Blizzard needs to start punishing players who are clearly abusing the vote-kick system. I was minding my own business dpsing a dungeon I waited half an hour to get into, and this guy on my server made racist remarks and continued to solicit his guild to me even after I didn’t respond. After putting them on ignore and reporting someone else in the group for promoting racism. I was kicked mid boss-fight for no reason. I was dpsing, top of the chart, not that that matters in normal, not pulling mobs as I wasn’t tanking. And I hadn’t said a single word in chat. People who clearly abuse this sytem should not be able to give other players a 30 minute debuff cooldown timer and get off with no punishment.
While that would be nice, there’s no way to track what might have happened and it’s a “he said, she said” scenario. Blizz can’t go back and look to see why you were kicked and then determine if it was a good or bad reason.
False reporting, sure. False kicking… that would be harder to do and take much more time and people to police.
How would Blizzard be able to determine “abuse” in this scenario?
I love waiting 30 minutes for a dungeon queue, then getting kicked for no reason they can read chat. Then waiting 30 more minutes for deserter, then another 30 for another queue. Wasting 1.5 hours of my time.
I’m always on the fence about this subject. If everyone else in the group feel you should be removed, it’s their choice however, it does put people in a bad spot.
I thought at one point, you were only allowed so many kicks in a day or week.
Chat logs?
You could also bring combat logs into this showing who hit what mob first to see if a dps was trolling by pulling or other things. It’s not impossible to verify what happened with logs, so far blizzard just doesn’t seem to want to take the time. You can also read the text what was the reason given for the kick as well.
Chat doesn’t tell them what may or may not have occurred in the dungeon run. There are a myriad of different reasons to legitimately kick someone. I don’t think they keep a recording of every dungeon run to know what may or may not have happened outside of chat.
I never said I liked the system getting abused. So please try not to be snappy with me, when all I’m saying is that chat alone is not the basis for a legitimate kick.
I think it would be rather easy to tell who is abusing the vote kick.
first step would be to track who is doing it the most.
the person who starts the vote kick could be assigned karma points and when they hit a certain point it could flag there account for blizz to look into.
that would be a start and is better than what they’re doing now, turning a blind eye.
Playing devil’s advocate here, but who decides who is abusing the system? Like you said, people kick for no reason given at times. Is there a Bliz group that will be responsible to monitor and check all vote kick requests? Will they be on salary or volunteers? What will the turn around time be for the reviews? Bliz is already cutting costs so who is gonna pay for these new jobs / duties?
Let’s say there are truly 2 million active players and 1 out of a thousand are kicked for various reasons per hour. That would mean there would be 2,000 objects to review per hour. So that would be 48,000 per day. Do you see the pattern that would lead to a need for what they have now, an automated result? We have the best result they can offer for the volume of potential issues leaving reporting as the only alternative to issues you feel should be addressed.
I get venting but when demanding change you need to use some logic on what can be done.
You’re defending people abusing the system and giving a ridiculous reason of why blizzard can’t deal with it, as a multi-trillion dollar company via all their assets with activision and blizzard. You have in no way helped or contributed to this discusssion other than giving blizzard excuses as to why they can’t even follow their own ToS.
No partial group queues. Then it’s over. You’ll only be kicked for being bad, dumb, troll, or afk.
What’s the solution here?
Please explain how you would detect ‘improper kicking that deserves punishing’?
Considering I already stated how I would above, I fail to see the purpose in this response. But since you clearly didn’t read them and are just looking to troll. I stated that reviewing the chat log, combat log, reason given for kick, and history of the person who put up the kick should all be factors.
I’m pretty sure they can.
On that note - OP - report the players involved. That’ll send the chat logs surrounding the kick.
I’ve seen this in other games but when you do indicate a vote to kick, there should be 3 or 4 options where you HAVE to select one before choosing accept. That would generate a reason every time.
Keep the textbox too if you like.
Oh… yeah your notion that GM’s should review the logs and combat logs for every vote kick?
I meant like… an actual practical realistic solution.
Not that fantasy.
I did report the two people. Initially for the racial comments, but also because one of the people was constantly soliciting their guild to me when I clearly showed no interest.
How can you prove intent? What is considered abuse, when it is doing exactly what is was designed for? Yeah, it sucks, trust me, I’m a shaman, I know, but how do you sort out who deserves to be punished without hundreds of man hours each week?
Mixed feelings here, obviously racism isn’t justified, they were absolutely wrong to say racist things, BUT the issue is that dungeons and so on are the only place to recruit new guildies now, see the SGI add-on is no longer working, and you can’t spam guild ads in trade anymore or you might get silenced…
Obviously if you said no thank you and they kept carrying on though…fair enough.