Vote kick needs punishment

Hey. We’re lovely people. : )

I suppose that does make some sense. This is more just me getting it off my chest. I am not overly concerned about it. If I ever did auto grouping content I would be livid but I make my own groups and filter them so it doesn’t really effect me.

I suppose it will just be one more box to check for classic. I won’t have to keep a list of people I can’t group into their instance with.

The guy asked to solve the issue of people just doing nothing and saying kick me I want to leave and I don’t want deserter.

Crepe is correct, take it to customer support if you want a blue response.
Contacting you post vote kick would definitely be considered harrasmant, But the vote kick itself it not a matter for support. I have no idea about the vote kick reason but given if your kicked you can’t even see it I doubt it.

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Somehow, I don’t feel like we are getting the whole story. Even if what you said was true, be glad they did kick you. Ignore them and never group with that person again. Why run to the forums, when you have the tools available to you to handle the situation. Report, ignore and move on.

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Why are people obsessed with the idea of punishing the people who kicked them even though the rules mean you can kick people for any reason. You can’t try to conflate kicking you as harassment, griefing, bullying, etc. They already don’t consider it to be that way. You simply calling it that doesn’t change anything.


Exactly, it is a vote. You may not like the outcome of the vote, but it was voted on and passed. Majority rules…just how life works sorry :smile:

Ultimately, unless Blizzard’s willing to invest the time and money into greatly expanding in-game moderators, there’s no real solution here. These things really merit sentient investigation to be effective and accurate, both in determining the truth and doling out appropriate deterrents.

Not that they shouldn’t do that, just that they won’t.

I have played with people with a bad connection in london, i have played with a guy from malta. Our raid leader plays from Sydney and his connection is so bad he sometime plays over mobile. I have never seen anyone else connection affect my connection to the server.

Yup. One guild I was in had an NZ raid leader, tank from Aussieland, top dps from Russia on an east coast realm. They had horrid latency but we managed to kill stuffs, get lootz, etc.

it’s not the reason, and it’s not a double standard in the way you’re implying.

NA + EU servers are subject to different laws, they are not connected in any way with each other, so it’s a physical impossibility for players from both regions to connect with each other.

It’s got nothing to do with “you can’t group because of server distance”.

I don’t always start a vote kick, but when I do start a vote kick the reason is always “ Dickbut”
The vote passes greater than 95% of the time.

So, just to be clear about it:

If my friends and I set out to waste people’s que time by vote kicking them. Then its fine so long as we all vote on it?

That’s a yes on that?

I’m not saying that’s what happened here. I’m saying that you seem to be making this case and I wonder if you mean to do so.

It sounds a little like saying that if the game works a certain way, and you do the thing the game lets you do, then it can’t be an exploit because the game lets you do it.

When a player gets kicked, have the incoming replacement player appear to remaining players as a doppelganger of the player that was kicked.

“Oh…so you don’t like green armor, eh?”


“Oh…so you don’t like green armor, eh?”


“Oh…so you don’t like green armor, eh?”

“Sorry, charlie…you’ve kicked too many players recently and will be removed from the group. Enjoy the deserter buff and have a nice day!”

In Cata you would have been given 1 or 3 different messages about not being able to kick any players after the first or 2nd kick

I agree OP

The vote kicks are out of control, specifically under 120. Saturday I was kicked at lvl 20 on my mage in the stockades for not casting mage table at the last boss. Today i was kicked from wailing caverns on my lvl 19 warlock for literally no reason

The no kicks in combat was changed at some point because there were people who would deliberately troll and then ensure the group stayed in combat so they couldn’t get kicked for it.

lol now you win the internet. :rofl:

With the island expeditions they should remove vote to kick and just have an automatic boot timer if a person is afk for more than say 3 minutes.

The “abuse” was them saying racist stuff, which you reported.

People can kick anyone, for any reason.

This is the part where I’m confused. This entire guild, out of the blue, decided to pick on you for no reason? I’m not attacking you, I’m trying to get some context here.

Even Danny in the original Karate Kid had that first encounter with the cobra kai at the beach involving the radio.

So…have you crossed paths with these people before? What’s the history?

Knowing a bit of that helps frame a response for how to best address the situation going forward.