Vote kick, does it take 3 or 4 votes now?

Therein lies the fatal flaw of the system. It’s absurd.

As I’ve said, I don’t think I’ve ever been kicked from a dungeon, so I think the system is fine.

If you’ve been kicked from a dungeon, perhaps it’s you.

Everyone should take time to read this thread. And just go through the elitism which is instilled in wow.

Read what MVP members had to say on vote kicking. She has a lot to say for being only a solo player who does not do any kind group content.

Also glad we are now all talking about how vote kick is being abused.

Soon we will have a suitable system that holds players who kick others responsible.

First step towards change is awareness.

There isn’t a single Community Council member who has posted here.

Did you mean the MVP player? They are just repeating the official Blizzard stance, so it’s not like they are saying anything strange.

I meant on the thread which is linked.

There isn’t one on that one either.

Green is MVP, Yellow is Community Council, Blue is Blizzard employees.

Are you confusing colors?

Look properly and try to pay attention.

I said the thread I linked. So that would mean my post. I have 3 posts on this thread. So it won’t be hard.

Read what I wrote now read what you are asking me.

Did I type MVP or did I type council ?

Yes, I looked through the thread, no one from the Community Council has posted.

You are right.


I get why the system is in place but unfortunately people can still abuse it. I was tanking and thought I was doing a good job. Pulling mobs at a reasonable pace, the team was mowing our enemies down. Then suddenly I was kicked, nobody had said anything to me about a problem with my tanking. I wish I could know the reason why so I can do better in the the future lol

Now I’m pushed out for 30 minutes from dungeon finder :frowning:

Vote kick can’t be abused.

Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.

You can be kicked for no reason.

You can be kicked for any reason.

Even if the reason is stupid.

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Yes that is exactly what is called as a broken system.

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It is actually a thing that happens… but it only further emphasizes that vote kicking as a majority rule is a good thing (especially with the additional information you provided). So… here’s a Dark Legacy Comic to explain how it usually occurs (safe to say, it doesn’t help the crowd who keep claiming that vote kicking is abused):

Angry people are easy to trick. Not much else to say besides that!

It could only be broken if you’re in the habit of causing yourself to be kicked from groups.

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Dragon flight start to finish expansion - Zero kicks.

EA TWW - kicked three times.

1 - SP wanted to go super fast Ara Kara. I got kicked.

2- got kicked out of Dawnbreaker for going fast in first boss

3 - kicked out of Ara Kara for taking left and team went right.

None of this would be encouraged if players were held accountable and were only given 2 kicks per day. And remove the rebuff from players who get kicked.

It doesn’t matter what reasons you list. The group you were in voted, you were kicked. That is their choice.

And force players to play with players that they don’t want to play with, that a majority of people in a group doesn’t want to play with…?

No. Just straight up: no.
This is the type of suggestion that can only create bad scenarios.

No. Again, no.
We used to not have this and folks just abused it to get out of dungeons without any deserter debuff. What you are suggesting here is what led to a serious case of serial-hostage taking that occurred during Wrath.

How have you only reached item level 565 by the third week?

Could it be because of the lack of tanks, resulting in longer queue times due to frequent tank removals?

Queues are quite snappy for me. Sub 3 minutes most of the time. You aren’t the only tank.

Nope. Because I’m a casual player and I’m not stressing about ilvls.

But that’s a unique attempt at combining a strawman (“because of an assumed presupposed scenario that isn’t happening”) and an ad hominem (“you are just ilvl 565 and this personal quality of you/your character can be used as my argument”). That is truly a unique way … to argue in bad faith.

So please… stop trolling or get better at it so it is humorous at least.

Let’s be honest here… very few people out of all players playing WoW would want 'em to tank for a group. At least judging by their behaviour in this thread.