Since you never answered my question my guess is because you were a tank in Wrath. I never seen it either… on Tovi. My husband healed. However, my main (a Hunter) seen it often. I always ran into the tauren Warrior that would pout at the entrance.
Again, DPS shouldn’t have to waste their kick timer on a spoiled tank or healer. If someone initiates a vote kick too much, they time between initiating them becomes longer and longer.
I don’t understand why you don’t understand this concept. They don’t hold the group hostage anymore because of the debuff.
Ok now I understand. The Vote to Kick cooldown is two minute max, AFAIK. So it was still an advantage for the tank or healer but it also still screwed the dps by making them wait and keeping the CD at 2 minutes.
It happened daily. It depended on the dungeon. I was in groups regularly where it happened. Especially with Oculus. Once with Stonecore.
How does the program determine this? What criteria determines if they did nothing wrong? It needs to be something that can be programmed.
Blizzard set it up to apply to all players so that it was “fair.” The experience was not caused by Blizzard. It was caused by the players who held groups hostage so they would be kicked instead of dropping the group and getting the debuff.
Players objecting to this always say it’s not “fair” to “innocent” players. Not one has ever posted how Blizzard can determine a player is “innocent.” How does a computer program determine a player is “innocent?” Blizzard is not going to set up a team to moderate kicks to determine if they were “fair” or not, or that the player was “innocent.” They are only looking at the vote. Did the majority want that player gone? Yes or No. The system doesn’t look at Why? There’s not way to program “Why?”
I mained DPS. I don’t think I ever really tanked. Maybe a few times, but not often.
Vote to Kick is what stops somebody from being a “spoiled tank”.
You would punish innocent players because of a non-existent “spoiled tank” issue, ultimately ruining the experience for the entire community, as well alienating people from playing tanks even more.
It is one of the few times you can kick immediately, I myself usually wait a couple see if they log back in I know stuff happens and like to give them a chance.
The only person this “ruins the experience” for is the tank or healer that was exploiting this work-around of the debuff. Do you honestly think this was “ruining the experience” of dps that had to sit and wait for a tank and/or healer that would actually stay for the dungeon they were in?
The “why” is irrelevant. Nobody should ever be given a deserter debuff for being kicked from a group. It doesn’t make sense in any way, shape, or form.
Besides, giving players the ability to give other players a 30 minute lock-out is just asking for trolling to ensue. It’s a very short-sighted design.
I am always led to believe that if you are being kicked enough times that it warrants coming to the forums and demanding Blizzard to fix the VTK then you are most likely the issue. i knw myself I can count on 1 hand the times i have been kicked since VTK was implemented.
The system works plain and simple any change to it would end up benefiting the grievers and the legit players would find it harder to get rid of the dungeon trollers.
It ruins the experience for players who get kicked from their groups for no reason, and are then forced to wait 30 minutes before they are even allowed to requeue.
Vote to Kick isn’t really a problem. It can be exploited, yes, but it is the lesser of two evils, you are correct.
However, adding on a 30 minute lockout to the player who was voted out, regardless of the reason, is just asking for trouble.
You can avoid deserter if you meet certain goals, kill a boss, or hang in for 15 minutes. Makes perfect sense.
You might have never encountered the problem of tanks holding players hostage, but it was a big complaint on the forums a long time back.
Another problem was dps using tanks for instant queues, but then the tank leaves. Which is now why if someone leaves or gets kicked, the rest of the players who queued with that player also get removed from the dungeon.
Denying a problem existed to justify your narrative does not help any. This is why we can’t have nice things. Either play nice with the group, or risk being kicked and eating a deserter debuff if you can’t.