Oh no trust me, I left their guild about a month later, they were all pretty toxic when it came to group related stuff; Stuck their GM on ignore too because he wanted to be immature about something and constantly harass me on other characters with his ‘friends’ in the guild
I’ve been kicked once, maybe twice ever.
Know what I did? Got on one of my other tanks, insta-queued and moved on.
If you legit aren’t doing anything wrong and the dps and healer want to be jerks and wait on another tank, let them.
That sounds kind of unsanitary.
I’m not even sure that it is, at this point. The rampant abuse of the system is just going to cause even more toxicity in the community than there is already. You’ve(general, not you specifically) already got OP started. “Well I guess I’d better kick other people first, then. It’s them or me.”
The good news is that this sillyness goes away when you get past doing that content. Maybe it’s a natural incentive to progress up.
Sorry about your experience but that is the price of doing pugs. I’m not saying it was right of them but doing dungeons with friends and guildies would prevent that. Kick vote can be useful when used appropriately. An example was over the weekend on a lower level healer character I joined a pug group. I found myself doing way more healing than if I was with my guildies. When I started to look around I discovered the hunter was pulling all unnecessary mobs forcing the tank to run around trying to gather them up. To add salt to the wound the hunter was doing terrible dps. I believe the player was using basic attack on these mobs. I finally told the player to stop pulling and let the tank pull. Player didn’t listen and he/she started pulling while I was still filling up on mana. Needless to say Kick worked well in this situation.
i also dont understand its a 3 man and sometimes i decyde to choce my own away but no one follow. So that ppl think im not doing nothing so they place a vote kick to me and Bang im out for no reason.Yes we need a systeme to see whos collecting what or DPS or HEALS = Score so at least ppl see ur effort.
It wasn’t abused. You keep wanting to do your own thing. It’s working as intended. Although I must say the dungeon designs to where you can skip huge portions of trash if you learn the route is terrible design.
I was in a random shrine heroic and well. Lets say vote to kick needs to stay the way it is. We had a healer demanding gear from another clothie, and the clothie never talked back. Since tank and I were pretty high iLvl we just kept pulling and killing. (We were in there to finish the quest chain for the thicc bois.)
Well, healer gets really mad about the guy not responding and wants our opinions. I inspected both and saw that the healer did not need the piece of gear, and the guy who looted it already had it equiped. So I say this and the guy starts raging at me because enchanters should have rights to DE things.
After loling with the tank, a vote to kick window pops up. The healer wanted to kick the silent dps that needed the gear. Tank and I become the largest of white knights, cancel the vote, and we kick the healer instead.
TLDR yes it can be abused, but as long as the majority are on your side you should have a decent chance of not being kicked. I would recommend buttering up with the other people as much as you can. Say hi, use smiley faces. Will you still be kicked? Sure, but 90% of the time is extremely rare. You just got stuck with some toxic players.
Abuse would be grouping up and kicking people to troll. Kicking with an actual reason, whether you agree or not is not abuse. It’s pretty simple really.
Being kicked is enough of a hassle. There’s no reason to include the deserter debuff imo.
Oh how I do -love- these “VTK Abuse” threads. It’s like watching a rerun of a favorite show that comes up when you’re least expecting it.
Sits back with
I feel like neither of these reasons you talked about are abuse of the kicking system.
You were separated from the groups. You have to stay with the group.
Uh. Ok. I change my stance. I believe you must have been doing something wrong. I would have also voted to kick you.
Sounds like you think you are playing a solo game when you are doing group content, I would say that is probably deserving of being kicked.
And no blizzard doesn’t need to make the game safe for you playing solo either. Play with the group or risk getting kicked.
You still didn’t answer my question, if your solution was just to vanish instead of help in that IE
I have been kicked once in my life. It wasn’t even justified. People in the group were arguing, so the shaman(…I was a warlock) went and pulled stuff and bailed. After the wipe, the tank went “WHO DID DAT” and someone said it was “the caster”. Problem being, there were two casters. But not anymore. Now there was just me.
I was kicked because of that.
I have never been kicked otherwise. If you’re getting kicked all the time, perhaps it’s time to consider that maybe they’re not unjustified.
After all how does the saying go? Meet a jerk and you’ve met a jerk, if everywhere you go you meet jerks then you’re the jerk.
I’ve had players outright tell me they don’t even read the reason, if any, they just hit YES any time a vote kick pops up on their screen.
This is funny, I hope you intended it to be.
Yeah, we did. You said:

One suggestion is: in island expedition please give us a table of contributions from individual players. Damage done, Azerite collected. So at least ppl can see how others are spending time in the instance. Currently the +Azerite collected from mob is not useful. It doesn’t show what each player has done.
Regarding random heroics, I don’t know what could be done. Also there has to be repercussion for those that abuse the vote to kick system.
Islands change is fine, I would love a scoreboard. Total Azerite collected by player will also show who is helping the group by grabbing chests and such rather than tunneling on mobs.
For heroics - you had no suggestion. But it’s easy to see that the potential for abuse is much higher when it’s one player that can hold a group hostage until they are kicked rather than getting two other randoms to collude with you for repeated unwarranted kicks. So the debuff isn’t perfect, but it beats the alternative.