Vote to Kick (Deserter Debuff)

I tend to agree here.
If you get kicked once or twice over time, as annoying as it is, it’s no reason to call for changing what is ultimately a fair system. If you’re getting kicked often…maybe you need to consider the common denominator.

Like the old saying goes, if you run into a jackass, that’s because some people are jackasses. If you’re constantly running into jackasses, you’re probably the jackass.


Well, it was the first time I’ve been kicked in years… the last time was understood and it was due to a DC. The reason I’m able to remember is that it’s only happened a few times since the system was created. The issue isn’t being kicked… I tank so my queues are short and sweet. The debuff is what was unwarranted imo. But, since you have nothing meaningful to add…

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The point still stands that every other statement in his comment is correct.

Could have sworn you have to wait 5 minutes before you can initiate a vote kick as soon as you join a dungeon. If it took you that long to fix your ui then you’re inconveniencing the 4 other people who waited in queue to do that dungeon.


all of this can be sorted during questing or asking a friend (hell I have grouped with randoms who asked in /2) Not being prepared when you get into a group doesn’t mean i should waste my also limited wow time waiting for some guy who cbf getting ready


Random Queue content is faceroll enough that we don’t need to separate the wheat from the chaff. Vote to kick system lets each group decide if you are chaff and need to leave

Your qualms about deserter debuffs were already answered in your OTHER thread on the CS forums, that a blue had also acknowledged and agreed with.

Here it is again, since you apparently can’t read it there for some reason.


You posted this exact post on the Customer Support forum. The current system was put in place for good reasons and I feel fairly confident that if Blizzard had come up with a better way in all these years, they would have used it.

Frustrating? Can be. Complaining about it and asking for it to be changed? Sorry, waste of time. Put people on Ignore, and move on is your best option.


This would be abused enormously. What’s to stop a group from up-voting someone who trolls random groups?

It would definitely make the queues longer. DPS queues are long enough with the current system. We don’t need one that would make the queue longer. Especially with them lower-level dungeons.

That’s why your ideas aren’t sustainable. You are looking at them from the prospective of the quick queues tanks have. You need to look at them from the prospective of DPS. I’ve had queues go from as little eight minutes to an hour. In lower brackets it can be worse, even for tanks since healers are the hard-to-find players there.

Trolling other players doesn’t help support your ideas.


Just going to throw this in here:

I feel that we should discuss Deserter being applied in situations that a player is kicked. Regardless of the reason for the kick, the player never deserted the dungeon. He was removed from the group, by the group. I don’t see how that warrants a 30 minute deserter debuff.

Being kicked from the group and being unable to complete the dungeon should be punishment enough, no?

And if there is a concern that said player would just rejoin the old group, if they were, say, the tank, it isn’t hard to just make it so he can’t rejoin the same group.

Overall, making it so that being kicked no longer gives the Deserter debuff would also drastically help the innocent players who are kicked from groups because the majorities are premades and they don’t want to play with said people from the beginning, as we hear happens so often in Island Expeditions.


Because players held groups hostage so they would be kicked and could instantly requeue. Don’t get fixated on the name of the Debuff.

It isn’t hard based on what information? Are you that familiar with Blizzard’s code?

Who is innocent? Based on what criteria? How can that be determined by a computer program?

That’s already been addressed by Blizzard. You have no vote advantage joining as a group. A group of three players who get randoms for the other two spots can not vote out one of the randoms just on their own. They need the other random to also agree.

It doesn’t happen near as often as “we hear” it happens. If they removed the debuff from someone being kicked from a group then players being kicked from Island Expeditions for funzies would happen more often. Players would “shop” for the race/class/spec combo they want. They would justify it “Well they can just requeue.”


This never happened. You’re talking about a once in a blue moon scenario.

And what’s wrong with them requeuing? If they act up, they could just be kicked from that group too.

When someone is kicked from a group, they are no longer that group’s problem. There’s no reason to have that group’s Vote to Kick also have lasting effects on that player’s abilities to join other, 100% unrelated, groups.

We don’t need a program for that. We don’t need a judging system at all, actually, as we would then have this exact scenario continue to happen. I am talking about the innocents that are kicked that have done nothing wrong. Or make a misplay and get insta-kicked for it. They are already being removed from their group, and may have to sit in a potentially long queue already, on top of not being able to finish their dungeon run. There’s absolutely no reason to further punish them by adding on a 30 minute lockout. That’s just a bad experience all around, caused by Blizzard themselves.

Source this. I’ve never heard of this, though it would be cool. Though this doesn’t at all affect scenarios of 4 man dungeon groups insta-kicking people, or 2 man IE groups doing the same.

And why is it a problem for a 4 man group to do this, as it is basically their group, you might ask? Because it is not uncommon to do so and gurantee loot, as well as potentially more xp, if you are leveling, for your group of friends.

Said person being kicked would be an innocent victim being punished for using Blizzard’s LFG tool, for no reason other than Blizzard’s RNG system assigning them to that group.

It’s bad enough that they had to waste a 30+ minute DPS queue just to get insta-kicked, but then they also get to suffer a 30 minute deserter debuff before they are even allowed to get back into their next 30+ minute queue.

There’s a post about it almost every other day. If we’re lucky, about once a week, at the least.

There’s literally no reason they wouldn’t do that now. What would stop them? Morality? Lol, if they are insta-kicking people already, they obviously don’t care about other people’s feelings, and won’t be stopped just because they’ll give someone a deserter debuff.

Also, I’m pretty sure there’s a CD on Vote to Kick, per group. I know there used to be, but Idk for sure if it’s still there. So “shopping” wouldn’t even be an option, anyways.

Yes it did happen and it happened a lot. Were you a tank in Wrath, by chance? If you were, that’s probably why you didn’t see it.


Suggesting that this was ever a problem, what’s the problem with just letting them requeue? If they are going to make a habit of holding groups hostage, a 30 minute debuff isn’t going to stop them.

Instead of fixing an issue that was never there, Dungeon Deserter only added further punishments for innocent players who are victims to premade groups.

Why didn’t you fix it before you queued?

The system was being abused. Prior people only got the debuff for leaving. So they figured out that if they got kicked they would not get the debuff. Blizzard fixed that.

And welcome to real life. I don’t manufacture diet drugs illegally using cold medicine, but I still have to get it from the pharmacist now. I don’t fill up my gas tank and then drive off, but I still have to pre-pay for my gas.

Why do people say this? It doesn’t matter. See… we all pay good money.


Because that’s completely unfair to dps? Plus, kicking someone triggers the kicking timer. DPS shouldn’t be wasting that timer on a spoiled tank or healer.

LOL yes it did. It worked beautifully. When is the last time you have seen a healer or tank sit at the entrance and refuse to move until the group kicked them? I haven’t seen it since Wrath.


What’s that saying about fixing yourself before trying to fix others?


Literally never. Not a single time has this ever occurred for me. Been playing since BC, for context.

How, exactly? If a tank acts up in a group, just kick him. Make him find another group. It’s honestly that simple. And if he acts up in that group, too? They can kick him as well. There is no flaw in this. He will learn that he can’t complete dungeons if nobody will let him stay in their group.

Edit: And furthermore, how does kicking a tank who “holds a group hostage” stop the next tank from holding a group hostage if kicking the first one invokes a Vote to Kick CD? It doesn’t. At all.

No, it really doesn’t


I have news for you OP. You can’t be kicked in the first like 2 minutes of the dungeon. If yall stood around for 2 minutes without pulling anything then you had plenty of time to fix your ui or reset it to default.