And like I pointed out, we never hear from the other two people.
Hey Jawah, I got kicked 10 times from dungeons for no reason. I’m super cereal. Prove me wrong.
And like I pointed out, we never hear from the other two people.
Hey Jawah, I got kicked 10 times from dungeons for no reason. I’m super cereal. Prove me wrong.
The lockout is the part of the system that fixed the rampant hostage holding. Once upon a time you got the debuff just for leaving. Not being kicked. This was when people held groups hostage. Tanks and, to a lesser extent, healers would literally sit at the dungeon entrance and beg to be kicked from the group. Then they could reque at will. Once the debuff timer went into place and you could no longer do this without sitting it out all this malarkey stopped. IMHO they need to double the debuff every time you get kicked within 24 hrs of the last kick and make it account wide after the third kick and apply this to people who leave M+ before the timer expires. That would fix a lot of the current issues we have now.
So what? Not that big of a deal. Quit acting like a jerk, pull your weight, and do the work and you won’t get kicked. It’s as simple as that.
Coming here to make threads like this does not make you look any better. In fact it makes you look worse. If you think you will rally a bunch of troops against Blizzard to make the change your entitled self is demanding, then you are in for an extremely rude awakening.
All you are doing is providing comic relief for the rest of us. You are also very lucky the customer service blues don’t come in here to spill the tea on what really got you kicked.
I haven’t seen an IE complaint in a little bit but still we never do see the whole story of what truly led to the kick…but I do know that there are some that have been kicked as soon as zoning in…but in reality it still doesn’t happen as often as people want us to believe.
usually it is someone that was kicked for the very first time and has their feelings hurt that come and make a new thread about how it is being abused. The system works as it is, yes not every system is perfect but this is the closest we will get to it.
It took a while to find it, but finally.
This doesn’t solve the issue of being kicked when the group just starts.
This was a minor annoyance, yes, but not really a problem, because the group they joined would still be the first in queue to get a tank. It really didn’t matter. I guess an issue would be that people would cut in line, but still. It’s not like people even knew they were being cut.
I want a source that the rest of the group is removed too, because I have never, ever seen more than one person removed from a group, at a time. I’ll even admit to being a tank who instant queued people into LFR, and possibly even dungeons, as well as used a friend to instant queue me into said instances.
Edit: I posted right after you. Good source. I never knew they did that change.
The M+ issue is a real issue. Though that should be punishable by extremer means. People leaving after one wipe, halfway through a M+ is a serious issue and makes everyone else’s time an awful experience, and a waste. Especially the keyholder’s, who now has to re-level up his key.
And that’s /thread
Well, those are definitely all good changes that they made. But this all only further proves that people have abused their ability to Vote to Kick randoms for no reason. And that innocent players have suffered for it, and had their experiences ruined.
I would like to know what the hinderancing of future Vote to Kicks actually is, and how it actually punishes the abusers of Vote to Kick. It gave a brief explanation, but I would rather a more detailed one.
There is a cooldown on how often you can initiate a vote to kick, vtk too many times, you should get an error stating you can’t initiate another kick for a time. Can’t get more detailed, but a lot of this is tracked by a hidden system, you may never see if you don’t use kicks often, but my understanding is the cool down can wear off over time, but build up quickly, like the ability to retalent your azerite armor has a gold cost that can go up and down as you use it more.
There were some replies to those links you provided where people had up to a 45 minute timer. I don’t know if that timer was for the kicker or the kickee though.
The cd only works for the kickers not he kicked, that was to help combat troll groups kicking for giggles. You can still be kicked with no kick cd, probably because of the 30 min cd.
So basically OP didn’t get the response they wanted and opted to create a duplicate thread elsewhere in the hopes of getting the pity party they are seeking?
Wanting a full group participating =/= being miserable. I got interrupted in TW yesterday and had to afk with out notice. Luckily the people were able to kick me.
For a second I considered switching to all my alts to like this. One like from me is simply not enough.
That is quite possibly the best meme I have ever seen.
I’m not taking credit for the artwork (of course) but it’s sad how many times I’ve linked this since I “created” it. This makes my 4th or 5th.
Well Tovi I am not ashamed to say i have ninja’ed this meme to use on other forums I belong too. i will not use it on these forums, that privilege i leave to you my favorite moocow!
No biggie but I appreciate that. The artwork isn’t mine so I couldn’t get mad anyways
Not nearly as nice as when you tried the same post, word for word, on the CS forum huh?
The only time I get kicked from anything is when people think im a bot… So all the time.
Bit of an exaggeration, since he wasn’t avoiding participation; he asked for a moment to adjust his UI - and like I pointed out, depending what UI you’re using, you can’t always make adjustments outside of a group.
Having to randomly afk without informing your group you’re stepping away, or for how long you’d be gone is VERY different than asking for a moment to make a quick UI adjustment.
If I were in a group and someone randomly went afk without notice, I’d still give them a few moments to return. Being part of a group/team doesn’t just mean you’re always participating… sometimes it means having a moment of understanding that sometimes things come up and people need a moment for whatever reason.
I suppose I’m in the minority for how I think, but I don’t believe kicking people when they appear inactive for 30 seconds is the best way to encourage a healthy community overall.