Vote kick needs punishment

I agree completely. The people who get kicked from groups should be punished. If it happens a lot they should look into it and perhaps suspend their accounts.

Trust me when I tell you they can see every key you push when you’re in the game. I remember an incident way back in 2007 where someone tried to dupe a GM and it didn’t go well for them because the GM had a log.

I don’t know about that
that one guy a few back said he and a friend were doing it for fun.

Clusters are statistical anomalies
but they do happen. You want to be the person who winds up getting suspended because of someone’s kick game?

You have to do a risk assessment when making large changes that affect lots of people. Only bad businesses do not do that.

Why are there so many Night Elves?

I guarantee I won’t be unjustly kicked so much that they would need to look into it because no one is unjustly kicked often if it ever even happens to most people a single time.

I’m pretty sure actiblizz didn’t from wod on

ba dam tish

They may have and decided to deal with risk rather than act upon it. However, larger-scale companies that do this are usually either bad or very limited on resources for that project.

My point is, we’ve already got people admitting they abuse the system in a thread where we’re discussing abuses of the system.

There is, in theory, a small number of people who would be legitimately impacted by that proposed change.

Given how the current system is already a mess of cut/paste responses that take a bit of work to get through we really don’t want to add more to that. Especially given how they seem to favor automating those processes.

Except that does not solve the problem at hand.

HOW would you determine which “vote kicks” were abusive and which were not? You are skipping a pretty important step and going straight to review. How would an abusive vote kick be flagged?

If you give players a prompt saying “You were vote kicked. Do you wish to contest this?” everyone and their dog would click yes. Then, imagine how many man hours it would take for GM’s to read through each chat log (Say, Yell, Whisper, Party, Raid Warning, ect, ect)

The two big problems with your solution is that there is no real solid way to single out abusive kicks and the time it would take to review them is quite a lot in man hours.

Do you think that Blizzard likes the system being abused? Heck no, unhappy customers are not a good thing, but their hands are tied! The best way to avoid stuff like this would be to group with friends, safety in numbers in a way. Is it the answer you are looking for? Probably not, but what you are asking is very unrealistic.

Also, the fact that out of all the MVP’s you could try to say “don’t know what they are talking about”, the fact that you choose Crepe is just laughable. Crepe is by far one of the most knowledgeable in the program and is, more often than not, correct in his statements. Trying to mold the ToS and what it covers to your needs isn’t going to hold much water.



No it just needs to be reined in, so that scenarios like the one your describing happen less often.

Overwatch has a system of limiting the number of ignores a player can have. If thats working they should considered a similar system and limiting the number of kicks a person can vote for, maybe.

I think a big part of the problem is that the OP is conflating the abusive chat (which is a violation of ToS) with the kick (which while being uncool
doesn’t rise to the level of ToS violation).

More context needed.

Also, how do you teach your dog (or pet) to play wow?

::in best fake Connery voice::

You’re sitting on a gold mine, Trebek!

I think once a player has had enough confirmed reports against them, they should lose the ability to vote kick.

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Reports for what, though?

This circles back to what myself and some of the others are saying: you either inundate the system with requests to flag people for “no kicking” or you automate the process and run the risk of becoming a victim of the very system you’re suggesting.

and then they get inundated with requests to “unflag” them.

And then, in the scenario you propose, what happens if the crucial vote in a group getting trolled winds up being someone who can’t vote?

Me too. Unless the person has DC/ed, I always vote no. I don’t believe in kicking for low dps, because PEOPLE SOMETIMES HAVE BAD GEAR! No sense in punishing people for bad gear, poor internet speed, etc. If the person is a rude, obnoxious sack of kodo droppings, yeah
 kick them. If the person is trying, but struggling
 maybe they only have one hand irl? Maybe they have a slow pc or connection. Maybe noone ever stops and helps them. Maybe their gear is all greens and they have no gold?

Learn to just be good enough to carry them if you have to. Someday you might need to be carried.

This is just more of the toxicity that is ruining this game and has caused the most subscription loss in the first 6months of an expac ever.

Blizzard won’t do in game punishments. The only thing I see people getting banned for in-game are exploits and cheating.

They may give forum bans out easily, but they know with people hanging on by a thread, even a 3 day ban on someone in-game is likely a customer loss.

If you multibox you can VTK and approve it all by yourself.

If you initiate and approve your own kick, will it implode the game?


::inception noise::

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And if you get kicked for a non-chat reason like afking or constantly pulling training your group with extra mobs?

People multibox and upvote their own comments on here too. :open_mouth: