I’m just stumped as to where people get the numbers as to how they know how many times something happens apart from their own experiences.
That’s what an anecdote is? Drawing conclusions and numbers from personal experience. It’s not meant to be taken 100% seriously or factually. At the same time you shouldn’t discount it as a lie or false. Take it for what it is I suppose.
My friend tank was kicked from a utguard keep because he was going ahead to grab the quest swords while we were clearing trash.
Nobody died.
I’m really not sure what you expect Bliz to do about this. It sounds like it worked completely as intended. I would much rather deal with occasional trolling than not be able to kick people who aren’t pulling their weight/screwing up/being a pain, which happens on an hourly basis.
Yeah that matches my experience as well.
Sorry but that wasn’t an abuse of anything. It was a lack of communication upon your part just as much as theirs and in the end enough of them felt you were in the wrong and that is what matters.
It was far worse back in the day when tanks would zone into dungeons that they didn’t want to do… would zone out and demand to be kicked so they could insta-requeue.
I meant to say it in terms of using numbers more as facts and discounting someones opinions just because it doesn’t happen to them. But that’s just me.
I’ll just take it for what it is I suppose.
Feel like VK is not the worst solution overall - not the best either.
For IEs 30 min is prob too long (maybe 10-15) - also it should have its own timer. Another inconsistency is that after 1 dungeon boss, the timer doesn’t kick in - yet for IEs, there is no minimum pass.
Each type of content should actually have its own timer based on the length it takes to run. Get locked out of dungeons, ok, at least i can run a BG… etc…
You have been very lucky… In my experience, most people can escape consequences because the system is set up to allow them to do just that…
Systems lead itself to be abused unfortunately and sometimes the kick is warranted, other times it might not be. It happens.
Can it be improved? Sure.
I think though that they would need to overhaul the way the system works which isn’t easy. Also overcoming the hurdle of people who do not like change.
The queue system can be a lot more enjoyable but Blizzard has left it more or less to people to police themselves. And when you queue with strangers you are playing by different rules, thats why a lot of people try to find Guilds to do things with.
It’s a shame that’s the case but there won’t be any changes coming I believe from Blizzard on this. It’s been a lot of time and a lot of the same complaints.
I’ve been removed from a Shrine of the Storms normal group for seemingly no reason. I tossed the 3 people in the group on ignore and moved on. I doubt what happened to you happening to me is going to change my opinion.
I’ve seen hundreds of kicks happen since LFD was implemented in WotLK. The overwhelmingly vast majority of them have been well deserved. The handful of questionable kicks I’ve seen are pretty irrelevant.
this is going to be one of the biggest issues in vanilla.
You could play a diff class? Maybe people just see no viable use for a warrior in the group…
LFD isn’t going to be in classic.
While I do think the vote to kick system needs to be in the game, I do not get why the person who is kicked gets a 30 minute debuff? It’s not MY fault the people just “thought it would be funny” to kick me right before the last boss. (which is something that has happened before, my husband was in the group as well and told me what the ‘reason’ was that popped up on the vote).
Also, if the vote to kick thing and debuff are here to stay, then PLEASE for the love of all things spaghetti, stop putting LA servers with US servers in random groups. If I can’t communicate with the people in my group, but they’re all from Azralon or Ragnaros, chances are I’m getting kicked.
you mean with friends? because just forming your own group is no protection from VTK.
Not a perfect solution, but I think there should not be a window that pops up. People should independently have to /votekick. I do think this would make it happen less frequently as it’s too easy to just press ‘yes’ when the window pops up and be done with it.
I’ve been kicked before mid run as an overgeared healer when everything was going perfectly smoothly from my end, including healing through ridiculous extra pulls that dps was making. Nobody died, my dps was keeping up with theirs. It was bizarre. The only reasonable conclusion (maybe someone has another) was that the person initiating meant to kick someone else and everyone just lazily clicked the ‘yes’ button.
Unfortunately, Vote to Kick is all a matter of perception. So there is no viable “fix”.
If the others perceive that you are not doing your job, out you go.
I think in the time I’ve come back since 2015, I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve gotten kicked. And I was gone for over 9 years, so you can imagine how dungeon runs had changed since then. I just did/do my best to follow the pack and do as they do to avoid kicks, I guess.
I’ve see the words “yabba dabba doo” as the reason for vote kicks before. I swear maybe 5 percent of players actually read it.