This entire discussion is why LFR shouldn’t exist.
I think the vote kick does a really good job of walking a tight rope between having the ability to kick someone versus it being abused. Yes, you might get the off time where you’re voted out for no good reason. But if that’s more than once every six months to a year, the problem isn’t the system.
I don’t believe their is a workable Solution, at best we can have a system of compromises ie what we have now.
Depending on the patch and expansion I have been grossly outhealed by tanks. The tanks own heals take priority over mine and if the content is easy nobody else will take damage.
Legion prot warriors with that talent that healed everyone for a portion of damage dealt.
At a certain point its just a numbers game.
Kicked 6 times
4 between 4.0 and 4.3
4 by partial guild groups
Oh and all 6 healing, I have never being kicked as tank or dps despite making some dumb mistakes over the years.
The outliers kicked for low dps while healing, someone complained about the pally dps, i check the logs and saw I was 4th beating a ret pally by about double, I inspected him, cloth chest, tank trinkets and 1 handed weapon, OK i will vote kick this guy, “you have been removed from group” Pretty sure he selected me and vote kicked and nobody paid attention to the name.
The other was the first legion tw,3 guilds a pug dps and I was a pug healer, dps 6k,4k,3k.
Vote kick on lowest dps - the pug or low dps, I vote no, and again and i vote no again.He is active his dps is low but he is trying and he is whopping 20% below the next, I just don’t kick for that sort of thing. We are running up to the last boss and “you have been removed from group” meh. Nobody had died, i had done the fights correctly and i don’t think anyone ever got below 50% hp. Pretty sure i got kicked for not agreeing with their other 2 vote kicks.
I still don’t think vote kick needs to be changed.