I don’t hit yes if people don’t deserve it. Honestly if you two are arguing with each other, I’m not helping you kick them. You’re both being idiots. Just finish the dungeon!
Generic you, not you you.
I don’t hit yes if people don’t deserve it. Honestly if you two are arguing with each other, I’m not helping you kick them. You’re both being idiots. Just finish the dungeon!
Generic you, not you you.
No, it’s not. Not by definition.
I agree there should be no deserter debuff when you are kicked. I don’t care if tanks/heals will sometimes sit down at the beginning of a dungeon and say “kick me” to get out of one they don’t like. What does that matter? Let them do it. Kick them out. Get someone who wants to be there.
Is forcing them to do that run they hate currently better for the community? I know I love it when I zone in to find the tank crying and moaning about how they hate this place and they’re going to speedrun it to get out ASAP and how I had better just hold on to my hat and hope my heals can keep up because he’s not waiting …
Obligatory: for this thread, though – yeah sry, working as intended.
Blizzard added a deserter buff for a reason and it needs to be there. I was in Cata dungeons without a deserter buff and I saw healers refuse to heal wanting to be kicked because after the first trash pull the dps wasn’t high enough.
Then the group waits 10 plus minutes again. This isn’t fair to dps and there really isn’t a huge issue in this regard for most people. Blizzard I am sure has stats on the number of people getting kick and the people kicking others, they can adjust the timers and cds on those things if necessary.
I have never been kicked from a IE because I always stay with the group. I have been kicked a handful of times in dungeons during my 9 years of playing and most times it was for my mouth.
I am sure some people have never been kicked at all.
And like I said – fine, who cares? Let them.
For what it’s worth, I’ve only been kicked once or twice, and both times it was for dumb stuff where, after I was kicked, I laughed to myself like yeah, if I didn’t know me, I’d have kicked me for that, too. So I’m not arguing to save my own skin here. I just think it’s ridiculous to punish people for something that was not (in most circumstances) their choice.
I can’t (and won’t) speak for any other players, but one of the worst things that happens in any dungeon group is a tank that RUNS OFF immediately upon zoning in before everyone is actually zoned in and ready. The other “worst” things is skipping content for convenience. Because there are side quests for crafting mats or profession quests, skipping stuff just makes it harder to get what you need done as efficiently as possible (1 run instead of five or six of the same dungeon).
Communication is key however… if you are the tank… ask (and if you are the person in need, say something at the start of the run… provided the tank doesn’t run off and start pulling mobs before everyone is situated).
It’s such a chaotic-awful way to start the run as a healer, wow. Love zoning in to see I need to blow all my CDs right away because the tank is already down to 30% health and I’m not even in range/LoS yet …
People stuck in those instances care because they had to wait in queue once for 30 minutes then they get a primadonna tank or healer who refuses to play for reasons and wants to be kicked and then that group has to wait another 10 minutes or more.
First, I’ll say that I think the negatives that vote to kick brings outweigh the negatives of not having it all.
BUUUUUUT, I actually got kicked from my first group a week or so ago!! Was running LFR on my alt, and the tank was being quite the douche. He kept saying “kick so and so for being [insert adjective here]”. Sure enough? Everyone kicked everyone he called out.
We wiped on a trash pack, and he blamed the DPS. Knowing full well I would get kicked I decided to pipe up and say “well, it’d be awesome if the healers were healing more than the tanks…” (if you saw the charts, you would understand). So, he said “kick [me] for being retarded”. Sure enough, I got kicked.
Moral of the story? Stop being mindless drones and think for yourself. I was more annoyed with all of the idiots doing what he said than the actual douche tank. Douche bags always exist, but the sheer number of people who can’t even think for themselves is astounding.
Again – is it really better to be in there with the prima donna who acts like a massive jerk or blazes through the instance in order to escape it? And if you say “well if they act that way, we can VtK them” then you’re right back at waiting half an hour for their replacement so what does it really solve, aside from you feeling good about knowing the person kicked is suffering for it?
Yes, because most people play decently if they can’t escape the consequences of their bad behavior.
Our mileage has drastically varied on that front, then, haha.
Rampant abuse? Do you have the numbers on that one or is it just hyperbole?
I agree there should be a table of contributions to the island expeditions, something like what we have in battlegrounds and arenas.
I really don’t see how vote to kick was abused in your two scenarios. You went against what the group wanted and they got rid of you. Seems like it’s working as intended.
You can wish it on me all you want. I’ve never been kicked from any content, queable or otherwise. You say it’s happened multiple times though. Seems like the common denominator is you.
I feel like there’s context missing. You’ve worded it all as if you’re completely innocent. I’ve known quite a few toxic people who get removed from groups and then play victim after the fact.
Yup, this. Even when I’m pulling like an idiot rushing through and nearly getting the under geared people behind me blasted into oblivion, still no kicks. Not even once. They just take the carry and do their best. Seldom a word spoken.
I mean communication is key, but I’ve definitely been with Island pugs that got mad that I didn’t “spread out to divide and conquer.”
They were typically overgeared tho
Anecdotally, 99% of the time in Islands nobody says a word. I feel like the majority of people who get kicked are probably instigators and talked themselves into the kick.
I follow the most reasonable player and the 3rd will join us once they die over and over again LOL.