In my experience people will follow the healer because 3 DPS + 1 Healer can usually handle all the mobs up to a boss. At least, in heroic or M+0.
I think, historically, tanks have been seen as arrogant, while healers are often seen as sympathetic.
In the past tanks would reach a point where they didn’t really need the entire group. This led to situations where anyone who couldn’t keep up (whether being new, wanting to loot, etc) was left behind. Any arguments to slow down were met with derision.
To the tank they didn’t need the group. There wasn’t really a good reason to listen to them. Healers couldn’t really carry groups, historically, though.
So you end up with a culture where tanks are really important today, but they’re seen in a “on-the-fence” viewpoint. If they’re doing well, and friendly, they’re good. If they want to go against the grain of the healer or the group, they’re immediately arrogant and bad regardless of whether they’re right.
Yeah it just popped in my head. Basically anything that fairly draws Blizzard to look at the situation. And by fair I mean to Blizzard as well. I certainly don’t want Blizzard looking into every flag given, but if someone gets say 50 flags, might be worth looking into it.
The worst are the IEs I find- you get a group where the other two are from the same server and like clockwork a kick comes.
The ability to easily report players that abuse the kick function needs to be put in- yeah, there won’t be any immediate punishment, but if someone’s getting dozens of reports for unfair kicks, it might indicate they’re grouping with a pal just to kick and ruin other people’s day.
I’ve seen more instant kicks in IE than I’ve seen in the rest of my time playing this game combined, it’s honestly out of control.
They don’t understand that having a debuff not allowing you to enjoy what you’re paying for is completely wrong. You should not be penalized because toxic people want to cause damage onto you. This isn’t about going afk or doing shady things this is about simply enjoying the game as its meant to be played and not being able to que for 30min. Maybe I will settle for 10 min but 30 min?
It shouldn’t be that difficult to implement since it would be very similar to the code already used here in the forums. Just select the character and hit a flag button and done.
So you were kicked a total of 2 times and say it is abused? Listen I myself have been kicked a total of 5 times since VTK was implemented 2 of those times was my fault. It isn’t being abused, yes their are some jerks out there but all in all the system works there is no way to make it infallible. The only thing that could happen is it will make it harder for the legit kicks.
Take the debuff have some coffee, coke or whatever, go to the bathroom eats some cheese and requeue later.
I am pointing out a flaw in the system. if you are okay with the status quo, fine be it. but pls dont think I am stupid for suggesting that the system be evolved.
But that isn’t a flaw, people can kick for any reason. besides how are they the baddies? Maybe they thought you were the baddie…The group agreed to kick you, you got kicked…there is no flaw the system works.
The thing is, all we have is YOUR word. There are three sides to any story. Your side, their side, the truth.
Also, if you’re so adamant, offer up a system. Something like Snab did off the top of his head. All you can do is rant and scream and whine. Snab at least tried to be productive. You’re just ranting.
I didnt say I wont work with them. I had already crossed the water and have cleared two groups. It would be difficult for me to get to them and easier if they traced my path.
I did not even argue.
Realistically, it is less about them not doing anything and more about them not having anything better to even test out, let alone soak with the players in a live environment. They literally don’t have anything better than the current system. The reason for this is that just about every alternative can be fairly readily abused in some manner or another, so Blizzard is content to leave this as-is for now until something better does come along.
Believe me, we’ve spitballed ideas for years and nothing takes because those ideas are equally as dubious as the current system. There’s just currently no “silver bullet” for the VTK abuse problem.
There was one time when I was in BRD PUG and we had a great group and we were even talking to each other and having fun. One player had to leave and another one came in.
At that time, I had a habit of ending some of my sentences with a and after a while, the new arrival suddenly got really angry with me saying how I was smug and conceited but when I asked him about it, he just got quiet. I let it go and me and the group continued with the dungeon and chatting and he exploded on me again. This time the rest of the group stopped and refused to go on until the new guy says what was up with him. He said he wanted me kicked because I was so smug with my at the end of the sentence.
He thought I was putting that in there to be an jerk but I was not and we cleared it up and continued with the dungeon.
My point is, text is very limiting and sometimes what we think is going on with a person is not that case at all, so while there are jerks out there, both of your examples can be viewed both ways. In your second example, after you died, and you were killing things, the tank didn’t know and thought maybe you were just jerking around.
I learned to be careful with my “expressions” and that guy learned that not all expressions are what we think they might be.
Yes, the system is not perfect, but neither are the players (jerks aside)
Same word but different meaning depending on context.
“Dude!” in a happy way. Translation, “I’m glad to see you!”
“Dude!” in a surprised way. Translation, “How did you survive that?”
“Dude!” in a confused manner. Translation, “What are you doing?!”