Could implement some sort of system so if you are kicked from a dungeon and either a certain amount of time has past or a boss is killed. You don’t get the debuff.
Or at the very least, you get a short version of it. Like 5 minutes or something.
Could implement some sort of system so if you are kicked from a dungeon and either a certain amount of time has past or a boss is killed. You don’t get the debuff.
Or at the very least, you get a short version of it. Like 5 minutes or something.
The problem is how does blizzard prove one is clearly abusing the system at the time when it is relevant in order to intervene in a reasonable manner.
If people are saying racist things, report them. It isn’t hard. Getting into it with other players can get you kicked. If you care, then don’t get into it with them. Just do the report and don’t respond.
Honestly, sometimes it -is- >.< They’ve made it all pretty wonky to report people in-game. Often it’s nested deep in menus… half the people you see in chat you can’t right-click to ignore or report either.
I actually do think it could use some attention and polishing.
I’ve legit had a hunter barrage pull a pack of mobs and blame it on me and started a witch hunt to get me VTK’d.
Because I wouldn’t give him my agi trinket that I got on my feral druid… Had several screenshots of him demanding it and threatening to VTK me if I didn’t hand it over. (This was LFR in Legion.) Reported him and sent int screenshots, GM never responded. (I know they don’t ever tell you if they do anything to the other player, but my ticket was never answered, it just vanished. Resubmitted and it vanished again, no response.)
you seem to be choosing to interpret this to suit your own needs.
Using a feature which Blizzard has given to the players, is not a violation.
You seem to be misunderstanding it. MISUSE of these features is a violation of ToS. Which griefing via VTK is a misuse of the system.
The ToS is full of flavorful language such as “abusive behavior” which doesn’t have a black and white definition, but can basically be summed up to Blizzard can ban for whatever Blizzard wants to ban for.
Throughout this thread you see people conceding it can be considered a jerk thing to do, is doing a jerk thing “abusive behavior”?
This reminds me of bank ninjas. People would get promoted within the guild to have access to the bank–ninjas would withdraw everything, then gquit. Blizzard took action against this–even though they were using a built in feature of the game. Blizzard considered it “abusive”.
The rules can basically be summed up to don’t be a jerk, as defined by blizzard, and the easiest way for them to determine that is by reading the chat logs–which is the best way to report in these type of instances. When chat isn’t involved? I personally havent seen random vtk happen enough to be a real issue.
If it become a lot more common, I would honestly be surprised if blizzard didn’t tweak the system.
There is no “misuse” of the vote kick system. Again–you can kick anyone for any reason you wish. As such, it’s impossible to be in violation.
Again, if you have questions, ask on Customer Support. The support forum agents there can answer your questions. Vrakthis is on and he’s pretty cool.
I do find it interesting that no one seems to actually want a real answer on this. It’s available. They’ve certainly answered it in the past.
Just because you don’t like the reason doesn’t stop it from existing. When a vtk passes it means that the majority of players in that group no longer want you there. A group simply not wanting you in their party is just as valid of a reason as any. This isn’t a playground where people have to play with you.
I don’t think you understand why they are posting. It isn’t for a answer… its in hopes blizzard changes how the system works so they can punish other people or force them to have them in their groups.
Once you understand most people seem to want power over other people in game a lot of these silly threads sadly start to make sense.
Dude there’s a lot a reasons to kick someone from a group… low dps/hps/bad tank, being from x server (ragnaros cofcof… wait…), as soon as you enter a group there’s a huge increment of lag for whatever reason and doesn’t go down till you leave the group (it happens…), maybe you joined a 4 man group and a friend of them logged in, you don’t talk/talk too much… and everything i said is a valid reason for a vote kick.
There’s no harrasment or abusive behavior in any of these motives.
Griefing is, and always has been, a violation of the ToS. You can grief people in ways that aren’t listed directly as ToS, you can indeed misuse a system already in place. VTK was meant to remove bad/toxic/DC’d/uncompliant players who are stopping/hindering progression. Not as a means to harrass someone or start witch hunts. Invoking a whole team of people unjustly against a targetted player for fun or harassment IS INDEED against the ToS.
You’re apparently a MVP, please stop spreading false information.
Other than a single kick, I’m not entirely clear on how VTK is used for witch-hunts or harassment? Like, they get to kick you once… but… after that?
How is it used after that one time?
“Feeling” violated, doesn’t make it a violation.
It’s perfectly ok to kick someone for any reason, or no reason at all.
Kicking you from a group because the group doesn’t want you there isn’t griefing or harrasment. Other players don’t have to like you or want to play with you. This isn’t a schoolyard playground.
But they literally keeps saying it what happened to them violates the ToS, which is what Crepe is correcting them on.
Kicking, screaming and shouting the wrong information while having a forum tantrum doesn’t make it correct and spreads misinformation.
The thing is… no matter how many times you brought this thing up, kicking someone for whatever reason isn’t griefing and it’ll never be griefing.
Some bad actors… and these are true scandals I would never ever associate with use mods to detect what servers people are on and remove certain ones they find…“problematic”
I can’t think of any other example where it could be used as a witch hunt.
How does that work though? Even if they found them on other realms, they have to get into those groups, then get kick power?
I’m just not following how sustained harassment through VTK would work.