Vote kick needs punishment

I think you’re looking at this from the wrong perspective. They sounded like a group of miserable people. I hope you reported the ones using racist language. Instead of taking offense at being kicked, it sounds like it was “their loss” if you truly did have top DPS. Just something to think about…

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Because the kick is just one moment in time.

If, prior to the kick, people are harassing you, then they are just as subject to discipline as anyone else.

Personally - to answer your question - i have no more patience for it. If you want to disrespect people in an online game, i’m going to report you. It wasn’t always this way, but my trigger finger has become itchy.

Why? Because the game is so much more pleasant when I don’t have to deal with negative, whiny people. On that end, the idea of “frivilous reports” is a ridiculous idea. Customer Service groups will develop policies based on the volume of incoming behavior of players. If kicking becomes contentious enough, then the system will be modified.

Don’t think for a moment that Blizzard doesn’t consider how their own players create a negative experience for others. Vote Kick is a half-way measure; it eliminates some problems and introduces new ones.

What did they say?

Methinks that there’s more to this story. Just saying.

Worldwide there are 7 million players, but most are in China.

Trelii … Source?.. Where did, and how did you get that number?

Who’s “they?” Blizzard? Do we have evidence that they do not consider it as such?

Just because you can do something, does not make it right.

Doing both seems very trollish.

It would require at least 30 new GM’s to get started. I agree this would be just bad business for Blizzard who is already on the line with this EXPAC and dead in the water on Diablo mobile.

It gets used for that but are they really “breaking any rules?” Same with this topic, it becomes a gray area.

Y’all got smart phones right?

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It’s a system where I don’t think there are any easy remedies. This forum they might make it possible to cut back on trolling if we could see alts. But in game if a multiboxer can outvote others while they’re actually one person, that seems like it could be a reportable offense if it’s being abused. Have not heard officially if they took out the limitations on frequent use of vote kicking.

Bet you all the baby went away after all the justified hate he is getting. AND still think he is in the right.

Sit down, child. Let the big boys handle this… “abuse”. Since you clearly do NOT know ANYTHING about how to run a game on this scale.

That’s not actually the reason. Some things are easier to moderate and take less time and people to do so. Forums are extremely easy to moderate. There’s data that can easily be accessed to look for cheats and hacks. But dungeon runs? 24/7? That’s a horse of a different color. And requires more than just seeing what keys someone hits to know if it’s a legitimate kick or not.

it’s funny, all of these “i got kicked for no reason” threads , once they go on long enough and you see enough responses from the OP. you realize quickly why those people got kicked.


I have rarely been kicked when doing group content. I also participate fully and also try to communicate while in runs. If I don’t know something I tell everyone in the instance chat in the beginning so there are no surprises. If you are sociable in your runs the chances of being kicked go down significantly. If you have friends you group with it goes down to none if you have at least 3 friends. Ignoring people and just not chatting whether you are top DPS or not puts people off and increases your chance of being kicked.

I’m beginning to feel the same way myself with how defensive you’re being. This is a DISCUSSION forum. People are going to say that they disagree with you for various reasons.

While I agree that the VtK process needs another lookong at (especially UI changes) I don’t see any way for Bliz to do what you are stating.

Trolls will always find ways to exploit things. The VtK system we have now (meaning deserter debuff) is better than what we originally had.

Blizzard barely has money to pay its developers. I dont think they have any babysitting money at all these days to rid the game of teenagers who like to ruin the game for others.

Being vote kicked is the punishment.

Simple internet searches, and some were to the Blizzard corporate site for the annual reports.