that one. lol

I make one of every race. I will probably have my Horde main as Ogre for sure. It’ll be cool to see how customizable we can make them from normal Ogres. I know they’ll be here one day.

It’s been over 16 years Blizzard… where the Vrykul and Ogre be at?


Jesus get a life nerd.

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This is my life. :wink: No shame.

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Sorry but if we do get the Vrykul for allied race they would be Horde not Alliance. By lore, Vrykul hate humans. Their nature won’t fit the Alliance since they’re about disciplined and order. While the Horde is more free and can do whatever you want, as long it’s for honor and the Horde. Story wise, it make since for the Vrykul to join the Horde. Due to Sylvanas pack with Helya, we the Horde have to clean up her mess in Stormhiem and with the Vrykul’s help, find the Horde’s honor again.

To balance it out, the Alliance should get the Saberons of AU Dreanor. Maybe the forces that drove the Mag’har Orcs from Dreanor is indoctrinating other races in Dreanor into serving them. And the last resistant of Dreanor is a hidden nation of Saberons with a “Wakanda” like society. And this nation should be on Farahlon since WoW never use this area in WoD.

they make no sense for alliance. They actually hate humans. the majority of them ravel themselves in bestial vigor. They deserve a third faction since making them horde would just be because they fit entirely to the faction in personality. The least thing alliance needs is more edgy nonsense like they crammed in void elves out of nowhere.

I’d roll a Vrykul in a heartbeat if they were made an Allied Race. Love me some Viking themes.

This is true of Ymiron’s Vrykul of Northrend. The Valarjar Vrykul in Stormheim don’t have an issue with Humans.

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It’s all vrykul except the one’s in Ulduar… The frozen female amazonic ladies are ancestors of the ones Tyr took with him. Those saved humans. We can sort of stretch the idea of stormheim vrykuls joining the alliance to fight sylvanas? but then agan…Sylvanas showed them the true nature of Odyn which is being a douchebag. It was a let down to see the mage tower not be something that solidifies Odyn as a villain. Because he is. I still prefer a third faction over joining a gimpy faction like alliance is.

I’ve seen no evidence through either Stormheim quests or the Warrior Order Hall (did it twice: this Warrior and again on a Human Warrior) that the Stormheim Vrykul or Valarjar have any hate for Humans just 'cuz they are Human.

Regardless, I don’t really care which faction got them. I just want to play giant Vikings.

The main issue is that they are too tall for some doors and dungeons - at least if their full height NPCs are the model you want to use. You’d have to resize them so that they are barely taller than a Tauren - and if they aren’t towering over everyone - are they really Vykrul at that point?