This never happened. You’re talking about a once in a blue moon scenario.
And what’s wrong with them requeuing? If they act up, they could just be kicked from that group too.
When someone is kicked from a group, they are no longer that group’s problem. There’s no reason to have that group’s Vote to Kick also have lasting effects on that player’s abilities to join other, 100% unrelated, groups.
We don’t need a program for that. We don’t need a judging system at all, actually, as we would then have this exact scenario continue to happen. I am talking about the innocents that are kicked that have done nothing wrong. Or make a misplay and get insta-kicked for it. They are already being removed from their group, and may have to sit in a potentially long queue already, on top of not being able to finish their dungeon run. There’s absolutely no reason to further punish them by adding on a 30 minute lockout. That’s just a bad experience all around, caused by Blizzard themselves.
Source this. I’ve never heard of this, though it would be cool. Though this doesn’t at all affect scenarios of 4 man dungeon groups insta-kicking people, or 2 man IE groups doing the same.
And why is it a problem for a 4 man group to do this, as it is basically their group, you might ask? Because it is not uncommon to do so and gurantee loot, as well as potentially more xp, if you are leveling, for your group of friends.
Said person being kicked would be an innocent victim being punished for using Blizzard’s LFG tool, for no reason other than Blizzard’s RNG system assigning them to that group.
It’s bad enough that they had to waste a 30+ minute DPS queue just to get insta-kicked, but then they also get to suffer a 30 minute deserter debuff before they are even allowed to get back into their next 30+ minute queue.
There’s a post about it almost every other day. If we’re lucky, about once a week, at the least.
There’s literally no reason they wouldn’t do that now. What would stop them? Morality? Lol, if they are insta-kicking people already, they obviously don’t care about other people’s feelings, and won’t be stopped just because they’ll give someone a deserter debuff.
Also, I’m pretty sure there’s a CD on Vote to Kick, per group. I know there used to be, but Idk for sure if it’s still there. So “shopping” wouldn’t even be an option, anyways.